
At dawn, it meant that they would have to pay respects to Lu Yulin's parents, and it also meant that they would have to see Lu Yulin and his wife again.

"Do you think I should put a symbol on my stomach to keep my baby safe?"

I put on my clothes and said to Lu Chen.

"No need, I don't know either. I don't believe this." He was wearing a tie and was frowning as if he wasn't feeling well.

"What's the matter with you?" I deliberately asked, and then pretended to be enlightened, "I know, is it a headache? I told you to go drink yesterday, you deserved it. "

Lu Chen scolded me, "Bad thing, did you not forget even after sleeping?"

I shook my head at him and said, "That's easy. I have a good memory. "You finally made a mistake. I'll remember it even after I die."

Lu Chen smiled but did not say anything. He was busy putting on his clothes.

There was no point in provoking him. I pursed my lips and asked, "Where's the cemetery?"

"Fragrant River Tomb Garden."

This place sounds somehow familiar. I obediently packed up the things in my hands, not daring to look at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen seemed to notice something was amiss and asked, "How come you don't have any reaction?"

"No!" I answered without looking up.

"You know you can't lie in front of me, right?" Lu Chen asked, lifting my head.

I avoided his eyes and said, "I... "I'm not lying, I have good news to tell you, I'm afraid you're unhappy."

Lu Chen raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is there any good news even if I'm unhappy?"

I stammered out a sentence with much difficulty, "We ?" And when he dies... It will also be buried there. Isn't it very close to brother and sister-in-law? "

Lu Chen froze for a moment, then realized that I had told him I had bought the cemetery for both of us.

He said to me with a cold expression, "There... You've really put in a lot of effort. "

"When I was alive, I couldn't buy a good house, so I had to live better after I died. You are not allowed to bully me now, otherwise I will not bring you to live in the future. "

Lu Chen was getting angrier and angrier as he listened, and he knocked me on the head.

I rubbed my head as I stared at him in dissatisfaction, "If you won't let me say it, then I will say it. Everyone will die. Don't look at how pretty you are right now, even if you die, you'll just die a pile of white ashes. If you don't want to be buried with me, then forget it. "

"You're getting more and more excited, aren't you?" Lu Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he pinched my mouth, "When did I say I didn't want to be buried together with you?"

He was pinching my lips, so I tried to open my mouth, "So are we going to put it in a jar from now on? If you put it in, do you want to shake it? "

Lu Chen tilted his head in thought. "I think so." Then he slapped his own head, "I was led astray by you too."

I slapped his hand away from my mouth and confidently said, "What are you being impartial for? You've agreed to write this down in your will."

Lu Chen wanted to hit me again, but I dodged him.

"Are you done saying all these early in the morning? We're going out. "

I pouted and muttered, "You don't believe this, do you? Who cares what I say? The things have been tidied up, but the heart has not been tidied up well. "

Lu Chen forced out a smile. "We're already at this point, you're not allowed to make things difficult for us."

"A gentleman doesn't kill the heart. Do you care what I think?"

Ye Zichen walked out without even looking at him.

As I sat in the car, I had the feeling that this was the first time Lu Chen had taken me to his former world.

I have been with him for so long, but I know nothing about Lu Chen's past. I didn't know anything except what he said.

But he couldn't possibly have been in his thirties since birth. He had always been there.

I'm actually still a little nervous.

Lu Chen turned around in his car and asked me, "What happened to you? "Unceasingly releasing their pent-up auras."

"I didn't do anything! The first time I went to pay my respects to them, it was probably because I was a little nervous. "

Lu Chen smiled, "Don't worry, they are very good people." Even if I'm still alive, I'll be very happy to see you. "

"Is that so?" "I remember that the first time you saw me, you were unhappy. You're sure they would be happy."

"I ?" His words rendered him speechless. When Lu Yulin brought me to call him over, he had a stern expression on his face as if he wanted to eat someone.

I generously said to him, "It's fine, I won't remember that enemy of yours. It's fine as long as you like me now."

I suddenly felt that Lu Chen was the perfect candidate to get married. He was truly rich and handsome, and had the ability and means. He was smart and doted on his wife, and his parents had both passed away. Thus, there wouldn't be any messy nuptial relationship between them.

While I was lost in thought, I suddenly heard Lu Chen ask, "What are you laughing so foolishly for?"

I covered my face and said with an uncontrollable smile, "Why did you marry me?"

Lu Chen's voice sounded unhappy, "Are you happy or not?"

"Of course I'm happy! If you don't have an unlucky nephew, you'll be happier. "

While we were talking, we had already arrived at the mausoleum garden. Lu Yulin was standing at the entrance, waiting for Lu Chen. This was because behind him stood a large group of reporters, all carrying cameras and microphones.

Nowadays, were rich people's news worth more than news of celebrities?

In an instant, my expression turned stiff as I looked at Lu Chen, who seemed to be seeking revenge. "You didn't tell me that was the case before I came here."

If I am not wrong, there is also a trace of surprise on Lu Chen's face.

"I only found out now that he hired a reporter." Lu Chen looked outside, subconsciously unbuckling his seatbelt.

I glanced outside and tugged at my seat belt. "I don't want to go down. Let's go home."

Lu Chen's hand was already reaching for the handle of the car. Just as he was about to open the door, he heard my words and abruptly stopped. "Mu, don't mess around."

"I'm not messing around, Lu Yulin is. What did he invite the reporters here for? I still haven't told you, it's obviously a result of my bad intentions. "

"He probably wants more people to know what happened today. Be good and get out."

I still hold on to my seat belt, "No, I won't go down, he wants more people to know, I don't. You don't need to send me back. I'll just sit in the car and wait for you to come out. "

Lu Yulin seemed to have seen us as well. Seeing that we hadn't left the car for a long time, she couldn't wait any longer and knocked on the window of Lu Chen's car, "Uncle, what's wrong? If you're here, why don't you get out of the car? "

"Is that the reporter you called?" Lu Chen asked, looking at him coldly.

"I did not call them." Lu Yulin rubbed his nose, glancing at Lu Chen as he continued, "I only sent a message to them. "He knew that our family was going to appear at the same time, so he didn't even need me to invite them."

That's right, Lu Yulin and I were previously infected by the explosion, so the Internet was like a pot being fried. Since there was nothing more powerful to be expected, the news went cold.

Libre Baskerville
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