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At that moment, a shadow flashed through the darkness. Jun Lanyue looked over with vigilance, and the black shadow instantly moved to his side.

The more Jun Linjian thought about it, the more familiar it felt. He remembered the wound on his right hand, and immediately became angry. He clenched his right fist and shouted, "Humph! You! You're the one who sneaked around and shot people in the back!"

After he finished talking, his eyes turned red from the strong wind blowing on his body.

In the late autumn, the border was unbearably cold. Inside the military tent, charcoal was lit to keep warm as Jun Lin Yue paced back and forth in the middle of the military tent.

The matter of the Nether Sect had temporarily stopped and wouldn't be disturbed again for three or five days. However, if the future troubles did not end, it was likely that there would never be a day of peace for the main branch. There was never a day of peace in the main branch, while there was never a day of peace in the Jun Lin Yue.

Was this what he wanted to see?

Thus, Jun Linyue had to see this black shadow's true appearance clearly today. As he thought about it, he started to move. The mystical Qi in his body rose as the black shadow stopped at the side, dodging to the side.

Under the illumination of the surrounding torches, the girl's figure could be seen. Her hair was short, her eyes were cold, and her fists were clenched. Each word was firmly stuck on the ground. Her face was still covered. In the cold night, he was still wearing a thin shirt. His chest was heaving as if he had traveled for a long time.

Jun Yingyue stepped forward, and said in a stern voice, "You dare to cause trouble in my Great Yang Army camp, you shall be punished with death for your crimes. If you continue to commit crimes and obstruct my path, be careful that I don't show any mercy."

The black shadow snorted coldly as it glanced at Jun Lin Shao, who was lying on the ground. He gave her a look. The woman's right leg retreated as fast as a bolt of lightning, and she dashed towards Jun Lin Yue.

Jun Linyue was taken aback. He had never imagined that this girl would be so direct in her attacks. Thus, his anger rose again. He spread out his hands and a gust of wind from his palms swirled in the air. The few divine stones that the devil brothers let him keep clearly felt his chest heating up and trembling.

This caused Jun Linyue to feel somewhat puzzled. This girl saw that there was a difference in Jun Linyue's demeanor. She seized this opportunity and, five steps away from him, she suddenly leaned backwards. The inertia of her body slid down her legs towards Jun Linyue's body.

Jun Lanyue hadn't expected that she would change her direction of attack. With one foot touching the ground, he leapt into the air. The profound energy around his body swayed and was once again under his control. Suddenly, a stream of heat came from his chest. That was the power of the God's Stone. Before he could finish feeling the strange sensation the divine stone gave him, the woman in black below him had already launched an attack, directly aiming for Jun Lin Yue.

Jun Lanyue saw that there was a small dagger in her hand. She's a killer? Why was he hiding in the camp? Had the Nether Sect already sent assassins to kill him?

However, from the situation just now, it seemed that the girl and Jun Lin Shao knew each other. If it was someone from the Nether Sect, then Jun Linhao and him should be her enemies.

At this moment, Jun Lanyue felt that things weren't as simple as they seemed. As a result, his body immediately flipped over and his hands rushed downwards. White light suddenly exploded from his sleeves as a completely transparent sword stabbed out.

That sword, was none other than the Mystical Weapon of Jun Lin Yue, the Dark Jade Sword.

The moment the Ink Jade Sword moved, the girl's expression froze. In just a simple exchange of glances, he felt like the girl already knew that he was a profound practitioner. If she didn't dodge this strike, then the Dark Jade Sword would have over a hundred times the damage of the dagger.

Helpless, the girl slid to the side as her body tilted to the side.

Immediately, Jun Lin Yue's sword directly slashed out in several directions. Sand and stones flew into the air as a fierce wind blew. The dozens of military tents in the vicinity whooshed. The charcoal in the brazier in their faces were all nearly extinguished by the strong gale.

The surrounding guards could not stand being hit by the sand and rocks. When the sand and stone hit their faces and bodies, it hurt so much that they all came to the back of the tent battered and exhausted. From this, it could be seen how powerful the sword in Jun Lanyue's hands was.

The woman in black who was knocked to the ground lowered her head, but she did not stop. She stood firmly in the sand and suddenly turned around. Her long hair was blown up by the wind and scattered in disorder. Her eyes revealed a murderous intent.

His clothes and armor flapped in the wind as he stamped his feet on the ground, moaning in a steady manner.

"Girl, I advise you to surrender. "Merely causing trouble will be enough for you to repay them with your life. If …"

Who would have thought that this girl would so disdainfully interrupt Jun Linyue. "What a load of crap!"

After which, the lady flipped her empty hands, and a bright red light shone beneath her feet. As though being catapulted out of her body, she soared into the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw that she had instantly disappeared. The only thing left in the air was the red dot, which slowly grew larger in the clouds. Suddenly, with a crackling sound, a bolt of red lightning forcefully struck down from the clear sky in the early autumn. The thunderclouds immediately churned as a violent gale arose.

"What is this?" Jun Lin Yue frowned as he mumbled to himself. In all his years of cultivation, he had never heard of a cultivator possessing such earth-shattering power. Furthermore, she was a girl, how could she pry open the spirit aura of heaven and earth and control wind, rain, rain, and lightning? This was too terrifying.

Hearing this question, Jun Linhao, who was slowly standing up, spoke up, "Hehe, the legacy daughter of the Nine Tripod Marquis of the Great Yang City really does live up to her reputation. She can actually cultivate the power of martial dao to such a soul-stirring level. "The younger generations are formidable."

"What are you talking about?" Jun Linyue raised a single hand, and with a 'sou' sound, he moved to the front of the youth, grabbing him by the collar. His eyes were bloodshot as he asked, "Who is the Nine Furnace Marquis?"

"Fifth brother, let go of me first." He wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth and said, "The Marquis of the Nine Cauldrons is the imperial blood of the Marquis of Xuanwu, and he has been in charge of the He Province all this time. However, due to the cultivation of this move, the Nine Furnace Marquis did not die. Before he died, he passed the essence of his martial arts to his only daughter, Yun Dai'er. "Later on, when Yun Dai Er was expelled from the Nine Furnace Marquis' house, it was our First Madam, my own mother, who took her in, swore a blood oath, and was thus able to cultivate this godly technique. Her cultivation is probably already at the Martial Spirit realm, and none of us are a match for this Red Rain Formation."

With that, Jun Linhao looked up at the dazed Jun Linyue and said, "Don't ever think you're extraordinary. There's still a lot of things you don't know."

The blood essence of Chi You in his body seemed to be brimming with anger and power. Perhaps it was due to this willpower that pushed Jun Lanyue to want to meet this girl of the Martial Spirit level.

As soon as he said that, Chi You's spirit blood ran through every drop of blood in his body. After he found that his bones and blood vessels had been repaired, he pulled out the Dark Jade Sword from the ground, stood up and shot into the dark sky like a bullet.

The red lightning crackled and glinted in the sky. Everyone stared at the two of them as they disappeared into thin air, waiting for something.

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