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"Hur hur, you even have such a chivalrous air." "It's normal to have three weapons; all the profound practitioners would find three profound artifacts that they are most proficient in, and use them as their own weapons. So don't be burdened. " As she spoke, she quietly opened the window. Outside the window was a cool autumn wind. The curtains in the room began to flutter, and the wind chimes began to ring.

Holding the staff in his hand, Jun Lanyue felt a sense of heaviness, as though there wasn't even the slightest bit of spiritual energy in it. A piece of scrap metal? After all, it was a buddhist weapon. Moreover, he had already experienced its might in the Great Yang Azure Province, but at this time, it actually seemed very low-key, not too hot at all. This book did not have the temperament or personality of a Xuan Artifact.

All the Xuan Artifacts had the same temperament as other people, but most of them were not very good-natured. They all had explosive personalities, and it was necessary for them to protect their master. However, to Jun Lin Yue, the other two weapons were equivalent to decorations. This was because the effect of the Divine Firmament Sword on him was much greater than the other two weapons by more than ten times.

What was even more inconceivable was that purple lightning could become Jun Lanyue's auxiliary weapon. Although there was only an electric current that flowed through the body when it was used, the greater the power released by the purple lightning, the greater the electrical current in Jun Lanyue's body.

Fortunately, Jun Lanyue didn't rely on purple lightning, so he wasn't that embarrassed before he found a suitable method to use it. Otherwise, he would have been electrocuted to death before he could hit his enemy. Furthermore, that lightning was also lightning from the heavens. Its power was not to be underestimated. Until now, Jun Lin had only been able to withstand a very small amount of electric current. However, in the eyes of others, if such an electric current were to penetrate their bodies, only death awaited them.

The scepter of nine dragons was an extremely powerful weapon, but to Jun Bluemoon, it was still in a sealed state. In addition, this actually didn't belong to him. It was only temporarily in his hands. This way, the Nine Dragon Scepter was completely equivalent to a burden on his body, because he still had to split part of his power to carry the Nine Dragon Scepter. Thus, even though it looked like he only had fifty percent of his power, in reality, Jun Lin Yue could still attack with seventy to eighty percent of his strength.

Jun Lanyue held the staff in his hand, looking at it again and again, as though it was much lighter than before. He couldn't help but frown. Seeing him like this, Yun Dale asked curiously, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Jun Lanyue shook his head, "No, I don't think so. It's just that I feel a little different from before."

"What's different?" Yun Dai'er went closer and saw that the body of the Nine Dragons Staff was still smooth and bright gold, and the luster was also very beautiful. The nine dragons at the top were coiled together, looking extremely fierce and lifelike. The scene of that day outside of the Black Tortoise City in the Azure Province once again appeared in his mind.

Yun Dai Er took a cautious step back. Jun Lanyue almost burst out laughing. What's wrong? There's no response from this thing right now.

Yun Dai'er pouted at him and said, "That day when he summoned the nine dragons, he really scared me. I was afraid that you would not be able to control him and cause your own life to be harmed. I still don't want to die. I'm not as lucky as you. "Hur Hur Hur Hur."

Jun Lin Yue laughed: "This scepter is not a dual Black Tortoise item. Maybe we should return it to the Buddha." "But there are a lot of people in the buddhist way, I don't know who to give it to."

"Isn't there a branch of Longquan Manor? Are they buddhist cultivators?" "Why not give it to them?"

Jun Lin took a deep breath. "This is exactly what I was thinking. I don't want to give such an important thing to those people that are harmful to me. Maybe when the time comes, they can control the nine dragons and go destroy the Great Yang.

She nodded her head to show that she agreed and understood.

Jun Lanyue said, "If this place is really the birthplace of the Nine Dragons Staff, then the Nine Dragons Stone would definitely be what the owner of this place said, and appear here because of the legends of a thousand years ago. If the Nine Dragons Staff was really made from these materials, then the spirit energy of these stones would definitely cause a violent reaction from the Nine Dragons Staff.

Yun Dale also said, "Yes, perhaps this is a huge conspiracy. It seems that we have to be more careful."

Jun Lanyue nodded his head, "I guess I'll have to keep the Nine Dragons Staff with me for the time being. Ah, what a helplessness." Saying that, he picked up the Nine Dragons Staff, sighing, "Actually, there are some benefits. Thankfully, this is not the real birthplace of the Nine Dragons Staff, otherwise the two of us might not be able to control it."

After speaking, Jun Lin Yue looked at Yun Dai Er, who smiled and said, "Look at you, a thousand years old weapon has already frightened you to this extent. In the sect world, there are even more Xuan Artifacts that your sister has seen.

Jun Lin Yue looked at her with disdain, "Who have I been afraid of?" I am not even afraid of humans, how could I be afraid of a weapon? "

At this point, the door suddenly rang with a gentle voice of a girl, "Lord Xuanwu, dinner is here."

"It's for dinner. Quickly hide!" Yun Dai'er's eyebrows wrinkled as she hastily extended her hand to stop Jun Linyue. "This is your room, it's inconvenient for me to appear here. Quickly, put this away and open the door!"

"I'll put it away first!" Jun Lanyue said. After he had finished speaking, he circulated the mystical Qi around his body and a gust of wind blew over slowly. At this time, the maid outside the door shouted again, "Lord Xuanwu, have you rested?"

Then there was another knock at the door.

Just as Jun Linyue floated up, he was violently pulled down by Yun Dai'er. "Quickly open the door and give this to me." If you were to be discovered that we have such a thing in our room, it would be hard to say! "

After she finished speaking, Yun Dai'er snatched the Nine Dragons Staff from Jun Lin Yue's hands, and with another push, pushed him towards the door.

The series of actions he took were extremely quick, and he didn't even know how he made it to the door. Yun Dai Er also rushed to the back of the door, placed the Nine Dragon Scepter in front of her, and stood close to the wall.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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