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Xiao Ning Palace was still cold and lonely. Although there were not many people who visited it, many of the flowers here were taken care of very well, and were even more stunning than those blooming in other places.

There was a flower pot in the yard. It was about half the height of a person and there were three to five chrysanthemums growing inside it. It was yellow and white in color. All sorts of competitions were going on. As Jun Linyue walked among the flowers, he felt a sense of joy in both body and mind. Although he was nervous, the chrysanthemums were not as beautiful as they were when he first arrived.

These flowers were all very big, and in the cold wind, they looked so alluring and beautiful. As Jun Linyue entered the room, he saw that three words were written on the wall: "Xiao Ning Palace".

Below the words were two Golden Scale Guards. When he saw the Marquis of Xuanwu, Lin Yue, suddenly appear, he immediately cupped his fists and greeted, "Greetings, Lord Xuanwu!"

It looked like these two old men were from the Golden Scale Guards.

Jun Lanyue answered, "Exempt, exonerate..." Is Miss in there? " The two guards looked at each other, and one of them said, "Sir, Miss hasn't been out for many days. When she has nothing to do, she just comes out to water the flowers, takes a walk in the courtyard, and doesn't go out. She doesn't have any other activities.

"No one came to talk to her?" When Jun Lin heard this, he could already tell how bored and sad her life had been over this period of time.

"Yes, my lord. Because of the eldest lady's orders, Miss has been resting quietly recently, and no one has come to disturb her. " The guard cupped his fists as he spoke. What happened to her? "

At this time, he suddenly recalled what the First Madam had said before, that Yang Xi'er was a rare innate profound body, and as for what innate profound body meant, he did not know, and it could be because of the profound energy that was affecting the outside world, causing some changes to her body, or …

At this moment, the red door creaked open.

Yang Xi'er, who walked out of the house, had her hair tied up in a bun. She wore a pink pajamas and had a sleepy look in her eyes.

Upon seeing Jun Bluemoon, she rubbed her eyes and spoke in a light tone, "Come in and speak!"

The Golden Scale Guards on both sides retreated a few steps, and no longer spoke. Jun Lanyue wanted to say something, but decided against it. However, Yang Xi'er's tone already frightened the two guards. Logically speaking, the Marquis of Xuanwu was the greatest official in the nine prefectures second only to the Human Emperor. Anyone would have to be respectful in front of him. However, Yang Xi'er didn't do so. Furthermore, Jun Lin Yue didn't blame her, but instead felt that he had made a mistake.

He hesitated for a moment, then went up the steps and through the door frame.

He entered the room and closed the door. There were all kinds of red ties, red tassels and yellow tassels hanging in the room. They were like curtains hanging all over the place, as if they had walked into a sea of tassels.

Jun Lanyue was dumbstruck as he asked, "This..." What's going on? "

Yang Xi'er slowly walked to the table. She poured a cup of water and carried it over to the guest, saying, "Sir, please drink some water."

"What's the matter with you?" Jun Lanyue was extremely embarrassed. Since when did they become strangers? He asked curiously, "You don't have to be like this. I am still the Marquis of Black Tortoise and you are also the niece of the First Wife. You don't have to bow."

"It's better to pay your respects. Otherwise, you won't have to bear any responsibility if you cause trouble." Yang Xi'er sat down and lightly sipped a cup of tea, "It's still quite good to be able to recuperate here. Since you have something to do, you should go and do it first, don't delay it because of some insignificant matter."

"Is it any matter if I come to see you?" Jun Lanyue asked, placing the delicate cup on the table.

Yang Xi'er smiled. The smile was as charming as ever, but it was also filled with exhaustion.

"My lord, I am not the kind of person who doesn't get drunk even after drinking a thousand cups. But I will still wake up after a long time. " Yang Xi'er sighed, "I don't want to argue. I like to let nature take its course. I love you, but that was before and after. Now, I just want to tell you, don't forget our agreement. If you forget, then I choose to forget too. It's that simple. "

"Xi'er!" Jun Lanyue took her hand.

Yang Xi'er tried her best to struggle free, but couldn't get rid of it. Jun Lanyue said: "This time, I'm going outside the wasteland and exterminated the Nether Sect. This time, it's most likely that the Sect Leader is Lin Che, the little girl, so it's not that hard to deal with, it's just that the road is too far. I didn't forget you. I just didn't have time to tell you. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to see you in such a short time!"

"If you still care about me, I will never forgive you for leaving without saying goodbye. If you don't care about me anymore, then I'll just pretend that nothing happened. You're still you, and I'm still me. One of us belongs to the sect, the other to the Great Yang. We don't have anything to do with each other, we just know each other. " Yang Xi'er stood up, "I am already 16 years old, and I don't need the cold energy from the Cold Moon Peak to train. However, I need to get used to not having the cold energy to train my body for two years, so I won't return to the Mysterious Sky Sect to train. It's actually pretty good here. "

Jun Lanyue suddenly came to a realization. He remembered something and said, "So that's how it is. No wonder you never left your house." "You can rest assured, Xi Er. I will definitely settle the relationship between Great Yang and the sect. You can rest assured that I will definitely return to the Mysterious Sky Sect with you and live with you for the rest of my life."

Jun Linyue's hands were very warm, and his words were also very warm. Although she didn't know what kind of situation Jun Linyue was in when he was outside, at least at this moment, she knew that his words were true.

Yang Xier let go of his hand and said, "You don't have to say that. If you can follow me, then leave. If you can't leave, then don't try to be brave. "This is the last two years I'll be staying at the Black Tortoise Mansion. Two years later, I'll definitely be living in the Black Heaven Sect. There's no doubt about it."

Jun Lanyue nodded. I understand what you mean, and I hope you understand what I mean as well. If the Mysterious Sky Sect doesn't kill me, if I am lucky enough to escape this calamity, if I can take care of the person who tried to assassinate me and my background … "

With a reddened face, Yang Xi'er shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "I really want to return to the Profound Heaven Sect early."

Jun Linyue also sighed, "Take care!" With that, he turned around and left. However, there was no cold wind that blew in at the moment he opened the door. However, just as he was about to close the door, a fierce gust of cold wind assaulted him. The room's door was almost unable to be closed.

However, the next minute, the door closed easily.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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