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C9 Girl's day out

Maria's pov~

I finally arrived in front of the shopping mall that Estella had told me to come to. I thanked the driver, told him when he was to come and pick me up and then stepped out of the car. Almost immediately I sighted Estella, she was wearing a yellow crop top with blue boyfriend jeans. I was glad I saw her immediately cause I didn't want to go through the hazard of looking for her.

I quickly walked over to where she was standing. She didn't see me until I reached closer to her.

“Hey girl, didn't see you there, did you come with a cab or your private car?” she asked, winking at me.

“I don't even have a car but Rafael's driver did drop me off and I told him when to come back and pick me up”

“Ohh, I tend to forget your a billionaire's wife but why haven't he bought you a car then”

“You know it's just an arranged marriage and he doesn't have a feelings for me, let's talk about this later right now all i'm interested in is shopping” I said changing the topic to be honest I really didn't like all the questions she was asking me cause I didn't want to talk about my marriage or about Rafael right now.

“Calm your nerves girl,first we eat and then we shop,I'm going to make sure we have so much fun” she said and dragged me along as we entered the mall and went into the restaurant in the mall and we sat down. A female waiter approached us and asked for our order.

“So what would you be having?” Estelle asked as we looked through the menu.

“Creamy pasta and a chilled drink to accompany it” I said and closed the menu.

“I will have a burger with chicken and fries, thank you,” she said to the waitress.

“Your meals will be here soon”the waitress said as she left.

As soon as she left Estelle began with her interrogation again.

“So how is Mr Santino treating you?”

I was thinking about lying to her but then again she's the only friend I have and I trust her and I do really need to pout out my heart to someone.

“I don't know but he's really arrogant and rude, you won't believe it but he went to visit his girlfriend and when he came back home he actually admitted it with no remorse or thought of how I would feel, I mean I know he have no feelings for each other but that is a total disrespect to me” I went on and on telling her about what has been happening in my life for the past weeks. When I was done with talking I looked at her and noticed she has said anything since I started talking which is so unlike her.

“Are you even listening to me?” I asked her

“Of course I am, why would you think I'm not listening?”

“Well because you haven't said anything since I started talking”

“That's because I'm waiting for you to be done so I will analyze my thoughts and say what I have to say and since you are done I think I can now say it, I think you are starting to have feelings for him because if not why would all these things he does be bothering you to this extent?”

I scrunched up my face at the fact that she had mentioned me having feelings for Rafael which of course I do not, how would I have feelings for such an arrogant man. I was still deep in my thoughts and then the waitress came back with our orders bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Here's your meal, please enjoy” she said and left.

“So now you're the one who's speechless” Estelle said with a grin on her face.

“No I am not, I am also trying to analyze my thoughts but one thing I know for sure is that I do not have feelings for a man like Rafael,I mean I am shocked you even think of saying something like that”

“I know what you mean but many girls are still crushing and dying for a man like him, I mean he's a billionaire and his so freaking handsome and many will die to be in your shoes”

“Well then they should come and take my place and be married to him, I still can't believe I will be struck with someone like that for the rest of my life”

“Well what if he decides to divorce you, you did say he still has feelings for his girlfriend and blames you for the marriage”

I paused to think and realized that she was actually right. Rafael could decide to divorce anytime he wants but since this marriage was initiated by his father I'm guessing it has something to do with inheriting the company.

“Then it will be best for me to begin to pack my things then” I said smiling.

“So wait, you actually wouldn't mind him divorcing you?”

“Yes because it will enable me to actually get married the right way, for love”

Estelle shakes her head and gave me a half smile before saying “ I know it seems rough now but it will definitely get better you can actually try to get to know him”

“Oh how can I do that when he hates speaking with me and anytime I try to talk to him, he makes me speak fast so he can go his way, I'm just tired and I have been really sad I think I need to visit my dad”

“Everything will definitely be fine, let's hurry up with our meal so I can take my favorite girl shopping!!!” She said with a grin and I could tell she was full of excitement.


When we were done with our meals we went into the shopping area and started making our choices. Estelle made me try on as many dresses as possible. One thing about her is that buying clothes is her love language. Even though she doesn't have a lot of money she will always buy clothes.

When we were done with choosing the clothes we wanted , we went over to the cashier and paid. Then we left the shopping mall and went outside. We stood out then I decided to call Rafael driver to come and get me. I realized that I didn't even know his name and I forgot to collect his number.

“Shit!” I said

“What's the matter?” Estelle asked, looking at me with concern.

“I forgot to collect the driver's number and he is here yet, I guess I have to call a taxi then”

“Or you could just follow me and drop them at my house and then we can go clubbing like old times” she said giggling like a child.

“I don't even think I can go clubbing,what if Rafael finds out? He's going to be really furious and who knows what he will do to me”

“Chill girl,I got a plan”

“What's that?”

“Simple, after clubbing you will go back home and if he asks just say you were so tired after the shopping and so you decided to stay at my place for awhile and then you slept off and by the time you woke up it was already late”

“And you think he will buy that?”

“Of course he will if he doubts you, you simply call me and give him the phone to confirm it from him”

“Hmm, I guess that could work,okay so let's go to your house now, so I could still have time to go back after clubbing”

“That's my girl” she said and then we flagged down a taxi and went in and as it began taking us to her house my mind went to Rafael again. I really hope nothing goes wrong cause I didn't want to think of what he was capable of doing. I pushed him out of my mind and enjoyed the ride to Estelle’s house.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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