Married To My Brother/C38 Chapter 37
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Married To My Brother/C38 Chapter 37
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C38 Chapter 37

"What else did you do Clara? Come back and we still have a lot of plates to clean."

"Go ahead." Clara answered. Clara and I just looked at each other and went to her work.

As I was going up the stairs, I couldn't help but get more and more nervous. I don't know what I should say to Señorito, when we meet. Pretend nothing happened? Didn't happen yesterday? Is that possible?

Deep in my thoughts, I didn't even think that I was going up the stairs, so I ended up tripping and spilling Señorito's food.

"Ouch!" And then I touched that foot if it looked like it was still sprained. When I looked at the tray I was holding, the juice had been spilled on the carpet, the glass where the juice was kept was broken as well as the two plates where Señorito's breakfast was placed.

"Torn!" I just said to myself, I didn't understand what my foot was saying to me at first and then I started to fix what I scattered just in case -

"Selena?" When I looked up, my eyes almost popped out of my eye sockets when I saw Señorito standing on the stairs. I panicked so much, I touched the broken glass and injured my palm.

Blood continued to drip from my palm, and I panicked so much that I stood up from my fall. I don't want anymore. I'm not ready to face the Señorito, I don't know what to say to him or how to treat him.

So even though my feet still hurt, I forced myself to stand up and then rushed down the stairs.

"Selena!" That was the last thing I heard until I finally got out of the mansion, from the backdoor of the mansion.

I was running so fast that I didn't even notice that I was reaching my beach. Yes, this is how the Saavedras set up my mansion. The back part is connected to my seashore while the front part is Hacienda. The land of the Saavedras is really large, that's why it's like this.

Until my legs got tired from running, I sat down on the sand. My clothes are also slightly stained with blood because of my palm. I winced because I could feel the pain of my wound.

I'm also not okay when I see blood, especially when it's my own blood. I feel weak.

"Selena!" When I woke up, I saw the Señorito walking towards me. He was just looking at me seriously and I couldn't read any emotion on his face which made me even more nervous.

I was going to try to stand up but I could feel the pain in my leg from tripping earlier, so the Señorito caught up with me.

"Why did you run away when you saw me?" He asked me angrily. I lost the courage to speak even more, I just bowed so that our eyes wouldn't meet.

"Selena." He called me again, but instead of looking at him, I just turned my palm when it was shaking and my blood was still dripping. I suddenly thought what if I run out of blood because of this?

"D amn! What happened to you? D amn it! Why do you have that wound? Where did you get this?" And then Señorito also touched my wound with his palm. I didn't answer until –

"Did you get this from those broken plates?" I looked up and immediately Señorito and I met each other's eyes, my mouth fell open and I was about to answer, but not even a single word came out of my mouth.

I was even surprised when he suddenly tore the polo shirt he was wearing, then he took the hand that was my wound and then he wrapped the part of the polo shirt that he had torn in my palm and then he said –

"Nevermind. Come on I'm taking you back home, so we can heal your wound better." He added. He stood up and then he reached out his hand to help me stand just in case I shook my head and then I looked at my left foot which was also in pain because of my tripping.

"Your foot is inquired... too." And then the Señorito returned to squatting in front of me and I picked him up pabridal style, I hugged the other hand around his neck as he walked away from the beach.

"Can you please be careful next time?" The Señorito asked me even more irritated. "You wounded your palm at the same time you injured your foot. What the hell are you thinking Selena?"

"I'm not ready to see you yet, Señorito. That's why I panicked and I didn't notice how I was walking so I tripped and then the thing I was carrying that I was carrying for breakfast broke... I'm sorry."

He said to her with a weak voice. I heard the heavy sigh of the Señorito so I looked at his face again.

"You're not ready to see me? Why? Is it because of what happened to us yesterday?" He asked me with his hoarse voice. I looked away and didn't answer, I didn't get any complaints from Señorito, he kept walking until I noticed that the road we were taking was not going back to the mansion.

I wanted to ask Señorito where we were going, but it was obvious that he was in an angry mood, so I kept quiet and waited to see where we were going. He also walked quite a distance while I was carrying him and when we entered the woods, I realized that we were going to his parents' secret house.

I don't know how Señorito did it, but maybe he is really good at multi-tasking because he opened the door of their house while lifting me until he took me to his entertainment room overlooking the patio and view of tall buildings of the other city.

"Wait for me here, I'll just get a first aid kit." And then he left the entertainment room. When I was left alone, I also held my breath and looked to my surprise that the bleeding seemed to have stopped, although the white cloth that Señorito wrapped around my palm had turned red.

It didn't take long and the Señorito came back with my first aid kit and something else that I don't know what it was for. While he was treating my wound, we were silent, I couldn't say anything and Señorito didn't seem to have any intention of speaking either, but the only thing that worried me was the part where his eyebrows were touching while he was treating my wound.

I really wanted to say a little harshly when he put the acetic acid just in case Señorito might get even more angry with me so I just inhaled but he noticed right away because he looked up at me and just said -

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