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C2 Plan

“Yes, a hundred and ten percent sure. Tell me now. What's the plan?”

Her excitement in the tone was what the chief always adored, that's why he calls her as his best intelligence officer.

He then explained further, “We couldn't find many clues to him, but we found a lead. Nicklaus Wesley, the CEO of Wesley enterprise, seem to have some profound relationship with the mafia king. We are not sure of it, but we suspect that he's the mafia King.”

Before the chief could continue, Daisy asked, “Why would such a successful CEO be the mafia king? I mean why would he want to have the underworld? When he already has the world under his feet?”

“Then how do you suppose he got the power to accomplish this much? Look Daisy, I said that we just suspect, we are uncertain whether it's him or not? So, you have to find a way to get close to him. But, make sure that your identity, as a female intelligence cop, shouldn't be known to him.” Said the Chief.

“He's not some three years old, and he hasn't built his empire in a single day. It's not going to be easy to fool him, and if he's the mafia king, then he won't be a mere fool, who won't know about my identity.”

“Mafia king is no fool. Don't underestimate him at any cost, and don't let your guard down against him in the future. Remember, he doesn't even trust his own shadow. So, never be so stupid to believe that he trusts you. Moreover, the thing about hiding your identity, we'll take care of that. We are deliberately going to leave some loopholes for him, to get interested in you.”

“You mean that you are practically throwing me in his feet to get killed. If we leave loopholes, then it won't take him a minute to kill me.” Said Daisy angrily.

“What do you suggest then?” Asked the chief, knowing that what she said is a hundred percent correct thing, and even he was sad to see his best cop presenting herself to get killed.

“Give me a clean and a simple background. I'll work for him as his secretary and will take him down.” Said Daisy after pondering for a moment.

“Daisy, you asked for the toughest post. He never lets any women get close to him, apart from one, who's said to be his right hand. We just have the knowledge that mafia king, doesn't touch any women and Nicklaus Wesley, never lets any women be his secretary.”

“Leave that to me. Just do as I say. Give me a proper, clean academic background. Rest, I'll take care of it.” Said Daisy.

“Alright then Daisy. We'll arrange an apartment for you to live close to his office. Your apartment shouldn't have even a single clue leading to your identity. After you start with your mission. You are not allowed to contact us, and neither will you return to your old home. You won't be allowed to get in touch with any of your friends or family members. Unless you want to endanger them, along with yourself.”

“Rest assured. I know how to take this mission. I won't do anything stupid that'll lead the mafia king any lead towards me.” Assured Daisy.

“Yes, that's better, Daisy. But remember that intelligence team is always there to help you. Here, you will be using this phone from today onwards.” Said the chief by giving her the phone.

“Ok.” Said Daisy.

When the chief continued, “To gain the post of his secretary is the toughest. I heard that his standards are the toughest. He'll test you in every possible way. But remember that you have to win his trust. The intelligence team, will be keeping an eye on you at all times, and we will be there to help you as well. However survival is the most important.”

“Don't worry chief. I won't do anything that'll get me killed.”

“Good. Now we have investigated on Nicklaus projects, and we are going to prepare you, for this all. You will learn each and everything about all his projects to be compatible to him. We'll train you for a whole month, and in this time you can't get out of our training ground.”

“Alright. But I still have a mom. Let me call her once and tell her that I am going on a mission.”

“No you can't Daisy. Your days as Daisy Moore are over. Today, Daisy Moore will die, and Emma Watson will take her birth.” Said the Chief.

“So, you are going to kill me.”

“Yes. Talk to your mom or friends, whoever, you want to. This mission will be our top secret and nobody in the agency, would know about this as well. So, prepare yourself.” Told the chief.

“Alright.” Said Daisy and left the room. Outside Ella, who was waiting for her, came and said playfully, “I thought that the chief killed you, and now I'll have to go and collect your body.”

Daisy didn't know why, but hearing her say like this, created a sour feeling in her heart and she felt sad, that in a few hours, she actually will be asked to do so.

But controlling her emotions, she smiled at her and they both chatted for some time, when Daisy excused herself to talk to her mom.

On the other side,

Everyone in the office was in fear, fear of losing their job, or some were even afraid of loosing their lives. Audrey went to Nick's office and without knocking entered inside.

Nick, who was already mad, was about to kill the person who dared to enter inside without his permission, but stopped after seeing the familiar face.

“What are you doing here?” He asked coldly.

“Came to take a look at you.” Said Audrey with emotions.

“I am not a little baby, Audrey. Also, next time when you enter in, don't forget to knock at the door.” Came a cold reply from Nick.

“Nick…” Said Audrey seductively while trying to touch his face, when Nick took a step back, leaving her hand hanging in the midair.

This enraged Audrey, and she spoke angrily, “What is your problem? You already know that no women on this earth suit you, or your status. Then why don't you consider me and my feelings.”

“Audrey, I would never marry a woman, who can do anything for her power. You are tough, Audrey, but not my type. You already know my rules. I won't touch a girl, unless I am confident, that she's going to be my wife and that girl then won't have the chance to escape me. Whether she likes it, or not, but has to stay with me forever.” Said Nick with possessiveness, and left his office, leaving Audrey alone.

Audrey, in her rage, said, “I promise you Nick, no women on this Earth has the guts to get close to you. I'll kill every woman that you'll take fancy of. I will leave you, with no choice, but to marry me.”

“Dream on Audrey.” Came a voice, that startled her, and she looked back to find a man dressed up in navy-blue court, with white shirt and blue pants, excluding quite a charming aura.

When he added, “Nick is never yours, Audrey, remember it. It's been so many years, and you are still there with your obsession. Also, the girl who's capable of taking his heart won't be so easy, as to let you kill her. You better forget about him.” Said the man and sat on Nick's chair directly.

“What are you doing here, Maverick?” Asked Audrey from the man, named Maverick.

(Maverick Clark, a young and charming CEO of Clark enterprise. Warm in nature, for women and cruel, for those who mess with him. He's a womanizer and no girl can resist his charm)

“Why? You are not feeling happy seeing me here, baby?" Said Maverick playfully.

Audrey, without saying anything, stormed out of the room, in a fit of fury.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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