Married To The Billionaire Badboy/C14 Job alert and self-realization
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Married To The Billionaire Badboy/C14 Job alert and self-realization
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C14 Job alert and self-realization

Maria's pov~

It was the next day and I hadn't bought myself to check my emails the day before but I knew sooner or later I would do it the better for me, and so I opened my laptop and when I was about to check my emails a knock came through the door. I stood up to go and came and I saw Joy standing there. It's actually been awhile since I had time to talk with her or any of the workers around the house.

“Oh Joy, sorry I haven't spoken to you in awhile I have been busy with stuffs”

She smiled and said “I understand and I am not offended at all, I know you are still trying to fit in here. I came because master Rafael had requested you had breakfast with him before he leaves for work”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion why would Rafael want to eat breakfast with me even after acting rudely towards me but then I remembered that was the usual way he acts so I smiled at Joy and told her I would be there soon.

I took out a simple green dress and white sandals and slipped them on, opting for a casual yet presentable look for breakfast with Rafael. As I made my way to the dining room, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of uncertainty about his intentions. It's actually been awhile since we ate together cause I didn't want him ruining my morning mood almost all the time.

Entering the dining room, I found Rafael already seated at the table, engrossed in his phone. I wonder what he was up to. His sharp features softened slightly as he glanced up and acknowledged my presence with a nod. I returned the gesture, taking a seat opposite him.

"Good morning, Maria," he greeted.

I paused in my footsteps ,he greeted me!?Rafael Santino had greeted me!!. Well this has to be a weird way to start the morning but nevertheless I greeted him back.

"Good morning, Rafael," I replied, keeping my tone neutral, unsure of how to interpret his sudden change in demeanor.

As we began to eat, the atmosphere remained tense, filled with unspoken words and lingering animosity. Rafael seemed preoccupied with his thoughts, occasionally glancing in my direction as if contemplating something.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind. And why he invited me to breakfast and wasn't getting on my nerves as usual. Was he regretting his previous behavior towards me, or was there a deeper motive behind his invitation? As I continue to eat all of a sudden he said my name

“Maria” he said “I have a question for you”

I paused because I knew this wasn't going to end well all the time we ate breakfast together it always ended with quarrels and walking out of either me or him. We don't even tolerate each other's presence. But still I needed to know what he wanted from me.

“Yes, and what may that be? I asked.

“I have been doing some thinking, and I have come to the conclusion that I want us to try and get along only for this week though” he said.

“I don't understand what you mean only for this week?” I asked filled with curiosity.

“My parents would like us to visit them and stay for the weekend at their place and I want us to play the part of a perfect couple so my dad wouldn't suspect a thing”

“And what makes you so sure that I would agree to that?”

“Because you have no choice, may I remind you of your father's debt to us?”

“Why do you always use my father's debt to threaten me, you don't even know the reason why he borrowed from your dad but yet you always remind me to make me feel like I have a loser for a dad”!! I was fuming at this point. Who does he think he is just because he had money doesn't mean I deserved to be walked over like a doormat.

“I see you have gotten feisty because I haven't been keeping an eye on you”

“I don't care about you or your dad, you both can go to hell”!! I said and as I hit my hands on the table hard and walked out and went up to my room.

As soon as I was in my room I sat down and tried to get control of myself. I really hated getting angry because that isn't a part of me. I love to be cheerful but quiet but ever since I married Rafael he had been testing my patience. I just had to let my anger and frustration out today.

I quickly remembered that I hadn't checked my email to know whether I had gotten the job. I quickly took my laptop from my desk and sat down and began to check my emails. Soon enough I found one that was sent by them. I was very nervous to open it but I braced myself and I did. As soon as I saw congratulations I almost let out a scream but I decided not too soon as not to attract attention to myself especially from Rafael. I didn't want him to know about this before he tried to put me down like he always does.

I was grinning, I couldn't actually believe that I got a job from Starling Bank. I was excited and decided to call Estelle and share the good news with her and also ask her whether she got the job too.

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed Estelle's number, my heart racing with excitement. She answered on the first ring, and I couldn't help but blurt out the news. "Estelle, I got the job! I'm going to be working at Starling Bank!"

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and for a moment, I worried that she hadn't gotten the job. But then she squealed, "Oh my god, Maria! Me too! I can't believe it!"

We both laughed and screamed, our excitement echoing through the phone. I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I had someone who would be by my side through all these. I decided to tell her about what Rafael had said at breakfast time.

“He's really an asshole, how could he say such to you and he never even apologized about the fact that you saw him.and he's ex girlfriend together but he was interrogating you just because a random guy helped you on your way out from the club. How could he be so selfish?”

“ I actually don't know and I'm guessing he needs us to act like a perfect couple in other to impress his dad and show his dad that he's now responsible or something like that”

"Maria, you deserve so much better than him," she said. "You're strong and capable, and you're going to do great things. Don't let him bring you down."

I smiled, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her. She was right, I didn't have to sit down and watch Rafael walk over me, I had tried so hard to be nice and to stay out of his way but if tries to put me down one more time I wouldn't let it go just like that.

As we ended our call, I felt a sense of determination wash over me. I was going to make the most of this opportunity, and I was going to prove to myself and to Rafael that I'm actually very smart if I want to be and as for the family gathering I would go with him and play my part so well that he would be shocked I said to myself a smile forming at the corner of my lips.

Just watch dear Mr Rafael Santino and I pray I don't expose your true self to your father…

New chapter is coming soon
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