Married To My Brother/C100 Chapter 99
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Married To My Brother/C100 Chapter 99
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C100 Chapter 99

I immediately went out of my room to look for Yelena and the first thing I went to was her room which is on the same floor as my room, hers is in my right wing while mine is in the left wing of the mansion .

I knocked on the door one after the other but I heard no answer from inside. "I'm going in, Yelena." I said more and then I touched the door knob and luckily the door opened.

I looked around but I couldn't hear any noise. "Yelena? Yelena, are you here?" I asked more but I didn't get an answer either. Until I got to his bed, he wasn't there, even in my bathroom I checked but it was negative.

And just as I was about to leave his room, I noticed papers scattered on his small working table, there were also water colors, crayons and pencils. I creased my forehead and out of curiosity I walked towards her working table to check what she had drawn.

Children do it normally in their drawings. I even said to myself when I saw one of his drains. There are three people who have drawn, but those people just stick and stick. A man, there is a girl in the middle of them and a woman holding hands.

Well, I assume that the two in the drawing are women because they have skirts. Of course, who else are these three. It's Kenzo, Yelena and Marga. Their family drawing made by Yelena.

I looked at his other drawings, there are mountains and then in the middle is the sun and I think the flower farm below him is the water color used in the drawing. There are also other drawings that look like the three of them again, but the same colors were used in the drawing.

He was also my random drawing until I almost saw all his drawings and I couldn't help but smile at the same time because he remembered me.

3 years ago...

For today, I went out alone. I also noticed that Mommy and Daddy are getting busier little by little. They are not at home all day and it is late when they come home. It's also early if I leave and often I don't catch up because I wake up late.

Anyway, I understand. So, I've read a lot of books in the library like Dior by Yves Saint Laurent, and almost all the books I've read are actually about fashion, which is getting a little boring.

So for today I decided to go out to buy painting materials. I just let our driver deliver because I'm not very familiar with the city yet.

When I was at the book store, I got my stocks for the materials that I will use for painting. Back then, I couldn't buy things like this, because you know that our money is just right for our daily needs, Mom and Dad. There is no place for wants, so what I used to do when I wanted was to draw on the back of my notebook.

I promised to get three pieces of sketchhook, as many as I can think of that I want to draw like the faces of Mommy and Daddy, then when I have perfected the drawing of them, maybe I can transfer it to the portrait. So that they can have a new portrait at home.

Next I took the graphite rawing pencils, then kneaded erasers, art pencil sharpener, ruler in case I needed it. Watercolor pad as well as acrylic paint set in case the watercolor pad doesn't work.

Of course, you can't lose those paint brushes, I got 12 pieces. Water color pad and canvas pad are also my options for what is better to use, plastic paint pallet and palette papers and the last one on my list is this color wheel.

The other day I couldn't believe that Mommy gave me four cards. That's what I use when I want to buy online or at a physical store. I was even surprised because why four cards right away, I'm already very thankful even if it's just one card. Mommy said that in case one card doesn't work, at least I have a backup.

At least now I have more time to practice painting since I don't do anything at home...

After I got home I was excited to draw in one of my sketch books, I've already browsed on my phone to see what good portraits I can draw of Mommy or Daddy or they can be just the two of them in the same portrait.

It's just that I've seen all the pictures on my phone, I don't really like any of their pictures that can be drawn. I raised the high curtain on my glass wall of my room so I could see the view outside. Maybe it's better to paint the view first.It's just that I've torn a few pages in my sketch book and I still don't like what I've drawn. Sigh. My sketch book is about to run out of pages, I haven't done a drawing yet.

That's why I first lay down on the carpet I was sitting on and then I covered my eyes with one of my arms, because the sunlight coming from my glass wall was also dazzling.

When I closed my eyes, Kenzo's face immediately popped up in my mind. He just looked at me with a poker face. I immediately opened my eyes and then I got up from lying down. Sigh.

Actually, I've been thinking about him for a while now so I can't focus on drawing, eh. And then I gasped violently again.

The truth is, I've been thinking about Kenzo since I purchased these painting materials. I have to be honest and admit that I want to paint Kenzo's face and it looks like I can't paint other people or things unless I draw Kenzo's face. I gasped violently. This is pure madness.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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