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C5 Training

While Audrey and Maverick came and stood behind Nick, waiting for his orders.

Nick said in his cold voice, “What do you think that I am so stupid that I won't be able to see through your plans?”

The man sitting on his knees at first was fuming in anger, but now hearing Nick's voice, got him scared, and he didn't realize when he began to shiver.

He said in a stern voice, “Don't go too far, Nicklaus. Don't forget who I am? My people have surrounded the entire building so, none of you can get out of here alive even if you try, still you can't over fight my people.”

Maverick looked at the man, with a hint of sympathy in his eyes, and said, “You had so much power, but I never expected you to be so stupid.”

“What do you mean?” Asked the man in confusion.

“You take me as a fool, Rodger? I captured you. You are right that my people can't over fight your people. But, you actually think that your people would do anything, seeing you being my prisoner.” Said Nick with a smirk in his voice.

The man named Rodger shivered hearing Nick and said, “No, you can't do this. I won't let this happen.”

By saying, so he took out his gun, that was hidden in his socks. His actions were so quick, that no normal person could react in time, but Audrey did.

The man raised his gun to aim at Nick, but his gun landed on the ground, before he could even react.

He looked up to find Audrey who kicked him, because of which his gun landed on the ground. Before Rodger could react, another kick landed right on his face, drawing blood from the corner of his lips.

Rodger cleaned the blood from the corner of his lips and started fighting. He could be known as the best martial art expert.

Even many skilled people can't win over him. But, what he didn't expect was that Audrey was more powerful than him. She dodged every kick of his.

Instead, her kicks landed right at their aim. All the people present there stood rooted on their place, enjoying the fight happening in front of them.

Nick's people were about to come to save Audrey, but Maverick signalled them to stop in their tracks. He knew that Audrey can handle him, or else he would've long intruded in the fight.

Both had an intense fight, kicking in each other's ass. But, with one last move of Audrey, she managed to bring Rodger on his knees, with blood dripping from different portions of his body.

He still tried to struggle to break free from Audrey's grip on his hands, but all in vain. Instead, she tightened her grip, which made the man shout in pain.

Maverick laughed seeing his condition and said while mocking him, “I heard that you are a god in martial arts and even skilled people can't outfight you. But, look at you. You lost against a girl.”

All the people present there started laughing, and Rodger felt his life's biggest humiliation. He with all his might tried to free himself from Audrey's grip, but only to get unsuccessful.

“I can't believe that I used to be afraid of him.” Whispered a man to another which also reached the ears of Rodger and his anger knew no limit right now.

“You have done your life's biggest mistake, Nicklaus. You'll pay for it. Even if you manage to kill me, my son will take my revenge.” Roared Rodger and started choking.

He suddenly vomited and died right there at that very place. Nick immediately ran to him, trying to save him. But, he died in less than ten seconds.

Nick then ordered coldly, “Take his body and bury him.”

Nick left after leaving his orders. His people already cleared the way for him to leave, which he did.

On the other side,

“Alright so what's next. Everyone believes that I am dead. So, are you sure that it's safe to train here. I mean, what if somebody see me here.” Said Daisy to the chief.

“No Daisy. We won't be training here. You will be trained in the special headquarters, and you will stay in closed training. You will stay in the headquarters for one complete month, until your training ends.” Replied the Chief.

Daisy and the chief headed for the underground exit and walked towards the car. Soon after, they settled in the car. Their cars left the base. Six cars moved in a single row, heading towards the headquarters.

Upon reaching the base, Daisy was met with several higher officials, who welcomed her to the headquarters, and then she was taken to the base, where her training shall begin.

“Hello Emma. I am your trainer, Lue. I'll be training you about everything so that you can stand a chance of being Nicklaus secretary.” Said Lue.

“Um… Emma?” Asked Daisy in confusion.

“A person's body unconsciously reacts when someone calls their name. So, my first training for you, would be on your name. Everyone during your training will call you Emma. In order to make your body used to with this name, so you won't show any loopholes.” Said Lue.

“Oh, so you are actually trying to make me forget that my actual name is Daisy. Why do I feel like you guys are being intentional? Shoot it out, if you don't like my name.” Said Daisy by making weired face.

Lue smiled hearing her and replied with a wicked wink, “Well, I won't say anything.”

Daisy sighed and then they both began with the training. She was trained day and night, with almost everything, like how to act like a professional secretary? Then she was also trained on each and every project that Nick's company is handling.

They taught her everything about the business world, and it's strength and weakness. Not just these, Daisy's physical training was going on from side to side. With every day passing, she was becoming more and more powerful and capable to withstand this mission.

They pushed her limits to the extent every time, just so that she can do better. This hell training continued for an entire month without any break.

While Nicklaus on the other hand, had gained his hold on his company along with the underworld. His powers were increasing with each passing day.

The business world feared him. None had the guts to negotiate with him. Even his employees were afraid of him. No one had the guts to speak in front of the devil.

It was almost a month and now the Wesley enterprise had given out the notice of hiring secretary. The moment this news went out, it sent a wave of anxiousness.

The news spread like fire, many media channels, and newspapers also took fancy on this. The world knows about his cruelty, and it's famous that no secretary has lasted longer than ten days with him.

The thing that even women were allowed to apply for the job, brought all those ladies with ulterior motives a chance to pave the way to world's top most richest man.

People started applying for the job like crazy, and so did Daisy. She also applied for the job of his secretary.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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