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Step by step they climbed the stairs, turning three corners, and above them was an exit from which the stars could be seen. Surrounding him were the surrounding flower vines. However, at this moment, there was only dried up vines left. The exit was huge, and there were rugged mountains on both sides of the entrance. Clearly, it was purposely polished. If it were smooth, wouldn't it ruin the mood?

Yun De'er slowly stuck her head out. A gust of cold wind blew against her long hair. She quickly reached out her hand to stop him, then jumped out. At the exit, there was a tower-shaped high platform protecting the exit. The four eaves corresponded to the four corners.

When he walked out of the small pagoda, he realized that the pagoda was only as tall as a person. It was beautifully crafted and seemed to be carved with wooden stakes. And the top of the tower was made of wood, not only sturdy, but beautiful.

In the face of the surrounding wind, Yun Dai'er looked around. This place was like a mountain peak. There was a huge rock under his feet, and there were some dried up vines or small grasses between the rocks. As for the middle section, it was still a very tall wooden fence. Inside was the Inspector's abdomen.

Looking back, there were still hills with slopes. Mundell walked out of the perilous slope and into the more or less level space. The wind here was very cold, but the stars in the sky were much clearer, as if they had wiped clean the dusty glass. They were clearer, more intimate, more accessible.

Turning a small slope was a wider view. The outline of the distant mountain was clearly visible under the illumination of the moonlight. The mist between the mountains seemed to float into the sky and disappear with the birds.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the silhouette of a person could be seen in the corner. He sat there alone, lonely and cold. For a moment, he seemed mysterious and unapproachable. Was it cold at high places?

Yun Dai Er stood where she was, unmoving. The black wind blew far away, causing her black dress to float up as well. The cloak only increased the thickness of his clothes, but did not increase the warmth in his heart.

Yun Dai Er nervously inhaled. Although he was cautious and prudent, Jun Lin Yue was aware of his presence.

He turned his head, not surprised at all, not saying a word. The moonlight was cool. Although he could see everything clearly, he could not see the expression on his face.

Yun Dai Er slowly walked over. Jun Lanyue was on the verge of speaking, but his words came to a halt. The rhythm of his pause and the sudden halt of Yun Dai Er's footsteps appeared at the same time. The two of them seemed to have some sort of tacit understanding, but it seemed to be another kind of uncoordinated distance.

I love Yang, Jun Lanyue told himself. It was her that gave him the best feeling of love. I love Yang Xier. He couldn't help but repeat these words many times in his heart. He didn't know why he kept repeating it, as if he had forgotten himself, worried that he didn't really love her that much, worried that even if he did love her, he wouldn't be able to give her anything, wouldn't even be able to fulfill a promise and wouldn't be able to stay by her side.

Just like that, Yun-dell stood in the wind, while Jun Lin Yue sat there, leaning against the stone, looking at her without saying a word.

"Let's return to the Azure Province."

Yundale broke the silence first. The voice was like a weak test and was soon lost in the gale. His voice drifted towards Jun Lin Yue, into his ears, and then out, far into the distance, towards the moon in the sky, towards the distant mountains and the heart of the other side of the Azure Province that was filled with strong longing.

However, his heart would also get tired. No matter how hot his heart was, it would cool down after a long time. Not to mention, it was a voice that did not have much life force left.

Jun Lanyue laughed, "I don't think I love her anymore and that's why I feel so pained."

He asked himself, "Was it all decided by me, love or not?" Love a person's enthusiasm, like a clear spring. The name of the spring could be admiration, attraction, novelty, endless novelty and interest. But whether love can last is not one of them. There was only sympathy that lasted for a long time. There was only compassion that lasted for a long time. She had nothing else to say. This was something she should have been happy about. Because she loved him so much, but she knew that love needed independence and dignity. However, at this moment, she could not feel even the slightest bit of happiness. Perhaps, love is for the joy, anger and sorrow of people who love.

Regardless of what Jun Lin Yue's final decision was, he would never say it out loud. Sometimes, love doesn't need to be said out loud. No one is a fool. Your kindness to everyone will receive different feedback. If love is a game, blindly saying, is to make the lowest level of mistakes, is to concede to the other side.

If the opponent could sense it, he would definitely be able to sense it. You should trust his judgment, every word, every smile, every look, every glance at each other when his eyes shine or not.

But the other person didn't respond. In fact, you should have guessed it right. Love is a matter of fate, but it also needs to be fought for. But more important than the struggle in love, is dignity.

Love is small and dignity is great.

Give the best love to the other person, including your own dignity.

Yun Dai Er was not one to talk much, but she decided to do what she had to do. If he couldn't say it, he would never say it. For example, if it were Jun Lanyue, I would always love you.

She knew she couldn't do it. If he kept going like this.

With her long hair floating in the wind, there was no need for eternal sympathy. She walked over slowly, not knowing what to do. She just looked at the moon and the stars in the sky.

Yun De'er slowly and carefully said, "You're not wrong. Everyone was changing. Everyone was changing. "Do what you can, and what you want to do will be fine."

The Emperor looked at her. Her eyes seemed to shine. This kind of light, was the same as Yang Xi'er's gaze when she was looking at her. Regardless of whether it was tears or the light coming from the heart. A man's eyes will shine, love and not love, in the way he looks at you.

Jun Linyue shifted his gaze away, "I really don't want to go out to the wastelands." I don't understand, why would the Nether Sect want to exterminate the Great Yang? What about the Great Yang? But in the beginning, if the Great Yang hadn't gone too far with the Nether Sect, the Nether Sect wouldn't have spent so much effort to set such a big target for a small church. It's really hard to understand why. "

She shook her head.

Jun Lanyue continued, "Also, the Great Yang wanted to ban mystical arts, but I realized that a lot of people are using mystical arts. Don't the Human Emperor know about this? Even if we do not answer this question, why did the Human Emperor prohibit profound arts? "

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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