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C11 Meeting

He didn't know why, but he felt some uneasiness in his heart. Something about today, kept bothering him.

On the other side,

Emma went to the base and as usual was greeted by the officers and the officials. They called her inside the meeting room. There she was met with all the officials, who were sitting on their chairs waiting for her.

The chief gestured her to take her seat. Emma looked at her seat for a second and then settled herself on it.


“Before you begin, I'll like to clear myself. I just gave the interview. It will take time for the confirmation email.” Said Emma, by cutting the chief in the middle.

“Emma, we did not call you here for that purpose. Our deal is still on. But, for now, we have called you because a mission awaits you.” Said the chief.

“Mission? Just in case you forget, I am already on a mission, and I am totally capable to finish this mission, so I won't allow you all to remove me from it so easily.” Said Emma angrily.

“Emma Watson, what on earth is going on in your mind. Did I say that I have removed you? I said that our deal is still on. No job, no more missions. You'll be fired directly.” Said the chief.

“Then what mission are you talking about?”

“Mission related to the Mafia king.” Replied another officer, this time.

Emma looked at him, with shock and said, “Explain it clearly.”

Then the officer, explained, “Miss Emma Watson, we have found the news from our insider, that tonight a big deal is going to be signed, between the two most powerful mafias. The mafia king, himself, will be present there. We want you, to go there and find out the true identity of the Mafia king and if possible, then gather around some proofs, for us.”

“How do you know about this deal? Moreover, we don't know where the deal, will take place? Then, how will I go there?” Asked Emma, calmly.

“Emma, how we know the news is none of your business. As for the place of deal, everything we will tell you. Your job is just to sneak inside and get some proofs, that we can use against them in court.” Replied the chief.

“I don't understand what do you guys take me, or I should say, what do you guys take yourself as?” Said Emma a bit angrily.

“What do you mean, Emma?” Replied the officer in anger.

“You are practically saying that a huge deal is going to be signed between the two most powerful mafias, where mafia king himself will be present. If the deal is that important, do you think that mafia king will disclose its details? This thing has too many loopholes. Are you sure it's not some sort of trap, set by them?” Asked Emma.

The officers all looked at each other, totally well aware that what she said makes some sense, and they had the same doubts. Emma was looking at their confused faces, when the chief sighed.

“Emma is right. We cannot trust things like this. Emma, no matter what, I won't endanger your life in it. If it's a trap, or even if it's not. It's going to be really risky and if you get caught, then they won't take a single second, before they kill you.” Said the chief.

“Then what do you suggest, Sir?” Asked an officer.

“Emma, let's end this mission tomorrow night there with their deal.” Said the chief sternly, which startled everyone in the room, along with Emma.

“What do you mean, sir?” Asked an officer.

“What I mean is, let's raid their place and end this all, once and for all.” Replied the chief.

“This is stupidity.” Said Emma, and all the officers agreed with her.

“I know that it's the most stupid, yet the most outstanding idea. No matter what, they won't expect our raid at their place. So, it will be the best time for us to take them in surprise. Plus, we will move there with our full planning, and we won't attack, until the time you assure us that it's the right place.”

“Sir, you think that with the presence of the mafia king himself, we can do anything? We don't have any information of how many people there will be? Besides, they would be properly prepared with all their weapons and guards. They would guard that place, more than their lives.” Added Emma.

“She is right. Attacking the place, will be one of the most stupid ideas of them all. Since, you want to go for attack, then let's do this. We'll attack, but only with our top five highly skilled officer, and Emma will lead.” Suggested an officer, which left everyone in shock.

“You think five people can capture the Mafia king?” Asked the chief, and gave a sarcastic laugh.

“The less, the better. With fewer people, it will be easy to back out, and they won't get in eyes as well.” Replied the officer.

“We won't attack them because we are not prepared. But, we can gather proofs against them. I think, we should consider the officer's suggestion. It will be easy with fewer people involved, and it will also save the risk, of being exposed.” Said Emma and all the officers including the chief agreed.

They then planned out, everything, for it. Called the officers inside, who'll accompany Emma in her mission, and then came up, with a strategy. The meeting lasted for a good 7 to 8 hours time.

The time, Emma came out it was past midnight, and she was really tired and sleepy. A car, from the base, dropped her home and she entered inside her apartment.

She headed directly towards her bed. Changed her cloths, to the night dress and soon drifted to her dream world. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for her, with lots of adventures coming her way.

In the morning,

Emma woke up all fresh and active. She went for a morning jog early in the morning and only came back when the sun was shining brightly. Upon returning she was, once again, met with Mrs. Spencer's her neighbor at the staircase.

Emma greeted her with a smile, when the old lady said, “Young people should exercise more. I am proud of you, girl, that you went for a run so early in the morning, even when you came back so late last night.”

Emma, who was smiling at first, her smile immediately faded away, hearing the old lady and replied, “Yes, I was with my friends doing party. I got so lost that forgot about the time.”

“The way, you were dressed up, wasn't showing that you were doing a party with someone. I might be old girl, but not a fool. You wore formal clothes, as in going for some business meeting.” Said the lady.

Emma was shocked, would be an understatement for her reaction. She was beyond shocked to find the lady's keen eyes and muttered under her breath, 'Why does she sound like my mom? Not to mention, even act like her.'

“Did you, say something dear?” Asked the old lady lovingly.

“No, auntie. I was just saying that I went for an interview yesterday and headed directly to my friend's place. That's why my cloths were so formal.” Replied Emma with a smile.

It didn't seem like, the lady was buying her words. But, in the end, she nodded in defeat and Emma excused herself to go back to her apartment.

To be continued…

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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