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Jun Lanyue hesitated for a moment. Was that a hint? But no matter how much he hinted, he still had to leave. Chasing him away? Even if he didn't have this intention, Jun Linyue could still feel the uncomfortable feeling, but he had no way to say these things out loud.

The next time he came out of the door, the weather was clearly not that cold, but it made him very sad.

Although he told himself that he didn't know why, no one knew better than him why.

Walking out of Xiao Ning Palace, the two guards bowed and watched him leave. Jun Lanyue seemed to have thought of something as he held the four lines of poetry that Lin Che had written in his arms.

Inside the main gate, Wan Quan happened to arrive with a group of men. When they saw the Daolord, they hurriedly knelt down and greeted him. This subordinate pays his respect to the lord! "

When Jun Lanyue saw him, he seemed very amiable and said, "Wan Quan! Exempt. Long time no see. Are you all alright? "

Wan Quan stood up. He was so happy that his eyes started to tear up. He cupped his fists and said, "Good, my lord, during your absence, we have been missing you all night, especially when you were wanted before the imperial edict was issued. We have been sad to post the notice every day. We all know that you wouldn't do something like that. "

Jun Linyue nodded and patted Wan Quan's shoulder. "I knew it. You would definitely believe me." He looked at the team of Golden Scale Guards behind Wan Quan and said, "Do what you need to do. I still have some. I need to go to the wasteland and will be back in a few days?"

Wan Quan rolled his eyes and asked, "May I ask Sir, is it because of the little girl, Lin Che?"

Jun Lanyue nodded.

Wan Quan continued, "Sir, after Lin Che inexplicably disappeared, we saw people who came to our house again. However, his cultivation is extremely high, so we are unable to confirm his position. He was in no mood to linger and quickly left. From then on, the security of the residence has been even tighter. "

Jun Linyue frowned, "When did this happen?"

Wan Quan thought about it and said, "It's quite early. That time, it should have been when Lin Che had just disappeared. "

"Before or after?" If it was before he disappeared, everything could be explained, but if it was after he disappeared, there was still a great deal of uncertainty. Thus, he did not dare to make such a conclusion.

At this time, Jun Yingyue said: "Okay, then let's leave it like this for now. If there's any problem, when I see Lin Che outside the wasteland, everything will be clear."

Wan Quan nodded, "I hope so. Master, please take care. "

Jun Lanyue nodded.

Outside the door, Salin, Feng Yu and Yun Dai'er were already waiting for him, ready to depart at any time. Yun Dai'er said, "You must have seen all the people you should have met!?"

Jun Linyue frowned.

Yun Dai Er laughed, "Aiya, I saw that you were so nervous, I was just casually saying it, let's go quickly, it's afternoon now, we need to reach the border city before nightfall, it's very dangerous to travel through the wastelands at night, we will leave tomorrow morning, try to reach the Demon Mountain Qingyang City within one day."

Jun Lanyue nodded and mounted his horse.

At this moment, he clearly saw a red figure standing in the distance inside the door like a ball of fire, quietly standing in the cold wind. That figure could not be considered thin, nor could it be considered lonely. However, it seemed so quiet and soundless, causing one to look forward to it and yearn for it.

"Sir, you can go now!" Behind him was Wan Quan's voice. Everyone looked in that direction once again, but there was nothing to be seen.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Jun Linyue turned his head and shook his head, "Nothing, nothing!" However, there seemed to be nothing.

Maybe it was his imagination!?

Jun Lanyue shook his head with a bitter smile, "Yes!" He dashed forward. The people behind also heard the commotion and hurriedly followed. Wan Quan silently watched them from behind.

At this time, the first wife also walked out from the manor.

"Madam!" He clasped his hands together in greeting.

The first wife nodded her head, "You guys have to be more vigilant towards the Black Tortoise dukedom. Also, go visit Second Master as much as possible, I have decided to pay my respects to the Human Emperor personally in the next few days. Don't spread these matters around, understand? Especially the incident where Jun Lin Yue came back once! "

Wan Quan did not know the intentions of the first wife, but he did not ask her about it right away, so he nodded. In the past few days, the Black Tortoise Mansion's security was really tight. In the past, the courtyard was only protected by a tall wall, but now, every ten steps, there were Golden Scale Guards protecting the inside of the wall. The same was true for the inside of the wall, except it was kept at a distance of seven or eight steps from the people outside. If it was a bird, it would be impossible for it to silently fly in.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, including most of the people in the Black Tortoise City. The news about the return of the Black Tortoise Marquis had yet to spread, but everyone was saying that the Black Tortoise Marquis had matters to attend to in the imperial court, so many people were still very much at ease.

However, there was only one person who vaguely felt uneasy — the first wife of the Black Tortoise dukedom. This was because she knew that the exam aimed at her had only just begun.

The matter of Jun Lin Jian, had already greatly reduced her impression in the Human Emperor's heart. If she didn't take any measures at this time, then from now on, the power of the Great Wife of the Black Tortoise mansion would become increasingly small. Of course, this would affect some of the Black Tortoise mansion's people who held positions in the Great Yang.

The First Wife did not want to become a sinner like this. Thus, the first step was to be on guard against any further troubles. Also, she had to quickly meet the Human Emperor so that he would have a better impression of her.

After all, when Jun Shengtian was alive, the first wife had also done a lot for him. Thus, at this time, people would always give face to their previous contributions and forgive Jun Lin Jian.

After all, this matter started because of the first wife. Although the final goal was to help his second son ascend to the position of the Black Tortoise Marquis, due to his lack of consideration, it harmed him in the end. Right now, Jun Lin Jian could only temporarily stay in Black Tortoise City's dungeon. Although it was a dungeon, no one dared to touch even a hair on his head.

Jun Linyue and the others crossed the river at nightfall and arrived at the border city of Qingzhou that had once been destroyed by the Nether Sect.

Before the border city crossed the river, it was the old city. The old city was still bustling with life, but Jun Lanyue didn't want to stay here for too long, so he directly went to the Frontier City.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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