Married To My Brother/C92 Chapter 91
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Married To My Brother/C92 Chapter 91
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C92 Chapter 91

Was everything he told me when we were at the Hacienda just a lie? So, like what Marco had said, he would get me? Into my pants? And before I could cry in front of Mommy, I quickly stood up. Mommy will be surprised for sure if I cry all of a sudden.

"Where are you going Selena?" Mom said to me with confusion. I bit my lower lip. I'm sorry Mom, if I have to lie to you now but everything is so complicated, that even I am getting a hard time, understanding everything that is happening.

"Just a moment Mom, I just suddenly remembered something that I should check, is it okay if I try on those gowns later?"

"But -"

"Later Mom." And then I pulled my jacket that was resting on my vanity chair and quickly left my room leaving Mom and the two helpers there.

I don't care anymore and I don't want anything else to happen now but to talk to Kenzo. No. I will not allow him and Marga to marry. His mine. Kenzo is mine! He was the only man I loved! He is my universe, my star who lights up my night.

I wanted to believe that he loved me too, because he said so. In whispers, in screams, in his sleep in his eyes. Even though we were only together for a short period of time, I let him invade my heart. I let him love me in his own selfish ways.

In the depths of my thinking, I didn't even notice that I was in front of Kenzo's room. If you don't open the door anymore, maybe what other nonsense I thought.

"Selena?" Kenzo asked me in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" I just looked at his face for a few moments and he did the same.

"Sele –" But before he could finish what he was going to say, I came closer to him and then I pushed him inside again and because he didn't expect that, I made him back inside his room again. I went in next and pushed the door with one of my feet so that it would close and Kenzo and I would be alone.

"Is there something wrong? Can you tell me what's going on?" He said one after the other and he was still surprised but I didn't answer even one. I measured the distance between us and when we were facing each other I tiptoed and then I put both of my hands on both of his shoulders.

"Selena –" Before he could finish what he was going to say, I wrapped both of my hands around his neck to bring our faces even closer, I closed my eyes and then kissed him on the lips.

At first our lips were just touching and Kenzo was just standing there in front of me like a stump, he didn't even touch both of my waists like he often did before.

It's like I'm kissing a banana tree! I slowly moved my mouth to his mouth but I was really taken that no matter what reaction he had, he just let me kiss him until I also gave up and let go of the kiss that I started.

Little by little I stepped back away from Kenzo and when I was able to settle where I was standing -

"Are you done?" Kenzo asked me coldly while looking straight into my eyes.

"Kenzo -" I couldn't finish what I was going to say when he cut me right away.

"I guess you are. You can get out now!" He said rudely to me and then he raised his hand and pointed to the door where I would go out.

"Kenzo, please let's talk first." It was sad to say to him and then I approached him again and held one of his hands.

"Why are you marrying Marga?" Your voice becomes hoarse when you ask him. My heart also hurts so much that it beats fast at the same time. I didn't get any answer from him, he just avoided looking at me.

"You said you love me. That's why I don't understand why you're with Marga..." I was about to say something before I was cut off because I really started crying. Even my tears that I couldn't control fell one after the other on Kenzo and I's hand that I was holding. Just thinking that he and Marga will get married makes me feel like a knife is cutting the gold of my heart.

"Please tell me that you and Marga are not getting married." Crying when told to him.

"I am marrying Marga tomorrow, Selena." Kenzo told me emphatically and then he violently withdrew his hand from my grip which even made me step back from where I was standing. It's good that we were close to the door so I leaned on it, if there was no door I might have fallen from where I was standing.

We were silent for a while and there was no other noise to be heard but my crying. Until I gathered some strength and asked him if –

"Do you love her?" I asked Kenzo with a hoarse and weak voice. I was also just bowing and your eyes were focused on my floor just in case a few moments had passed and I still didn't get an answer from him, that's why you raised my eyes again.

He was also looking at me but I couldn't read any emotion in Kenzo's eyes. His expression was just blank.

"I don't understand. You told me I'm the one you love... so... so why are you marrying Marga?" Crying when asked about Kenzo.

"Selena what don't you understand about us being siblings?" My mouth dropped after Kenzo said that. Suddenly I became speechless and then he took a few steps closer to me and I backed away from where I was standing until my back hit my door.

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