
Back then, he had quarreled with him and left in a bad mood, so he didn't bring much to change his clothes. I don't think that I can still live peacefully under the same roof as him. He should still be working at this hour, so I might as well go back and get some clothes.

Along the way, we caught a taxi to the apartment building. At the entrance, Uncle Security happily greeted me, "Madam Lu, you're back?"

I nodded to him, since when did people start calling me by Lu Chen's surname?

After typing in the password, I entered the room. Lu Chen's shoes were placed at the entrance. Puzzled, I looked into the room. Lu Chen sat on the sofa with a cup of tea in his hand, staring at me. When he didn't say anything, I said, "Let me get some clothes."

Lu Chen didn't respond. Instead, he got up and walked to the balcony. Leaning against the fence, he looked into the distance, leaving me with a cold back.

I opened the closet and found a suitcase. It was a big closet, and my clothes took up more than half of it, and it was sorted out, and I didn't do these things, he did them all.

He worked so hard at work every day and had to do housework at home. At my insistence, he finally agreed to ask his aunt to come and do the cleaning regularly, and he continued to do the work on my own.

He asked to be dressed, and I chose a few clothes that were more or less satisfied with his request. Most of the clothes in the closet had a girlish quality to them, and he seemed to like dressing me up like a little girl. I laughed self-deprecatingly. Am I not just a little girl in his eyes?

"Are you separating from me?" Lu Chen leaned against the door frame with a cup of water in hand, his voice was terrifyingly calm. Even if you and I had been separated for two years, I would have had a way of making it impossible for the court to decide to divorce us. "

I'd thought about getting a divorce, but this time I didn't. "I just want to go out and be quiet," I said. I sat on my knees, gathered up my things, and looked up at him with an air of supplication.

Lu Chen calmly took a sip of water and said, "You'll have to come back sooner or later. There's no need to put in so much effort. Just stay here and live well."

"Lu Chen, I ?"

"If I don't agree, don't even think about separating." Lu Chen let out a bitter smile, mocking, "Is this how you're used to me talking?"

I slumped to the ground, my hands hanging powerlessly in my suitcase. Why is he still so unreasonable?

I put my things back in place and put on my shoes to go out.

"Where are you going?" Standing on the balcony, Lu Chen asked.

He wouldn't let me go out to stay, but I still have something at the hotel. " I'll go get my things from the hotel. " After saying that, I stood still and waited for his reaction.

"No need, you need my permission to go out now."

I'm a citizen protected by the law. I have the basic right to personal freedom, but I don't want to argue with him. Having quarreled with him for so long, he was both hurt and hurt. I took off my shoes and went back into the house. I didn't spend my money on what I had thrown, and I didn't feel sorry for it.

I slumped down on the couch. Everything in the room was the same as it had been before, except for the eerie silence. After sitting for a while, I felt hungry and normal. I didn't eat at noon either.

I didn't have the mood to cook anything, so I cut some chopped green onions into two bowls of noodles.

I hesitated, but still asked. " Do you eat? "

"No appetite." He carried his notebook and knocked on the sofa as he returned.

I had no appetite and didn't force it. I ate the noodles and cleaned up the wok. Then, I took a bath and went to sleep as usual. I closed my eyes, but my consciousness was becoming more and more awake. I wanted to know if he would sleep in the same bed as me today.

After a while, the sound of running water came from the bathroom. Then the bed collapsed behind me and he fell asleep. I'm just waiting for a result, and I don't care what it is. The taut strings in my head loosened and I gradually fell asleep.

Late at night, the bed's uncontrollable shaking brought me back to reality. Earthquake? I looked at the glass of water on the bedside table with the nightlight. There was not a single ripple.

The jitter came from behind me. I turned on the light and the room instantly became bright again. Lu Chen lay curled up on the bed, trembling all over, his face ashen as he gritted his teeth.

"Did you have a stomach attack?" I asked anxiously.

He was silent.

He didn't eat at night, so he must have had a stomach attack. I jumped out of bed, brought him his usual medicine, poured him a glass of warm water, and set it on the nightstand.

I went out again to cook his porridge, long frozen rice in the fridge, in case he suddenly had a stomachache. In less than ten minutes, a bowl of steaming white porridge was ready. I added some baking soda to it. When he returned to his room with the porridge, he took the medicine and felt much better. Although his face still looked uncomfortable, it was no longer painful.

He took the porridge and ate the spoonful by spoonful without saying a word. I was so anxious while I was in bed.

When I woke up in the morning, the other side of my clothes was empty. It was already 7 am and Lu Chen should be going to work. Just in case he got into trouble again today, I changed into a new outfit, a black dress, and he couldn't pick it out.

By 8: 20 at the company, everything was in order.

As soon as I sat down, Tracy came in with the design script, her face heavy.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

Trish hands me a stack of designs, "Director, I'm about to resign. With so much of my work, I probably won't be able to rest until the end of the year. Also, I don't know where the problem with the CEO's markings is. "

"This time, the place where I made the circle is in conflict with the overall style. This design is so modern that it stands out in classical style clothes. This one is a good idea, but the skirt is too long. It would be better to mention the knee. I like this one very much. The reason Lu Chen gave you all the loops should be because you mixed the styles together. He likes to bring a style to its peak. "

Trish holds her head up as she looks at me, her eyes sparkling with worship, though I think she's a little fake. "Director, you're awesome."

"How am I amazing? These are all Lu Chen's comments on my previous designs." "It's the CEO who's amazing. I'm just helping him explain himself."

"You're so gentle." "It's not like Director Lu, where the weather is uncertain all day long. I wonder what the group will look like when he takes over the company. "

My dear friend, I completely agree with her view. I said, "Director Lu isn't that bad, right?"

"It's not bad. Can't you see the wound on Manager Zhou's face? It's so big that even a mask can't cover it. "

Did he call Zhou Zijie again? Zhou Zijie, who had opened the board the day before yesterday, was still fine. That was yesterday.

"When did you see it?"

"Just now. I saw it when I went to get some tea."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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