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Just then, the door creaked open. Yang Xi'er lazily stuck her head out and asked, "Wan Quan, who is it this late at night …" Before he could finish his sentence, he raised his head and saw the golden-armored Jun Linyue.

Their four eyes met, and Yang Xi'er suddenly froze. In that instant, it was as if her soul was trembling, and her head began to uncontrollably shake. Her eyes immediately became moist, and she wanted to speak, but no one knew what she was going to say.

After staring at each other like this for a few seconds, Jun Linyue jokingly said, "What, you're not going to invite me in?"

Yang Xi'er bit her lips and said, "You can go." With that, he stepped back and lifted up the door frame. Jun Linyue's heart tightened, as he hurriedly took a step forward, "Xi'er, it's my fault that I dragged you into this mess! "Don't do that."

The door slammed shut.

Wan Quan, who was standing far away, turned his head hurriedly when he heard this sound. Yang Xi'er's door was closed, and she frowned not knowing what had happened. He looked around, afraid that someone would come over, so he quickly ran over.

"Master Hou, since Miss doesn't want to see you, don't waste her time. You might be discovered at any time, and you still have time to leave!" Wan Quan kept talking anxiously and looked around from time to time.

He looked at the door and said, "Xi'er, I know you can hear me, but I really have an important matter on my person that cannot be dealt with. Whether they slander me or kill me, it doesn't matter, as long as they do it, the only thing I'm worried about is you. You have to take care of yourself. As soon as I finish taking care of the things here, I'll come and find you! "

After speaking, Jun Lin Yue clenched his fist, turned and walked away. Wan Quan also followed closely behind.

Suddenly, the door opened with a creak. The one who walked out was Yang Xi'er, whose face was filled with tears. At this moment, her face was filled with sparkling tears. She only said one sentence: "I'll wait for you!"

He then closed the door, suppressed his sobs and slowly sat down on the ground.

Jun Lin Yue took a deep breath, looked at her from behind the door, and said to Wan Quan, "You must take good care of her for me. The Black Tortoise Mansion is mine, no one can take it away! "

Wan Quan nodded. "Master Hou, don't worry. No one can hurt her."

"Yes." Jun Lanyue nodded and walked back the way he came. Just at this moment, Jun Lanyue seemed to have heard something, and went towards the Hidden Dragon Hall. He said, "Someone snuck into the Black Tortoise Mansion, and it wasn't just me. It seems like your cultivation is going to increase! "

Before Wan Quan could react, Jun Lanyue had already walked towards the Hidden Dragon Hall. Wan Quan shouted softly, "Master Hou, what's wrong? It's very dangerous right now. Wait for me, walk slower! "

However, how could Jun Linyue possibly listen to these words? Hence, he chose to advance towards the Hidden Dragon Hall. When he arrived outside the wall of Hidden Dragon Hall, he suddenly stopped and asked, "Who lives behind the wall?"

"Master Hou, let me think for a moment. This position …" Wan Quan looked around and said, "It should be that little girl you brought back, Lin Che."

"Lin Che? It's her. " Jun Linyue glanced at the walls, as well as the marks on the ground, before asking, "How has the Azure Thunder Academy and the Compendium Pavilion been treating her recently?"

"Master Hou, Lin Che has always been brought here according to your orders. I don't know much about her situation. But according to the dynasty, she was very quiet, very independent, and rarely took the initiative to ask any questions.

"Recently, or has it always been?" Jun Lanyue was stunned for a moment. "She's very simple."

Wan Quan shook his head and said, "Master Hou, I don't think that is necessarily the case. "Although this girl is only ten years old, she has a mature mind. If she had any ideas, I'm afraid they would have been beyond our expectations."

"What's there to be afraid of? A ten year old girl, moreover, it was his father who asked me to save her. Otherwise, she would have already starved to death." Jun Linyue shook his head and said, "Let's go. I sensed someone over here a moment ago, but I can't sense anything now." However, he told himself in his heart that he definitely wouldn't be wrong.

That person should not be more than thirty years old. The true qi around his body didn't seem like it belonged to someone from the Great Yang. However, this feeling was extremely weak. It might have something to do with his own cultivation, or with that person's cultivation. However, once this aura was discovered, it meant that the two of them had discovered each other, and their cultivation levels were above average.

"Let's go." As he spoke, he inched closer to the door.

However, since he mentioned Lin Che, he had to talk about Lin Che's current situation. Since the last time someone sneaked into Lin Che's room, Lin Che's body and mind had become restless. With her current ability, it was difficult for her to even think of leaving. To be fair, Lin Che had not yet reached the point where he was meticulous and cautious. Of course, she was definitely much more mature than other girls her age. This could be seen from the moment she entered the Black Tortoise manor.

Under normal circumstances, if there was any conflict between them, she would take the initiative to make peace with them, or even not take the initiative to quarrel with them. If there was nothing to do, she would bring them some delicious food, and sometimes she would even chat and play with a few boys from the Blue Thunder Academy.

Besides, she never clashed with her superiors, and almost always avoided them, not because she was afraid, but because she didn't know how to face them. After all, he didn't want others to know his identity. That way, he wouldn't be able to live here.

But now, there was no way for her to leave this place and survive independently. Although she sometimes missed her grandfather, her grandfather had told her a long time ago that anyone would die. Death was never coming back, never ever coming back, never saying anything to her, playing, eating, drinking tea …

So when this really happened, the young Lin Che had actually already mentally prepared himself for a very long time. He was afraid that one day it would be hard for him to accept this fact.

Actually, it wasn't appropriate to say that he was mentally prepared. It was just that he would often be afraid of such things happening. He would subconsciously have the feelings and mental handling he had after such things happened.

Therefore, in the following days, the pain of losing one's loved ones would not engulf her immediately, and she would not be able to survive.

Since then, Lin Che's heart suddenly became much older, and when he thought of other things, he became much more meticulous. However, no matter how mature and meticulous she was, she was still a child.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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