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Jun Linyue had originally planned to stay for a few more days. When he was free, he would climb the peak of the mountain and see what it looked like. Although it couldn't be said to be a rest, it could still be considered as taking time off from work.

But the next day, Jun Linjue slept all the way until the afternoon. Just as he got up and washed up, there was a knock on the door.

After opening the door, it was still the same person who had led the way. With a smile on his face, he carried a tray with some steamed buns and dishes on it. He smiled and said, "Lord Marquis of Black Tortoise, please have a meal."

Jun Lanyue was stunned for a moment before he asked in astonishment, "How did you know I was hungry?" Isn't this the afternoon? "

The person said, "Lord Xuanwu, each of our guests has a person in charge, so we are very clear about your daily life. If there is any inconvenience, we can cancel the service. If there is anything you need, you can handle it by yourself. "

"It's nothing, you can leave." Jun Lanyue nodded. The man put down the plate with a smile and slowly retreated.

He sat down and looked at the items on the table. They were all things that he liked most of the time. He hadn't thought that there would be such a caring service. He couldn't help but add a few points to this place.

After such treatment from Zhuo Si, the aura of his body had become a little smoother. Three days later, Jun Lin Yue found Zusi and said, "Sir, I am ready to depart."

The journey to Zhuzhou to the Great left city was rough and rough, and was unknown. Before he left, Lord Zuo Si, his two personal attendants, Feng Yu, and several other attendants all arrived at the entrance of the inspecting division to send off Jun Linyue.

At this moment, the Chief Examiner was being illuminated by the rising sun from the east. The morning light shone through the cracks in the cliff, and the morning mist drifted in the air. Streaks of multicolored light began to shine on Jun Bluemoon's body.

Behind them was a tall cliff. A row of guards were standing on top of the city wall, holding a flag. The red flag fluttered in the wind. The wooden doors on both sides slowly opened.

Wearing a suit of armor, Zuo Si said to Jun Linyue, "Marquis Xuanwu, the journey is a long one. Please take care!"

Jun Linyue nodded and cupped his fists, "It is my wish to work for my lord. I will definitely do my best and go through fire and water!" Finishing his words, he turned around and mounted a brimming war horse. At this moment, Zuo Si suddenly said, "Wait a moment."

At this time, Jun Lin Yue turned around and saw Zuo Si taking a bamboo tube from a servant and handing it to him. He said, "Marquis Xuan Wu, inside this bamboo tube is a map of the Nine Prefectures in the Great Yang. It is old, but it can help you smoothly reach Zhuzhou. You can come to a city every day and request for a reception from the City Lord. If you don't want to, you can find the right direction.

With that, a person walked over and handed a small package and a bamboo tube over. Jun Linyue nodded and took it from his hand, cupping his fists in thanks. After he secured the item to his body, he let out a long cry and galloped off, shouting, "My lord!" "Thank you!"

In the blink of an eye, Jun Lin Yue's silhouette was as swift as a bean, disappearing without a trace. After staying here for a few days, Jun Lanyue had been making good use of his time. If he didn't return like this, things would have been even more complicated.

Fortunately, there was an official road, and the mountains on both sides of the road could be seen. There were thousands of mountains on both sides of the road, and huge cliffs that drooped down were as if they would fall in the next second. On both sides were cliffs that were like arcs in the sky, and beside the mountain was a small path. This path was paved densely with bamboo poles and supported by the huge rocks on the mountain, it was sturdy and stable.

If it wasn't during the day, no one would be able to see that it was a bottomless abyss right beside them.

Raising his head, he saw many white clouds fluttering in the wind, drifting very quickly. Birds chirped and insects chirped in the mountains, the trunks dried up and partridges went far away.

The morning mist gradually dispersed, and then they followed the forest trail down the mountain.

After noon, Jun Lanyue was very tired. At the end of his field of vision was a village, so he dismounted and walked along the relatively flat cobblestone road.

The pebbles on the road were spread out all the way to the distance. As they walked on the pebbles, the pebbles creaked. As Jun Lin Yue led the horse, its hooves sank into the cobblestones. Jun Lin Yue felt that his feet that were hanging in the air had finally lifted off from the ground, and he was in a good mood as he stepped on the ground that he hadn't stepped on in a long time.

After walking for half a day, they finally arrived at the border of He Prefecture. Jun Lanyue took out the tube that Zou Si had given him. This tube was already turning yellow, and it was roughly half the length of an arm. On it was an exquisite eagle with wings carved on it. At the top of the tube was a wooden stopper. On top of the stopper was an exquisite carving of an eagle. It was really lovable.

Jun Linyue was very devout. He carefully opened the cork, revealing a roll of yellowed paper inside.

Jun Lin Yue took it out and opened it. This was a huge map that had been folded four times. Under the force of the wind, the yellowing paper seemed as if it was about to be torn apart by the wind. Jun Lin Yue carefully hid beside the horse, blocking the wind. The outline of the Nine Prefectures was painted with carbon ink. It seemed to have been painted over a long period of time.

Following the tip of his finger, Jun Lin Yue slowly found the place he was at, the border between the He Province and the Qing Province. Next stop. These two states, on the northwest side of the Central Plains, would have to go all the way south to Zhuzhou … Passing through at least three states.

This made Jun Lanyue a little worried. He did not expect Zhuzhou to be so far away. He sighed helplessly.

Just like that, he led the horse forward slowly. Although there was some food in the package, he wanted to go to the village and eat it. At the end of the recording was a teahouse. During the late autumn, the business of the teahouse was not good. Two tents were erected outside the entrance of the village.

This was the only way from He Prefecture to Qing Prefecture, so there were many hawkers in the store. Jun Lin Yue looked at the back of the street. It was quite lively, so he walked towards the teahouse. At this moment, the waiter hurried over and happily said, "Sir, the horses are here. What tea do you want?"

Jun Linyue smiled, "I don't know much about the Way of Tea. Just give me something to quench my thirst."

The waiter smiled and said, "Esteemed guest, I see that you have a hard time getting here, so I'll take the bath first. "Please come in." Jun Lanyue nodded. When he got closer to the teahouse, he found that not many people were drinking tea here. It was quiet except for a corner where the author was wearing a raincoat. He was silently sipping his tea with his head lowered. Beside the table was a tightly wrapped sword.

Jun Linjian glanced at it for a few moments, then retracted his gaze and said, "Waiter, let's go to the Dragon Well."

"Alright, please wait a moment, sir!"

Saying so, he went back to his own business. Jun Linyue surveyed his surroundings again. This teahouse had three floors, and was beautifully decorated. The walls were decorated with calligraphy and paintings of passersby, all of which were praises for this teahouse.

The words "drawing seat" were plastered all over the teahouse's walls. When Jun Linyue walked in, he didn't notice any of this.

After a while, a pot of fragrant dragon well arrived. The waiter picked up the cup and lightly turned it over. The teapot was emitting hot steam as it poured into a cup of green tea.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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