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C12 Confrontation

Maria's pov~

It was finally morning how I dreaded for dawn to come. I wanted to have enough time to rest before Rafael could confront me. I didn't know whether he came back last night or not but what I knew was that talking to him wasn't really what I can look excited to do.

I took my bath and wore a simple flowery green gown and sandals to match and then I sat on my bed thinking of what I would do next. I didn't want to meet him this morning. My plan was for me to wait until he had gone to work before I could come out and have breakfast and look for a way to reach Estelle and ask her about my phone and apologize for running off and leaving her behind. I knew she wouldn't take it lightly with me though.

Suddenly,I heard a knock at the door and I stood up to open it and I saw that it was Rafael that was standing there. He pushed me aside and stormed into my room. His anger and frustration were palpable, and I knew I was in trouble.

"Why did you disobey me?" he demanded, his voice low and menacing.

I sat up, trying to defend myself. "I-I just wanted to go out with Estelle," I stammered.

But Rafael wasn't having it. "You lied to me. You said you were going to Estelle's apartment, but I saw you at the club."

I felt a wave of shame wash over me. I knew I had made a mistake, and now I was paying the price.

"I-I didn't mean to hurt you, Rafael. I just needed some freedom," I tried to explain.

But Rafael's expression only turned colder. "Freedom? You call lying to me and then go out to a club to flirt with other men freedom?"

I dropped my eyes, feeling a surge of fear. I knew I had crossed a line, and now I was at Rafael's mercy.

"I wasn't flirting, Rafael. I swear. I just tripped and he caught me," I protested.

But Rafael's grip on his temper only tightened. "Enough, Maria. You're my wife, and you'll do as I say. No more sneaking out, no more disobeying me. Do you understand?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of defeat wash over me. I knew I had lost this battle, and now I had to face the consequences.

As Rafael paced around the room, I could feel his anger and frustration radiating towards me. I knew I had to be careful, or else I would face his wrath.

Finally, Rafael's phone rang, breaking the tension in the room. He answered it, his voice gruff, and I knew he was talking to Leticia, his girlfriend.

I felt a pang of jealousy, knowing that he was still seeing her despite being married to me. But I pushed the feeling aside, knowing I had to focus on survival right now.

As Rafael left the room, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I knew I had escaped a worse punishment, for now.

But as I lay back in bed, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. I knew I was trapped in this gilded cage, at the mercy of Rafael's whims. And I knew I had to find a way out, before it was too late.

I couldn't help but think about the events of the night. I had been so stupid to think I could outsmart Rafael. Now, I was paying the price for my disobedience.

I thought about the man who had caught me when I tripped. He was handsome and charming, and for a moment, I had felt a spark of attraction. But I knew I couldn't act on it. I was married to Rafael, and I had to be loyal to him, no matter how much I hated our arrangement.

I tossed and turned, my mind racing with thoughts of escape and freedom. But every time I thought of a plan, I knew it would never work. Rafael had too much control over me, and I was trapped in this gilded cage.

Just as I was starting to drift off to sleep, I heard the door open. Rafael had returned, and I knew I was in for another confrontation.

"Maria, we need to talk," he said, his voice firm but controlled.

I sat up, my heart racing. "What is it, Rafael?"

"I know you were flirting with that man at the club," he accused, his eyes narrowing.

I shook my head, trying to defend myself. "No, Rafael, I swear. I wasn't flirting. I just tripped and he caught me."

Rafael raised an eyebrow. "Save it, Maria. I know what I saw. And I know you've been trying to escape me."

I felt a surge of fear. How did he know? I thought I had been so careful.

"You're not going anywhere, Maria," Rafael said, his voice cold. "You're mine, and you'll do as I say. No more disobedience, no more sneaking out. Do you understand?"

I nodded even though I was shocked by his sudden rage and his declaration of me belonging to him. I thought he hated me?!

All of these felt so confusing to me.

As Rafael left the room, I felt a sense of despair wash over me. I was trapped in this marriage, and I had no way out. But I knew I couldn't give up. I had to keep fighting, no matter how hard it got.

Rafael's pov~

As I left Maria's room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. She just didn't get it. She thought she could disobey me and get away with it? I was Rafael Santino, after all. I was a man of power and control.

I walked into my study, pouring myself a glass of scotch. I needed a drink after dealing with Maria's defiance. I thought about our conversation, and how she had tried to defend herself. But I knew the truth. She was attracted to that man at the club, and she was trying to escape me.

I couldn't blame her, really. I had been distant lately, and she was probably feeling lonely. But that was no excuse for her behavior. She was my wife, and she needed to learn to obey me.

As I sipped my scotch, I thought about Leticia. She was the opposite of Maria - obedient, loyal, and submissive. But it was more than that. I genuinely cared for her, and I enjoyed her company. She was intelligent, beautiful, and charming. And she made me feel alive in a way Maria never had.

I thought about our conversation earlier, and how she had asked me to come over. I wanted to be with her, to hold her in my arms and feel her warmth. I wanted to talk to her, to share my thoughts and feelings with her. She listened to me in a way Maria never did.

As I finished my drink, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. I knew I had everything under control. Maria would learn to obey me, and Leticia would be mine, body and soul. I was a lucky man, really.

I walked back to my room, feeling a sense of satisfaction. I was Rafael Santino, and I always got what I wanted. And what I wanted was Leticia, by my side, where she belonged.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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