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Inside the golden juice was a white blade that shone with white light as it stabbed towards Jun Yingyue. "Be careful!" This was followed by the miserable shrieks of Salin and Feng Yu. Because the juice of the pumpkin was boiling hot, both of them had blisters all over their bodies.

But Jun Linyue didn't know this, but the shadow in front of him flashed and a long leg swept out, sending the white blade flying. In the distance, a black-clothed man that was approaching them fell to the ground.

Yun Dai'er pulled Jun Lanyue under the table and said, "Hey! Wake up, someone is here to assassinate you! I told you that this place is dangerous, but you didn't believe me! "

Jun Lin Yue shook his head, "What's wrong!"

At this moment, three or five long blades stabbed forward. Salin and Feng Yu wiped off the scalding pumpkin juice on their bodies while the surrounding assassins stabbed at them with their long blades. One had hit Sharlin in the stomach, while the other had hit him in the chest.

With two loud screams, Sharlyn flung the assassin aside with one arm and grabbed his collar, smashing him to the ground. The assassin's body was instantly smashed into pieces, the internal organs of his arm were shaken out, and blood spurted everywhere.

On Feng Yu's side, he hastily rushed to Shalin's side. The saber in his chest only pierced through his shoulder, and with a single strike, blood splashed, his eyes filled with malevolence. The remaining dozen or so people held long spears and sabers, not daring to move forward. Maybe he was just waiting for an opportunity!

At this moment, all their weapons were thrust towards Jun Bluemoon, who was beneath the table. Yun Dai'er rushed to the danger point and rushed up. Suddenly, the entire table broke and wood shavings flew everywhere. The plates, wine cups and wine jars on the table fell to the ground and shattered into pieces everywhere. The pumpkin juice fell onto the ground. Golden leaves were everywhere. Was the ground starting to reduce? Smoke started to rise. How was this soup? It was clearly poison!

This was because the area where the broth flowed could actually corrode the ground, causing balls of white foam to appear. Yun Dai'er thought about it again and again. No one would drink this soup, so they could be considered lucky.

The four of them stood together. Jun Lin took a deep breath and steadied himself. "What's going on? I'm feeling dizzy!"

At this moment, a crashing sound suddenly came from above his head.

The four looked up and saw a huge golden juice drop down, accompanied by a ferocious chuckle from the Lady Boss.

In a fit of rage, Jun Lanyue extended his hand and summoned a mystical technique. The transparent Divine Firmament Sword flew into his hands with a 'whoosh' sound. Then he shouted, "Go away!"

Saying that, he carried Yun Dai Er and rolled to one side, while at the other side kicked off Salin and Feng Yu with his legs. However, it was not so easy to kick them away. On the contrary, it was a powerful shield for Jun Yunrue and Yun'er. The two of them flew more than ten meters away, and had long since fallen outside the range of the scalding soup.

However, Salin and Feng Yu were in for it. The scalding juice once again descended on their bodies, accompanied by waves of roars. How was this soup? This was clearly poison! Not only was it scalding hot, but its corrosive properties were extremely powerful as well. How was this for someone to drink? It was clearly a poison bomb.

No wonder it was named "Pumpkin's Gift Cannon." Jun Lanyue instantly understood many things. His heart was filled with regret for not listening to Yun Dai'er's words. But there was no point in saying that now.

The two tumbled to the side. Seeing this, the men in black behind him brought down their sabers. The radiance of the Divine Firmament Sword instantly swelled up. The tremendous force knocked away several people, causing them to fall to the ground. They fell to the side, unable to even stand up. Just at this moment, a yellow figure flashed past. The Divine Firmament Sword did not fall from the sky. With a "dang" sound, the yellow figure kicked the sword into the distance.

Opposite him was a middle-aged man with a long beard and a deep look in his eyes. At this moment, he had both his hands behind his back, and the Divine Firmament Sword was in his hands with a "pa" sound.

Who was this person? They didn't know each other. On the other side, the two burly men were subdued and sat on the ground. Their hearts were filled with pain and they no longer had the strength to struggle. Around them were seven or eight men in black, tied with ropes.

Yun De'er shouted, "Who are you? Why are you plotting against us!?"

"Ahahaha!" The man laughed. "You're going to die, so I'll tell you. If you don't have the Divine Firmament Sword, you're just a piece of trash. Just what secrets does the Divine Firmament Sword have?

"Hehe, you old man, do you think that other people rely on their weapons to win? Are you a dregs of the Mystical Cultivating Stage? "I really have no experience." Jun Linyue rubbed his head, feeling a little dizzy.

Yun Dai Er supported him but did not say a word. She coldly looked at that man as she thought about who he was. It shouldn't be an expert from the Great Yang, because if it was, then it definitely knew Yun Dai'er. But it was clear that he did not know her.

Without a doubt, they were either people from the sects, or … It's from the Nether Sect. It can't be, the Nether Sect already found out that they were going so early? In addition, did they really have such powerful experts?

While she was thinking, the man shot a white light at the two of them.

"It's a mystical cultivator. Profound strength above Martial Spirits! " "We will die. With the poison in the wine and the profound light, did you hear what happened to Jun Lin Yue? "

Jun Lin Yue waved his right hand, and with a crackling sound, a violet light shone out. The white light immediately dissipated. At some point in time, a purple blade had appeared in Jun Lin Yue's right hand. This blade was different from the others. Apart from its exquisite quality, the entire blade was covered in electricity, crackling and crackling non-stop.

The man exclaimed, "This …" "This is …"

Jun Linyue snorted, "You didn't see wrong with your doggy eyes. This is Violet Lightning."

"Fury of Lightning, Clear Purple Lightning." The man shouted, "You won't be able to find the Purple Lightning, and you won't be able to withstand its power. It has been lost for many years …"

"You don't have to be so shocked. The purple lightning is in my hands. Now, return the Divine Firmament Sword to me and release two of my friends. I will let you live. Otherwise, don't even think about leaving this place today."

At this moment, a black-clothed man in the distance brandished his spear and thrusted forward.

Jun Lin Yue's sabre shifted in the air, as he waved it horizontally in front of him. Suddenly, crackling sounds came from the horizon. A flash of purple light shot out like a crescent moon. The black-clothed man was immediately split into two halves. Blood splashed in all directions as the upper half of his body split apart from his waist. In the blink of an eye.

The window behind him was also broken by the light.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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