Married To A Disabled Boss/C1 A Replacement Bride-To-Be
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Married To A Disabled Boss/C1 A Replacement Bride-To-Be
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C1 A Replacement Bride-To-Be

Having recomposed herself from a fully agape mouth; she gasped, "What do you mean I must marry Yinn Siyan?"

Still attired in a white lab coat, Qiu Xiyun had just returned from her university classes, when she was basically ambushed with word of the newly decided arrangement. Upon hearing it, her heart instantly became disconcerted; and, she dropped all of the textbooks she was carrying.

This had immediately caught her stepmother's attention. Lin Mi lowered the bowl she was eating from, and momentary gazed down upon the books that Qiu Xiyun had dropped on the floor. A frustrated expression overtook her countenance as she let out an exasperated huff; then, spoke with an annoyed tone...

"Tell me...was that done out of clumsiness; or, are you giving us an attitude?'s an honor that the Yinn family is willing to marry a member of the Qiu family; so, you should be counting your blessings. But, regardless of how you feel about it; you'll need to start packing up. You'll be heading off to the Yinn family in three days."

At first, Qiu Xiyun was totally taken aback upon receiving the news; but, after hearing her stepmother's harshly acerbic words, she had soon snapped out of the initial shock. She automatically bit down on her lip, while clenching her trembling hands; and, glared towards the sofa at her older sister...who had been eating porridge; while displaying an indifferent expression on her face...and her father...who kept his nose buried in the newspaper.

She fumed in her mind, "I've been married off without knowing anything about it."

"I don't understand, Dad; what's this all about?" Qiu Xiyun's disconcerted heart had turned stone-cold; as she derisively sneered. "All because older sister betrayed Yinn Siyan; you're expecting me to make up for it by marrying him? So; you all decided that I am to be the sacrificial lamb thrown into the fire pit, is that it?"

Qiu Guofei quickly wavered the paper's pages a couple of times, as he ignored his daughter's questioning; keeping his eyes averted down towards the newspaper while pretending not to hear her.

Yinn Siyan was the leader of the Yinn family; with a net worth of around 100 billion. All those in the upper echelon class of S City were well aware of the fact that for nearly three years, he was in a steady relationship with the young mistress of the Qiu family; Qiu Xiangying. He was handsome and talented, while she was beautiful and affectionate; and, they had planned on getting married a long time ago.

However; all that had abruptly changed three months ago. Yinn Siyan was involved in a car accident which left his lower body paralyzed, and totally disfigured his face...transforming him into a crippled, vegetative, ugly monster.

It was blatantly obvious to Qiu Xiyun that her sister's feelings for Yinn Siyan had immediately diminished after the accident. Over the past three months...Qiu Xiangying had only gone to the hospital twice; while spending most of her time with Yinn Siyan's younger brother, Yinn Tianze.

Repeatedly caught red-handed while out-on-the-town by the paparazzi; it wasn't long before news of their illicit affair spread like wildfire.

All throughout the upper echelon class of S City; everyone's gossiping over this scandalous topic...laughing at and mocking Yinn Siyan. It wasn't bad enough that he had been disabled in the accident; but, also, his beloved girlfriend had abandoned him to hook up with his own brother. Talk about embarrassing.

And, not just for Yinn Siyan; but, for the Qiu family, as well...because; everyone was also looking down upon Qiu Xiangying's shamefully heartless behavior of deserting her former beau, after being crippled. So, in order to redeem themselves and save face; the Qiu family wanted Qiu Xiyun to take her sister's place, and marry Yinn Siyan.

After Qiu Xiyun's brief outburst; the sudden clashing of porcelain dishware smashing down heavily on the table resounded.

In an elegant fashion; Qiu Xiangying daintily wiped the corners of her mouth with her napkin. And, as a charmingly genteel smile emerged upon her exquisitely beautiful face; her eyes flashed a contradictory, cold, standoffish gaze.

"'Betrayed' him; you say? Xiyun; I'll have you know that Yinn Siyan and I are just friends. It's always been Tianze who I truly loved...and, he loves me. So; stop speaking nonsense. It's fine, I suppose, if you want to talk that trash here, for now...but, once you marry into the Yinn family, you best not speak that nonsense anymore, if you know what's good for you."

Lin Mi quickly concurred, "That's right. You better heed your older sister's advice." Then; she tried justifying their deplorably selfish decision to have Qiu Yiyun marry Yinn Siyan. "Your father and I are doing this for your sake...arranging this marriage to make sure you end up with a good husband. And, once you and Yinn Siyan get your marriage certificate; then our ties with the Yinn family will be even closer than before."

Qiu Xiyun's shattering heart pounded in her chest; racing as quickly as her rapidly rising ire. A deluge of intense emotions began overwhelming her; as all sorts of jumbled thoughts swirled through her mind. In a matter of seconds, her face flushed; turning a dark, beet red shade from anger.

Qiu Xiyun bitterly scoffed, "'Doing this for my sake'; that so?" With disdain now seething in her heart; Qiu Xiyun rebukingly glared at her sister with piercing eyes, "Xiangying...from the moment you found out Yinn Siyan was horribly disfigured and would be disabled for life; you conveniently happened to 'fall in love' with his younger brother...throwing me under the bus; making it necessary for our parents to force me to marry Yinn Siyan in your place. Of all the conniving've really outdone yourself, this time."

Qiu Xiangying is extremely vain, and highly self-conscious about how people think about or view her. So; once her formerly talented and handsome boyfriend became disabled and disfigured...with a face now so horrid, that it's said it could scare children into running away down the road's no wonder she wound up cheating on him.

Qiu Xiyun suddenly recalled a photo of Yinn Siyan she saw in one of those tabloid magazines, a few days ago; in which one of the paparazzi managed to candidly photograph him while lying unconscious on his hospital bed.

To say that his face was a little frighteningly disturbing would be an understatement. Devastatingly mangled from the car's explosion; his face was irrevocably damaged...with deep scarring, and nerve and tissue damage; multiple skull and jaw fracturing; and, his eyebrows were burned away, with possibly no chance of growing back. And...just like his face...the rest of his body had also sustained heavy scarring and deep tissue burns. He appeared to be some sort of revolting monstrosity that even adults would either feel squeamish or fearful of if they saw him.

"You have the audacity to speak as if you were piously righteous; selflessly thinking of what's in my best interest...when, in truth; you're only thinking of yourselves, and how by marrying into the Yinn family would benefit the Qiu family." Qiu Xiyun's eyes darkened ever so slightly, as she derisively glared at them. In the five years since her birth mother passed away; she rarely quarreled with these people...and, on those rare occasions when she did; her face never became so flushed that it turned any shade of red.

Although...just because Qiu Xiyun didn't want to quarrel with them; and, avoided confrontation whenever she could...she was no easy pushover. And, in regards to the matter at hand; she was indignant about not being controlled by the Qiu family...and, was prepared to steadfastly refuse to give into their wishes.

Usually putting on a front in her fans' eyes, in order to appear as an elegant refined young woman with a gentle disposition; the 'Shadow Queen' would make it a point to intentionally convey a calmly reserved and amicable expression. But, after hearing Qiu Xiyun's accusations...which were actually more like facts...Qiu Xiangying's countenance revealed her true-self; as her eyes exhibited a ruthlessly resolute gaze.

"Qiu Xiyun...just who the hell do you think you are, talking about me like that? About our parents? Have you forgotten that the Qiu family has graciously raised you for all these years; without asking for nothing in return?" That ruthlessly resolute stare had transformed into a maliciously malevolent glare...looking as if she wanted to tear Qiu Xiyun she raised her voice, "Is this how you repay the Qiu family?! If that's the far as I see it...then, you have no place in this house."

Qiu Xiyun momentarily lost her composure; tightly closing her eyes, as she briefly hyperventilated.

After settling down, and managing to recompose herself; Qiu Xiyun immediately went on the defensive, as she retaliated, "Heh...and, just exactly how much of a noble do you think you actually are? Perhaps you've forgotten; but, back in the beginning...your mother was nothing more than my father's mistress. Later on...once my mother passed away...this so-called family chiefly relied on living off of the property left behind by mother. And, you have the audacity to stand there in my face denouncing me? You really are pathetic, you know that?...I might have even felt a little sorry for you; if I weren't so disgusted by you."

"Xiyun!" Qiu Guofei sharply bellowed out; as he finally put the newspaper aside. He reproachfully frowned at Qiu Xiyun. "Is that really how you should be talking to a sister? And; an older sister, at that."

Qiu Xiyun had long given up on her father...ever since learning that he had a mistress; which, in her eyes, was totally disrespectful towards her, she stood there with a stoic expression on her countenance, and indifference in her eyes; before just simply rolling her eyes at him.

He went on, "And; what exactly is your problem, after all? The Yinn family is one of the most prominent and wealthiest families in all of S City. Heiresses and socialites would line up for blocks just to have a chance to be in his presence. But, here you impetuously impudent girl...who, for God only knows why, somehow can feel wronged by having to marry Yinn becoming the wife of one of the most eligible bachelors in all of high society."

Qiu Xiyun almost burst out into an uproarious laughter after hearing that; nearly biting off her tongue while trying to keep from laughing in his face.

"Dad; do you really think that I'm actually that stupid? Do you honestly take me for a fool; or, what? If Yinn Siyan is really as excellent as you claim him to be; then, why didn't Qiu Xiangying marry him while she had the chance? She was with the 'one of the most eligible bachelors' for three years; yet, after being with Yinn Tianze for only three months, it's true love. Seriously, Dad; who are trying to lie to?" Qiu Xiyun glanced over at Qiu Xiangying, and impishly grinned; while flippantly quipping, "Or, is Qiu Xiangying actually that stupid?"

Qiu Xiangying abruptly jumped to her feet; and, tightly pursed her lips. A melancholic visage suddenly overtook her countenance; then, she slowly raised her hand, and ominously pointed at Qiu Xiyun...almost as if she was warning her. "Who I choose to be with is no concern of, shut your mouth; Xiyun. What you need to focus on now is to become Yinn Siyan's wife. Because, if you don't... well; then don't go blaming me for being impolite."

Right after unnerving silence befell the room; as a mounting tension permeated the air. Qiu Guofei so badly wanted to scold Xiyun for her insolence; but, reluctantly refrained from saying anything. Truth was, he reminded himself that Qiu Xiyun was supposed to be marrying into the Yinn family soon; and, he would need her help in dealing with them. Essentially...Qiu Xiyun would soon be the liaison between the Qiu and Yinn families.

Lin Mi, on the other hand, wasn't looking that far down the road; but, only brooding on their present conversation. With an evident touch of resentment in her tone; she scornfully chided her stepdaughter, " it really necessary for you to look down on us?...Especially being that it's already hard enough as it is for us to fix you up with such a wealthy family to marry into; hence, allowing you to enjoy a happy life. I suggest you check that attitude of yours, young lady; and, be more gracious in accepting this marriage arrangement... because, if you refuse us this time; next time an offer of marriage comes around, you might not be so fortunate. Opportunities like this don't present themselves that often."

Once again; Qiu Xiyun had to keep from bursting out laughing. She couldn't believe it...was Lin Mi actually trying to threaten her?"

Qiu Xiyun impishly smirked; while saucily retorting, "Did you really think that by trying to criticize such a poor attempt at that, might I add..I'd cave in, and submit to your request. Lin Mi; don't bother wasting your breath trying to spew your dogmatic rhetoric on me. Unlike some of us here; I don't want to easily give in and sell of my dignity, all for the sake of wealth and status. Especially if it means becoming someone's kept woman...or, mistress. Whoever I eventually end up marrying will have nothing to do with you."

Lin Mi was momentarily taken aback. She was chastised by Qiu Xiyun in such a berating manner, that she could barely contain her disdain for her 'nemesis's' daughter. She childishly stomped her feet; then, brusquely crossed her arms across her chest, while expelling out an exaggeratedly exasperated huff. Finishing up with a disgruntled , "Humph!!" Lin Mi then looked over at Qiu Guofei , and scowled.

Still feeling somewhat ashamed over his betraying infidelity to his deceased ex-wife; Qiu Guofei always had a difficult time facing Qiu Xiyuan. But, Lin Mi had just his opinion...disrespectfully berated by Qiu Xiyun; and, as Lin Mi's husband...not to mention his yearning desire to prove his manliness in front of his wife and daughters...he decided not to care anymore about sparing Qiu Xiyun's feelings. He immediately sprung up from the couch, and rushed over to her. Qiu Guofei firmly grasped Qiu Xiyun's arm, and forcefully dragged her to her room; then, roughly shoved her in there, and locked her in.

Qiu Guofei loudly shouted through the door; in his most authoritative tone, "You insensibly insolent dare you! You'll stay in that room, and think long and hard about it. Whether you agree to marry Yinn Siyan, or not; if I say that you'll marry him, then you will! And, if you don't agree with it...and, still insist on refusing to marry him...then, you might as well not even think about leaving that room!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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