
Lu Chen's reaction was so bland that I could not even use the word "unhappiness" to describe our current state.

He said, "You said that I was the one who forced you before, and now that I'm giving you the choice, you can decide when you can be with me without any grudges."

"Only if you walk out of the circle you drew for yourself can we really be at peace."

He said, "I'd rather spend a long, long time waiting for you to figure it all out than to let me and you love each other and kill each other for the rest of my life. Even if you don't understand, I'm willing to let you go. "

He said, "As others say, one is wide and two is happy. Although I don't know if I can be happy again without you, but as long as you are happy. "

His aggrieved, self-hurt, righteous appearance, has succeeded in evoking my guilt, let my heart uneasily feel that I am a heartless bad woman.

I wanted to throw myself into his arms and apologize, but Lu Chen pushed me away. He said that the illness must be cured, or else the longer it dragged on, the more serious it became, or else it would reach a place that was irreparable. His determination gave me a sense of abandonment.

Jumbo Building, Office of the Director of Design.

"Director, why are you acting so weird with the CEO recently?"

"Yeah yeah, I haven't seen you guys play together anymore."

"The president's polyline is also broken. It makes me miss the days when I ate dog food until I was full."

"All of you have to be fine. You can't ruin my dream of marrying into a rich family."

I looked around the office, wondering if I was in the wrong place. Yes, this is my unreliable office.

"Is that what you're talking about?" I was confused. This was obviously a huge gossip site.

"That's about right!"

"That's what we do."

I still couldn't believe it. I thought about it for a long time before I spoke again, "When Director Lu was here before, were you guys like this as well?"

"No, in the past when Director Lu was here, we never entered his office."

Then why can't you let me go now? I suddenly remembered the reaction of the design department, and now that I think about it, he wasn't exaggerating at all.

The design department was a really scary department.

"You can treat me as Director Lu!"

"No, Director Mu is indeed Director Mu."

"It's the president's wife."

"She's the target of all the gossip."

Being bullied to this extent by my subordinates, I, as a director, am truly useless.

Lu Chen and I were in a hazy state of mind, almost to the point where we wouldn't disturb each other. They said their goodbyes and didn't disturb me. I didn't disturb you and he even moved to the guest room to sleep.

I hadn't seen him for three days, and I felt a little empty. That doesn't mean I'm going to look for him. I've been with him too long before, and it's good to be apart from him now.

He used to say that the design department would not function without a director, but now I know that the design department would not function without anyone. Even though they lacked a director, they didn't have much of an impact. All of them were able to work independently, directly facing the studio for tasks. I suspect that what I exist for is to talk to them about decompression.

I helplessly stood up from my chair and said, "Alright then. I'll go and play with your CEO."

"Hurry up and go."

"You don't have to come back so early. I'll keep an eye on the office for you."

"If it's not fun down there, you can also bring him up here."

I was just playing for six and was forcibly kicked out. It felt like I was homeless.

I couldn't really go to Lu Chen. I could only go to the stairwell and sit in the kitchen and have a miserable afternoon.

Crap, I forgot to bring crisps and popcorn. I got up to go to the vending machine in the hallway, but a broad chest blocked my way. It was an unfamiliar tie, not Lu Chen's, and I followed it up.

After seeing who it was, I greeted him politely, "Lu Yulin, long time no see. If you don't mind, I'll leave first. " I looked straight ahead and wanted to leave.

"Indeed, it has been a long time since we last met. You are still so silly and adorable." Do you think I will let you off just because you pretend to be crazy? "

He stood in the middle of the fire door and held the door handle tight. The damn door had to be opened again. I was probably really stupid, why did I choose to play in a place with no cameras?

And today, Lu Yulin charmingly raised the corner of her mouth, coming to look for me, there wasn't anything good about it. With my long experience of fighting with him, I absolutely cannot be alone with him. Run, I can't run away from him, so I had to trick him to let me out.

"I'm not playing the fool. I just want to go out and buy a bag of chips and we can talk while we eat. "Right, what flavor do you like to eat?"

Lu Yulin looked at me with a smile that wasn't a smile, and his gaze made one's entire body go numb. The only thing I like about you is the taste, and that's Mu Yan's smell. "

He inched closer and closer to me, the scene was inexplicably familiar. This happened when Lu Chen was hospitalized. That day he almost strangled me in the fire escape, and now he's here again. He couldn't be here to avenge Zhou Zijie, right?

I fearfully covered my own neck, "Lu Yulin, if you strangle me to death, even as a ghost, I won't let you off."

"It wasn't easy for you to belong to me, how could I let you die?"

I didn't have time to react to what he meant by that. My back was against the wall and I had nowhere to run. He enveloped me in his tall body, and I could smell the bitter mint on him, which was very different from Lu Chen's. The smell of the softener on Lu Chen's body was gentle and gentle.

He leaned his arm against the wall and wrapped me in his arms. I looked up in panic, trying to get him away from me. Unexpectedly, he was right in his way. He kissed me, his lips soft against mine, bringing me a different temperature. I stared at him with wide eyes, feeling the whole thing to be a sham, more so if his tongue didn't pry my lips.

My whole body went rigid. His sudden attack made my mind go blank, and after two or three seconds of reacting, I took my hand off my neck and tried to push him away.

"Don't be shy, it's not like we haven't done this before."

Ever since I've been with Lu Chen, although Lu Yulin has been pestering me, she has never done such a thing. I didn't dare open my mouth to refute him. I clenched my teeth and pushed him away.

"Are you afraid that Uncle will know?" He would not know that he was not at the first floor, nor was he at the beauty gathering. He had gone to Sheng Hui to discuss business, and did not know when he would return. Even if you did do it with me today, he wouldn't find out. "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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