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C7 Club

The driver didn't hear what she said, because of the partition between the driver seat and the passenger seat, so he was totally unbothered with what Daisy was doing at the back.

While Daisy was fighting with her inner self. Shortly after, they arrived at the club, where Emma paid the cab driver his fares and entered inside the club.

Loud music was going on, with people dancing on the dance floor. Emma walked inside, and her eyes roamed around the entire club, searching for a man. But, she didn't find him. When she thought to herself, 'You are so dumb, Emma. Why would he be among the common people? Although the club is all for upper-class people, I am sure there has to be some VIP room here, where Nicklaus Wesley will be?'

She then walked around the club to spot Nicklaus standing at the corner and talking to some weird man. Emma thought that this is her chance and started walking towards him. When Emma saw a girl going towards him and was stopped by whom she supposed should be his guard.

'It is pointless, even if I pay some waiter to drug him, his guards are around, nobody is going to let me pass or even get close to him.' thought Emma to herself.

When an idea popped in her mind. She went to the bar counter, and ordered some drinks. She saw a man glancing at her and give him a wink, as in flirting with him.

She started drinking when the man came to her and started touching her inappropriately. Yes, the man was none other, but the one speaking with Nicklaus.

“Be mine tonight beautiful.” Said the man.

Emma felt disgusted. She held his hand and kicked him hard on his man part. The man wasn't expecting her to kick suddenly and was totally un prepared for such strength.

The man groaned, and the music immediately got off when the man shouted for his guards to come and said, “Hold her. You bitch. Now, you see what I will do with you here in front of everyone.”

Emma looked around her and saw several well-built men, surrounding her from all four sides. Her eyes started looking for one person, for whom she played such a stunt. Beating these men was a piece of cake for her.

But she couldn't do it. When she felt an intense gaze on her. She played her last trick. She tried to run away, by pushing the man in front of her.

For others, it seemed like she was running to save her life, when she crashed into some hard rock like thing.

Before she could understand her situation, a hand pulled her back. She heard the man angry words, “Don't get involved in this. That bitch dared to reject me.”

“You have three seconds to leave, else you will have to go through me, in order to get her, and a wise man, knows not to mess with the wrong person.” Said the man, authoritatively.

It didn't take long for all the men to run away. Emma looked up to find Nicklaus Wesley standing in front of her, with stern expressions.

Emma got up and said politely, “Thank you for saving me. I am really thankful to you.”

She waited for the man to say something, but he only hummed in response and Emma started to walk away.

She was smirking in her heart and walked out of the club. When her taxi came, and she sat inside and went back to her apartment. She didn't realize an intense gaze, that was looking at her the whole day, until she sat down in the car and left.

Emma came back to her apartment and opened the door, and threw herself on a couch. When she received a notification on her phone.

She picked up her phone and opened the screen to find the notification, from intelligence team, asking her to return to their base immediately.

She got up, took a cold shower to get sober and immediately got ready. She wore a blue shirt with brown tight pants and matched it with blue pencil heals. She picked up her blue purse and left the house for the meeting.

Upon reaching the intelligence base, Emma walked inside, and was met with the officers who greeted her and took her inside the chief's office, where all the officials were waiting for her.

Emma walked inside confidently, to see some angry faces. She ignored their gaze and directly sat down on the chair.

“Miss Emma, what were you thinking while drinking and making that stunt in the club? Do you know how risky that was? We decided that you'll save Nicklaus Wesley, not for you to go and drink there.” Roared the chief.

“What do you take Nicklaus Wesley as? A fool? Whether he is mafia king or not, he rules the huge Wesley empire. He built all that on his own effort, not relying on someone else. Do you think he's a fool? His security was all around him. They wouldn't even let a bee get close to him, and you expected that I would drug him then save him. He would've killed me that instant.” Replied Emma.

“So, you thought to get drunk yourself, Miss Emma?” Asked another officer calmly.

“Miss Emma, you have made a terrible mistake. You could have endangered our mission. You could speak all about the mission, in your drunk state, and could also been taken advantage of. Have you ever thought what miserable mistake you have made?” Roared another office.

“Remove her immediately. She is not fit for this mission.” Said another officer to the chief.

“Enough. I am not some fool to go and get drunk. I know my drinking capability. Before going for the mission, I researched on Nicklaus Wesley…” Continued Emma.


Emma was looking at her laptop screen diligently and was busy reading some article. Yes, it was about Nicklaus. Emma googled him, where she saw an article, which said that Nicklaus saved a girl from being harassed in the pub.

Emma read through the whole article and smirked on her idea.


“Miss Emma, how can you trust everything on internet? What would happen, if he didn't come to rescue you? You have made a terrible mistake and thinking that we selected you, being worthy of this mission, is a mistake.” Said the chief.

“Sir, I would never do anything, that I am not confident in. Besides, I kicked the man, to gain everyone's attention, especially of Klaus. Then ran in the direction where he was. I was confident that he'll protect me.” Explained Emma.

“What if he didn't?” Asked the officer.

“Then I am strong enough to protect myself and run away from there.”

“Miss Emma. That could've ended our mission immediately. Whatever, you have risked our mission with your stupid idea. You cannot proceed with this mission any further.” Ordered the officer.

“I have been trained for months for this mission. I have successfully gained Nicklaus attention. If you order to remove me from the mission. Your mission ends here. Nobody in this entire intelligence can know Nicklaus Wesley better than me and nobody, I repeat nobody can beat him apart from me because I have been trained for it.” Said Emma.

“Emma we took you, as a perfect person to gain his trust and complete the mission, but you have failed us.” Said the officer.

“I have not failed…”

“Yes, you haven't. But you risked our secret with your stupid idea.” Roared another officer.

“Fine, then. Let's make a bet. I have yet not failed it. You guys think my idea was stupid, while I was totally confident in it. Let's make a bet, I have an interview tomorrow at Wesley enterprise, I get the job, I'll stick with the mission. If, I don't, then I am ready to back out.” Said Emma confidently.

“You are playing with fire, Miss Watson.” Said the officer.

“Then let it be. I will be the one to burn, not you. So, bring it on.” Said Emma will full confidence.

The chief looked at all the officers present in the room and then said, “Alright, Emma. We give you one more chance. But, if you lost the job tomorrow, then you are out.”

“Deal.” Said Emma and got up from her seat and walked away.

She came back to her apartment in the taxi and changed into her comfortable PJs and got inside her bed.

The moment her head reached her pillow, she drifted to her dream world. Tomorrow will be a big day for her. A day, that is going to change her destiny forever. The day after which there will be no turning back.

To be continued…

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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