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C4 House Tour

Maria's pov~

I watched as he walked away leaving me alone at the dining table. I was speechless and angry at the same time. How dare he try to treat me like this. But he was right about one thing though I can't leave because of the sake of my father.

I finished eating and left the dining room for my room. I sat on the bed and thought long and hard about what I had to do. I decided to call Estella and talk to her.

“You have got to be kidding me, did he actually say he has the right to bring his girlfriend to his house” she shrieked over the phone.I'm glad I had someone to call and vent my aggravations to. I wonder what I would have done without Estella by my side.

Estella had been my best friend since middle school ever since she saved me from a bunch of bullies. I have always been a timid kid and she has always been my savior and years later we still have a solid and standing friendship. She took the news of me getting into an arranged marriage better than I had taken it.

“But he is right and it is his house so he can do as he pleases, I'm thinking of applying for a job at least it will keep my mind away from him” I told her.

Because of my marriage to a Rafeal I had to quit my job as a waitress where I work with Estella. My dad had said it was befitting for someone marrying a billionaire to be seen working as a waitress. So I decided I might as well now apply for a job using my accountancy degree.

“That's a really nice idea, I might also quit and finally get a good job too. I'm fed up with the waitress work by the way”. She said, She had studied accountancy too.

We talked about more random things and about our college life and then we finally put an end to the call an hour later. I stood up and decided to walk around the mansion and see if I could see something to keep myself from being bored.

I stepped out of the room and went to the kitchen to look for someone who could give me a house tour.Lucky for me the maids were around. They turned and greeted me immediately and noticed my presence.

“Please I need a house tour, can anyone spare me some of their time”I asked as politely as possible. Dad had taught me never to treat anyone badly no matter who the person is,cause you might be in their situation one day and find out how hard it is.

“Yes ma’am ,I'm free at the moment, glad to give you a house tour”said Joy, the same maid that had called me for breakfast in the morning.

“Well thank you so much dear”I said very pleased. “Where do we start”? I added

“Just follow me” she said and I did.

She started by showing me the rooms.There were up to 10 rooms in the mansion which were mostly unoccupied,there was also a library which was very maleficent and organized with very genres of books and they had beautiful covers. I'm very much a lover of books and was glad that a library was here.I decided to explore more later. There was also a gym room.

After showing me the inside of the house we then proceeded outside to the garden which was breathtakingly beautiful and filled with different flowers of different species. I fell in love with it immediately. She ended the tour by taking me back to the kitchen which I failed to notice was large and pretty impressive.

“That's it for the tour of the house. I hope you like it,”she said, smiling at me.

“Yes, I really did. Thanks so much for giving me your time and I hope we can become good friends” I said to her. I really needed someone to talk to if I was going to be living here and she looked nice enough.

“I will be very happy with that,” she replied.

I left and went back to my room. I suddenly realized that since breakfast I haven't seen Rafael, not that I care or anything and he hasn't bothered to check on me.

“Why am I thinking of someone who has no time to check on me”? I say to myself.

I was feeling bored and decided to go to the library and read some books.

Rafeal's Pov~

I watched her from my room as the maid took her to see the garden. I saw how she smiled throughout and how her straight brown hair moved along with the wind. She was really pretty.

“What is wrong with me”? I thought to myself. I'm meant to be thinking of how I can end this marriage and be with Leticia but here I am admiring the woman I was forced to get married too, I sighed.

Almost immediately my phone began to ring. I picked it up and looked at the caller and it turned out to Leticia I smiled and answered the call.

“Hi babe, I miss you” I said

“Me too babe, I want to see you, can you come over? She asked

“Of course, anything for you babe, let me just dress up and come and meet you” I said to her as I cut the call and proceeded to go take a bath.

Immediately I was done with bathing, I dressed up and was about to leave the room when I got another call this time it was from dad. I frowned wondering why he was calling me cause he hardly ever did. I thought of ignoring it but I know the kind of person he was so I decided to just answer it.

“Hey dad” I said, waiting for him to state the reason for his calling.

“ I want you and your wife to come to a business meeting right away, it's an important meeting and it concerns our company too so I suggest you hurry up and I want no excuses. Make sure to be in your best behavior and don't ruin this for me”he said then cut the call immediately.

I cursed under my breath, Leticia wouldn't like this I thought. What am I going to say to her now?”

I knew that it was better to go attend the meeting with Maria than going to meet Leticia right now because dad would be so mad if I didn't and might revoke my inheritance immediately and I can't have that. So I decided to call Leticia and explain to her.

“Hey babe, something came up and I can't come over today but I promise to make it up to you next time” I said to her waiting for her reply.

“What the heck is more important than me babe, is it your wife or whatever. How can you do this to me” she said and by the sound of her voice I could tell that she was crying.

I felt so bad because she was hurting because of me. “It's not because of her baby, my dad wants us to attend a business dinner together and I can't say no to him please try and understand. I will make it up to you. I promise” I said to her.

“Hmm, I will take your words this time but please don't forget your promise. I really miss and want to see you” she said

“Thank you for understanding babe, talk to you later” I said ending the call.

I then scowled, remembering I still had to go and tell Maria that we would be going out together tonight. I really hated her right now cause assuming I hadn't gotten married to her this won't be happening. I sighed and picked up my phone to call Maria. My dad had given me her number. Though I didn't even want to have it but at least now it can save me the struggle of going to go and tell her face to face.

I'm guessing she didn't have my number because when she picked up what she said was “ Hello, who is this please”

“It's Rafeal,get ready we are going out to a business dinner with my father. Dress properly. I don't want to see you wearing something that looks cheap and nasty. Remember you are married to a billionaire. I said then proceeded to end the call before she could say anything.

This was going to be a bad night for me, I thought to myself.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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