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C8 Interview

The moment her head reached her pillow, she drifted to her dream world. Tomorrow will be a big day for her. A day, that is going to change her destiny forever. The day after which there will be no turning back.

The morning rays of sunlight fell on the girl, sleeping peacefully on the bed. Emma yawned and stretched her arms. She felt light, reaching her eyes and reluctantly opened them and ran her hands under her pillow, searching for her phone.

She unlocked her phone screen to see the time and was amazed that it's already 8am. She was going to be late. She immediately got out of her bed and ran towards the washroom. She took a quick shower and changed her cloths.

Emma wore a one piece black dress, which hardly reached her thighs, with a matching belt with golden colored design on it, giving her an elegant look.

There were two buttons on the bottom, in white. Emma applied white nail polish to her nails and matched it with white pencil heals. She took her black purse and googles and walked out of her apartment.

A new day, to a new start. Her journey with the world's most powerful man, and the king of the underworld, begins from today.

After some time, Emma reached the great Wesley enterprise and stood right outside the building, taking the building in view. If she says that the outside is beautiful, then the inside was totally breathtaking.

She was shocked to find a total modern style building in front of her. She has seen many beautiful buildings and places, during her missions, but this was some extreme level. It was luxurious and totally wonderful.

She walked inside the building and her eyes left open in shock with the inside view. It was a total modern style lavish building. It was all in the theme of white. Emma saw escalators going upwards and walked towards it.

Upon reaching the first floor, she was mesmerized with the view in front of her. It seemed like a resting area with red colored couches placed in it. People were sitting there, all busy in their own works. Up it, were modern style offices, which exterior was also white with golden lines.

Emma's eyes wandered around and stopped at the reception desk. She walked to it, and said, “Hello, I am Emma Watson. I am here for interview.”

“Wait, mam. Let us check.” Said the receptionist respectfully and after looking through her records, she then added, “Welcome to Wesley enterprise mam. Interviews have started already, and it will be your turn shortly. Kindly wait in the lobby. Your name will be called, and then you will be guided towards the office, where the interview is going on.”

Emma thanked the receptionist and walked towards the waiting area, where those beautiful red couches were placed. She sat down and roamed her gaze around and was shocked because there were more than hundreds of people there for an interview. When a girl came and sit next to Emma.

“Hello. I am Harley. I am here for interview.” Introduced the girl, sitting next to her, by extending her hand.

Emma immediately shake hands with her and replied, “Hi, I am Emma Watson, and I am here for interview as well.”

The girl gave her a friendly smile and Emma, did not feel any negative vibes from the girl. She then asked, “Hey, are their interviews for other vacancies going on as well?”

“Other vacancies?” Asked the girl, confused, over her question.

“No, I mean, there are so many people here for interview. They can't all possibly be here for a secretary job?” Asked Emma with a sarcastic smile.

But Harley's reply, was something, which she was not at all expecting, “Are you even in your senses? He's NICKLAUS WESLEY…” Said Harley by putting stress on the name, and added, “He is the most popular, the most powerful, the richest and the most hottest bachelor, in the entire New York. People are crazy for him and now a chance to get close to him, which idiot will let go of that.” Explained Harley.

Emma was totally taken aback from her words, like she knew everything about Nicklaus, but after knowing how many people are crazy for him, although a part of her knew it, but she was still shocked.

“Hey, do you know the moment, they announced that they are also hiring females many ladies from upper class got crazy for the job. They all are wrecking their brains to get it for themselves, either by hook or by crook.” Told Harley.

“Don't worry, they came here on their power, while we came here on our hard work. So, have faith.” Said Emma.

As soon as she said this, the person calling people in, for interviews came and spoke in a loud voice, “Emma Watson…. Emma Watson…”

“Here…” Said Emma, by raising her hand and bid goodbye to Harley and followed the man inside.

Upon entering the room, she saw four people sitting in front of her, when one of the person said, by gesturing to her, “Have a seat.”

“Please introduce yourself.” Said the man, siting at the corner, with an expression less face, and Emma started answering their questions one by one.

She answered all of their questions efficiently, and in the end the same man said to her, “You may leave, Miss Watson, and wait for our call.”

Emma bid her goodbye and left the room. She came out, but didn't find Harley anywhere, and so she left the building immediately after. She was in a happy mood, since she thought that her interview went well.

She was walking out of the building when a café, came in her view. She walked inside the café and ordered a latte. Her latte arrived shortly, and she started playing with the spoon inside it.

Something, in her, was telling her that something is going to go wrong. A part of her was telling her to take some precautionary measures.

She sat there when a lady entered inside with an extremely cold aura. Her face was showing clear danger. When a waiter came and accidentally spilled coffee on her.

Her dress seemed expensive, and the lady got furious. “Don't you have eyes, to see where you are going? Do you even know how expensive my dress was?”

The waiter kept apologizing, but the lady's anger was not coming down at any cost. Emma, who was sitting at the corner table lost in her thoughts, saw all of this in front of her. She couldn't take it anymore and got up from her seat.

The lady was still yelling when Emma took out a scarf from her purse and wrap it around the lady's waist.

Everyone there was shocked, even the lady herself. It was as if they all knew her and feared her. While Emma was totally unaware of people's shocked gaze, that was fixed on her.

“It's the mark of coffee, that too on the white skirt, so it won't come off so easily. But, by the looks of you, you seem quite rich, so the dress shouldn't matter to you. I think you are finding someone here, or perhaps here to meet someone, this scarf will do for the time being. Let this waiter go.” Said Emma and directly walked towards the counter.

She didn't bother looking back, while the lady stood at her place, totally shocked of what happened. While Emma paid her bill and left. The lady saw her leaving, totally stood rooted on her place.

When the waiter's voice rang in her ears and she came out of her trance. She gestured the waiter to leave and left the restaurant as well. When a man dressed up in black, pent court came to her and the lady said, “Find out about the girl who gave this scarf to me.”

The man respectfully bowed to her and opened the car door for her, where the lady sat, and the car was soon out of the view.

Emma reached back home. She was tired and directly fell on her bed. When a rumbling sound came from her stomach and she got up, and went towards the kitchen to find some food.

Apart from instant noodles she found nothing, and made instant noodles for herself and connected Netflix to her TV and enjoyed the noodles with a movie.

While on the other side, Audrey came back to office, to find several people waiting in queue for the interview. She directly walked inside her cabin and called her assistant.

The assistant entered inside when Audrey said, “Send me the resume of the short-listed candidates for Nick's assistant, once the interview ends. After I check, then you can bring them to his office.”

“You are still the same, Audrey. You don't want any pretty girl to get close to Klaus.” Came a voice from behind.

“Who allowed you inside? And don't call him Klaus again. We both know it that if Nick heard you call him, Klaus, then he'll be mad.” Said Audrey and gestured her assistant to leave.

“He won't be mad. He didn't allow you to call him Klaus, but never stopped me from it.” Said Maverick with a victorious smile, which pissed Audrey.

To be continued…

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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