Married To My Brother/C93 Chapter 92
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Married To My Brother/C93 Chapter 92
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C93 Chapter 92

He blocked his two hands on both sides of me so that I couldn't move from where I was standing and then he looked directly into my eyes.

"Forget what other people will say in case they find out about us. Just think about how Mom and Dad will take all of this, if you still insist on how you feel about me. Especially Mom, always remember that her heart is weak. Whether it's a small or big thing as long as it will make her disappointed, there is a chance it can be the reason for a heart attack."

"I love you." That's all I said and then my tears fell one after the other.

"Is your love for me more important than our parents?" He raised his one hand and then he touched my jawline and then he brought his face closer to mine until there was only one finger between our faces.

"Don't ruin whatever relationship you have with Mom and Dad, right now. Better keep it that way. The kind Selena that everyone loves. You're clear in the hacienda I told them that we were so close to each other back then because I suspect you're my long lost sister that we've been looking since forever. So, for sure your friends and the people you used to work with before are excited to see you, if you plan on seeing them again. Im not sure if you're interested to know but might as well tell you now since, I already mentioned them to you. I talked to one of your friends, what's her name again... " And then he thought for a while.

"Yah, I remember now. It's Clara. She said, her and your other friends hope you can return to the hacienda. They want to apologize for what happened to you and..." He stopped speaking and I got it. what's going on.

"I don't care about them anymore." I replied coldly to Kenzo. "And then why are you including them in the conversation, all I want to talk about is our role. I love you. I still love you very much Kenzo and I don't really see you as my brother."

"Forget what we had back then, everything that happened to us. Just think that all your memories with me are just bad dreams. Bad dreams that you should forget and one more thing, Marga is pregnant so we will get married before she gave birth. For sure I look crazy in Keno's eyes now, because just now if I cry it's like there's no tomorrow and now I'm like crazy if I laugh.

"You know that's the funniest joke I've ever heard.

"What if Marga is pregnant? You're not her father for sure." I told him coldly.

After he said that, my heart fell like a leaf from a tree. I can no longer feel the fast beating of my heart in my rib cage. I don't even understand what I feel like in an instant my soul suddenly died but my body is alive and well.

"Selena, can you take me seriously? Marga and I are getting married because she is pregnant. Pregnant with my child. I am the father of the child inside her womb. Isn't it still clear to you up until now? Should I really have to elaborate this with you?

Before I noticed you, it was Marga who got all of my attention. I'm with her most of the time, she's my schoolmate, her family is the closest family friend we have. She's like almost my girlfriend. We just don't have a label. What we used to do when we were alone, we did it more times so I wasn't surprised if I got her pregnant. So, forget about me." And then he let go of his grip on my jawline, I bowed down as my tears fell one after another.

"I'm not the right man for you. I am not the guy destined for you. I am not the man whom you will spend your forever with. I am not the man who will wait for you at the end of the aisle. I am not the man you will marry. There is another man who deserves you more and will love you more than I love you."

While I was bending down, I pushed him so that I could get out of his face and then I ran out of his room.

End of Flashback...

"Selena! Selena wake up!"

"Hmm..." I said to the one who was trying to wake me up. I even pulled my blanket because my bare body was getting a little cold. There is another man who deserves you more and will love you more than I love you."

While I was bending down, I pushed him so that I could get out of his face and then I ran out of his room.

End of Flashback...

"Selena! Selena wake up!"

"Hmm..." I said to the one who was trying to wake me up. I even pulled my blanket because my bare body was getting a little cold.

"Selena!" Urgh! I pulled the pillow to my side and then covered my ears and continued to sleep. I slept late last night so I don't understand why it's necessary to wake up early today.

"You really don't want to wake up, huh?" He even told me that he was annoyed. Next thing, I felt the successive slapping of the pillow all over my body. It's good that Yelena's pillow hitting me wasn't that strong. The earth louse wasn't satisfied yet, he pulled the pillow that I covered to the side of my ear.

I was irritated and forced to open my eyes and the awkward boy was still standing in front of me. I slowly got up and then leaned my back and head on the headboard of my bed. I even pulled my blanket up to my chest to cover my bare body and then I held one of my hands on my head. It hurts a bit.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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