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C9 Office

“He won't be mad. He didn't allow you to call him Klaus, but never stopped me from it.” Said Maverick with a victorious smile, which pissed Audrey.

Before she could say anything, she saw Nick walking towards his office and ran after him.

“Nick… Nick…” Shouted Audrey from the back.

When Nick stopped in his tracks and said, “It's sir for you, Audrey. Don't forget your identity in the office, and don't forget that I am your boss. So, better address me by the title.”

If Audrey was pissed before, then she was more than that now. She immediately corrected herself with gritted teeth, “Yes, Sir. I apologize, Mr. Nicklaus, for my casualty. I'll be careful from next time.”

Nick hummed in response and then walked away when Audrey remembered the reason for stopping him. She again walked behind him, but this time respectfully addressed him, “Sir, the interview for your assistant have already been held. Once the HR team, short list the candidates, I'll check every resume and then forward it to your office.”

“No need to bother you, Audrey. When HR team has short-listed the candidates, ask them to directly send the resumes to my office. Furthermore, an important client is coming in the afternoon for the business deal. You will take care of that.” Said Nicklaus, while walking.

“Sir, it's Mr. Austin, who's coming. He's not just our client, but also a major investor. It's not right for you, to leave like this. You must be there for his welcome.” Said Audrey.

“Audrey, you are not my boss. I am. You don't tell me, what things, I have to do and what I don't have to do. I have already given my orders. Do as you are told. I don't want to repeat myself again, remember your identity in the company.” Said Nick angrily and entered inside his office, leaving Audrey outside.

Audrey felt extremely hurt, the way Nick talked to her and went directly to the washroom. The news spread like fire throughout the company, the way Nick talked to her.

They all always feared Audrey because for them, she's Nick's women. So, all types of gossips were revolving in the office. While Audrey washed her face in the washroom and went back to her office.

Maverick was also told of everything that happened and went to Nick's office. As usual, he entered inside without knocking to find Nick, sitting on his throne like chair, just like a king.

“How many times, do I have to tell you, knock before you enter.” Said Nick angrily.

“Oh common buddy. There is no formality between friends.” Said Maverick and directly sat on the chair across Nick.

“Shoot, whatever you want to say and then scram.” Said Nick, for some reasons he was mad since morning and anyone who crossed paths with him, were only to be left crying.

“Alright then, I'll come straight to the point. How can you talk so rudely with Audrey? She's been with us for so many years. She's your right-hand woman. How can you talk to her like this?” Asked Maverick.

“Maverick, I guess the thing that she's been by my side for many years, gave her the courage to keep tabs on me and not just that but now order me as well. She, or anyone else, has to remember, I am Nicklaus Wesley. I don't take orders and no one is allowed to prey in my private matters.” Explained Nick.

“Nick, you and I both know that she likes you…”

“It's her problem, not mine. I told her very clearly that I don't like her. As a partner, no doubt she is highly compatible. But, a girl like her is not a wife material. She can do anything for power and I want a wife for myself, not a snake.” Said Nick in clear words.

“Whatever it is. But, you talking rudely to her, has affected her a lot. I am afraid that people from office won't respect her the way they used to respect her before.”

“Maverick respect is earned, not forced. She is compatible enough to be respected by her work, and if she is not, then that will raise a question over her compatibility. My way of talking to her, does not define whether people should respect her or not.” Said Nick.

Maverick knew why they all respected her, or precisely feared her. But, he didn't have the guts to tell this to Nick, not that he didn't know. However, Maverick didn't dare say anything.

“By the way, why are you not attending Austin? You know, that man, is important and a little problematic too.” Said Maverick by changing the topic.

“I know him, and I already informed him, that I won't be here in office. Work is important, so I asked Audrey to handle him instead. My mom is back, from her tour. She insists, that I accompany her for the day. So, as you already know, I can't say no to her.” Told Nick.

“Oh auntie's back. No wonder you are so mad, since morning.” Said Maverick and started laughing hard.

“I guess that I should call, aunt Marie and ask her to find girls for you, as well.” Said Nick, after which the smile immediately vanished from Maverick's face.

“Alright, I got it. I am leaving. By the way, it's about time for our next consignment.” Said Maverick in a serious tone.

“Where will it be, this time?” Asked Nick.

“It will be here in this city at our hidden underground spot. It will be tomorrow, and you'll have to be there. This deal is important for us, as it's with the second most powerful mafia family.”

“I got it. I'll take care of it.”

“One thing more, I have found the news that the intelligence team has some clues about you, and now they are finding a way to catch you. You have to be extra careful, I am sure that the news about our deal, would reach to their ears. I do believe that we have a rat between us, and it's time to find that rat.” Said Maverick with a wink.

Nick laughed out hard hearing him. His laughter, was actually sending chills to Maverick bones.

“We definitely need to catch the rat, between us. But, the thing that intelligence team will capture me…” Said Nick with a cold smile on his face, “They'll need several lifetimes to even get close to me.”

“Look, I am not sure, but my insider told me that they are planning something. But, whatever it is, it's kept a top secret, and so he's not able to find out. But, it's best to be careful.” Warned Maverick.

“Then we'll know about it tomorrow night. Let's do this, change the location of our deal, and you'll finalize it, in place of me. While spread the news about it with our underground spot. I'll deal with the rat myself. It's about time, to know what the intelligence team is planning and how close they have gotten.” Said Nick.

“No Nick. It's impossible. You won't go there alone. It's risky. It will be a foolish act for you to go there yourself. Let's do this, I'll go and set the trap while you finalize the deal.”

“No, Maverick. I'll go myself and kill that rat, with my own bare hands. Now go and do as I have said.” Ordered Nick in his stern voice, after which Maverick left to make the arrangements.

A few minutes later, Nick, also, left the office and headed towards the parking area, where the driver was waiting for him. He sat in the car and ordered the driver to take him to the mall.

The whole ride to the mall, was silent. After reaching the mall, Nick got down from the car and headed towards the grocery section in the mall.

He walked through the entire section, but didn't spot the person whom he was looking for. He tried calling his mom on her phone, but the other party didn't answer it.

Without having another choice, Nick took the escalator and started walking through the mall, in search for his mom. After walking for a while, he spotted the familiar face, sitting in the food court with another lady, whose back was seen by Nick.

He was quite shocked to see his mom actually sitting with another lady because his mom is not someone who'll sit with an unknown person and happily chat with them, and since she returned just a few days back, so it was impossible to gain an acquaintance so soon.

With thoughts running in his mind, he was heading in the direction of the table, where his mom was sitting and chatting with another lady.

To be continued…

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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