Married To My Brother/C89 Chapter 88
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Married To My Brother/C89 Chapter 88
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C89 Chapter 88

"Selena –" Daddy chased after me but Mommy and I ignored them and went straight to my car, I frowned when my buddy guard immediately came to me. I even wondered at first, then suddenly I thought that maybe he had my car key, so I held out my palm to him just in case -

"I'm sorry Ma'am, Sir Joven ordered you not to drive." My eyes widened.

"What?! It's not possible!" I complained to him. It's just that he ignored me and opened the door for me in my backseat.

"Ugh!" I said in shock and even if I lost my way, I would just waste my effort because what Daddy said is probably what they will follow, I just got inside the car instead of me being in their car. they me.

"We don't know how to discipline you Selena!" Daddy told me when we entered the entertainment room. I sat down on one of the couches. Mommy also followed us and just stood next to Daddy.

"We can no longer understand why you are acting like that. You were not like this before, you were obedient and kind. What's going on? Why are you rebelling?" Daddy asked me one more question, he sat down on the nearby sofa and tiredly combed his black and white hair. I couldn't help but ask why it was only now that I noticed that Daddy was getting older.

I also simply looked at Mommy who was good and artistic. Spas and Beauty clinics are always full so when we are together we just look like friends.

"Dad, I'm not rebelling, I just want to experience what it feels like to race since my new car is also a car race." I said angrily to Daddy.

"Selena, you can measure the speed of your car in another way. The legal way. I wished you just told us about it, we got a family friend that owns an Auto racing company, you can enroll there." I frowned.

"How can I tell you, you don't answer Mommy's calls. You're always so busy with work that you only remember me when I do something wrong."

"We are working hard to make sure you'll have a better future Hija. To secure your beautiful life." Mommy answered me as if that would justify all their shortcomings.

Even though they made up for me during the times when I was separated from them, they wanted to work more and more for more money to come to us. Sigh. They are the ones I really don't understand.

"We could have missed this mess if it was just your first time but your Mom and I even lost count due to the amount of mess you did just recently." It was Dad who said it then Mommy preached next.

"Two weeks ago, you plowed the Chevrolet Colorado 2021 at our neighbor's gate, you know that we just bought it with your mommy three months ago. It's good that we talked to Mr. and Mrs. Chen properly so they didn't file a complaint of the complaint. Do you know that the collateral damage we paid is also one hundred thousand plus?" Okay. I do not know that, that's why I didn't answer what Mommy said but I know that it's only a small amount for them and Daddy considering the size of our construction business!

"You even had a drink with your school's basketball team. Son, those were all boys, what did you do when you were all drunk?" Mommy said worriedly. I bit my lower lip because I didn't know what to say.

"Mom, I'm with Marco."

"And that is not enough reason young lady." Daddy answered me immediately.

"I hope it will get through, it's just a case of why you were still inside the campus drinking and it's not just that you remembered because you were so drunk we thought you had been kidnapped!" I scratched my forehead because I remembered that day.

I didn't make it home that night because I was so drunk. Then that morning I just got home and I still wondered why the police were there in my subdivision where we live. My heart almost fell out of my rib cage when I saw that the police were coming out of our house. I was still thinking about what happened to Mommy and Daddy so I rushed into the mansion and then I realized that I was the reason. Why is there a battalion of police scattered here with us? Sigh. That's a big mess, I admit it.

"And do you remember that day when you tried to bake but the ending is almost like burning our house! Not just the kitchen but our whole house that my Grandparents bequeathed to me." Daddy said problematically.

"You know that Marga was swimming in the pool and you put frogs in it!" And then Mommy touched her forehead as if she remembered what happened that day. I kept hugging the throw pillow that was on my back while reminiscing about my silly things with Mommy and Daddy.

"And if you can't contact us, why don't you call your Kuya Kenzo, he can help you too." So, technically they will just take turns preaching to me.

"Mom, Kenzo and I - I mean Kuya Kenzo..." Seriously, it sounds weird on my part calling him Kuya Kenzo, makes me want to puke. "and I'm not close and besides he's my own family no I can distort him as long as his priorities are different." Sigh. The annoying part is that even now I'm still affected when Kenzo is the topic, I'm still fragile. Sigh.

Just as I was about to answer my apple, who is a child, suddenly entered my entertainment room and then shouted -

"Welcome home, Grandma! Grandpaaaaa! Selenaaaa! I miss you all!" And then he hugged Daddy's leg.

"Aww, Yelena baby hi." Mommy said, Mommy squatted so that she could match Yelena's height. I just gasped and then fell into the air.

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