Married To The Billionaire Badboy/C8 Breakfast quarrel
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Married To The Billionaire Badboy/C8 Breakfast quarrel
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C8 Breakfast quarrel

Maria's pov~

I blinked my eyes as I felt the rays of sun coming in through my window. I may or may not have left my window blinds opened at night. I guess it was because I slept off with anger that I forgot it. Last night events came rushing through my mind again and I felt more anger surging through my body.

How could he have been so mean and proud at the same time? When he had admitted that he had gone to see his girlfriend he didn't even show any atom of shame rather he said it with the pride of a shameless man.

I shaked off my thoughts from last night and decided to upload my resume using my laptop to the company I wanted to apply for a job in starling bank. They are well known in the state and they also have many other industries in their name. Such as a starling oil company and a starling manufacturing company. Hopefully I will be hired by then. I decided to call Estella and ask her if had also applied because we both agreed to apply to Starling Bank together.

I pick up my phone and dialed her number “hello”

“Hey best girl, how are you doing?” One thing about Estella was her sense of humor and I absolutely loved her for it.

“I'm fine girl, I just wanted to know whether you have sent your application and resume to Starling bank.”

“Yes of course, I have done so since yesterday. “Are you trying to tell me you just did yours now?” she asked. I hesitated before answering her. I didn't want her to know about my quarrel with Rafael last night.

“Of course not, I also uploaded mine yesterday just wanted to confirm that you did the same too”

“Ok babe you're sounding weird though,wanna come and visit me let's hang out? Or your husband wouldn't allow you??”

“Why wouldn't he? I don't care if he doesn't and I really need to get some air away from him, I will call you when I'm ready” I said and dropped the call.

I stood up from my bed and went to my closet to pick out an outfit that would be perfect for a girl's day out. After a long thirty minutes (30) I decided on a light pink gown and white strapped sandals to match with some silver jewelries and a white handbag.

I then proceeded to take my bath and I did my skincare then dressed up and went downstairs to have breakfast.I just hope I wasn't going to see Rafael this morning cause he would definitely spoil my mood. Unluckily for me he was sitting down at the dining table pressing his phone with one hand and eating breakfast with the other.

I mentally groaned but decided to behave normal so as not to provoke him into saying I wouldn't go anywhere.

“Good morning” I said as I pulled out a chair and sat down opposite him.He looked at me and stared at my dressing and he's eyes were obviously filled with questions but I wasn't going to say anything unless he asked.

He ignored my greeting and said nothing to me as he continued to eat and look at his phone at the same time. I guess whatever it was that he was doing with his phone was far more important than me his supposed wife. I wondered why he hated me so much couldn't he see that I was also in the same circumstances as him.

I decided to push him out of my thoughts and tried as hard as could to enjoy breakfast while pretending that he wasn't there. As soon as I was done with eating, I stood up and was about to leave the dining table.

“Where do you think you are going to” he said and I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him. I wanted to ignore him as he did the same to me but I remembered how he could be so I decided to answer him.

“Cat got your tongue?” He said before I could even speak.

“I'm going out with my best friend Estella, just for a girl's day's out and a little shopping and I will come back. And I didn't know I needed permission from you before I could leave the house” I said.

“Well, now you do”

“What do you mean by that” i.asked him.

“What I will by that is that you ought to tell me where you are going to before you leave this house”

“And why is that?” Is not as if you own me or anything”

“While technically I do because your dad is owning my dad money so whatever I say goes darling or else you have to start paying us the money you own which I doubt you even have” he said using his eyes to look at me in disguist.

I felt like crying because I knew what he said was true and that my father and I had no money to pay him but still he was very mean and I felt like running far away from where he could find me but i knew it was totally hopeless.

“Okay, I have heard you so please can I go now?” I could hear my own voice shaking anf I hope he couldn't hear it too.

“Yes and I don't give a f*ck where you go just make sure, you act like a billionaire's wife and don't f*cking disgrace me or else your dead, you and that precious daddy of yours” he said and I flinched and walked back to my room.

As soon as I got into my room, I went to the bathroom and cried out silently and then I redid my makeup and took out my phone and called Estella that I was prepared. I wasn't going to cancel our appointment just because of Rafael. I didn't want him to have that kind of hold on me.

I wanted to take a cab but I remembered Rafael didn't want me disgracing him so I went downstairs and one of Rafael's driver where I was going too and I got into the car. I don't want to be controlled by him but for now I will do as he said.

Rafael’s pov~

I watched as she left the house and went to tell my driver to take her where she was going too. I thought she will try to disobey me or disgrace me by trying to go and enter a cab all in the name of she is humble.I'm glad she is finally using that brain of hers.

I wasn't going to say those harsh words that I said to her earlier but for some reason she always seems to get on my nerves. Sometimes I feel like being good to her but then something inside me snaps and makes me say harsh things to her.

I know it really isn't her fault that this marriage happened but why couldn't her goddamn father keep his borrowing hands to himself. I wasn't fuming and needed to get my mind off her and I decided to go clubbing with Leticia. It's actually been awhile since I went clubbing so I called Leticia and told her to get ready and then I went to dress up.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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