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Outside of the mountain, Jun Linyue was anxiously waiting. Logically speaking, even if they failed, the two of them should already have a message for each other. Could it be that they were killed? Could it be that they didn't even have time to release fireworks?

Just then, someone suddenly shouted in a low voice, "Look! fireworks! fireworks! "

Everyone raised their heads at the same time, only to see two bouquets of fireworks simultaneously intertwining with each other as they flew into the sky. Finally, they exploded in the air and released two bouquets of fireworks.

When Jun Lanyue saw this, he immediately called out a hundred times and ignited his torches, standing up from the river bank. He quickly crossed the river, passing through the ruins of the border city, and headed straight for San Feng Mountain. The main attack this time didn't have many people, because it was at night. Jun Lanyue was confident that he could defeat the Nether Sect thoroughly without leaving a single one alive.

But was the truth as Jun Lanyue had imagined? According to his own plan, Zhao Lin and Sun Qi ought to have completed their mission a long time ago. Even if they were to be found by the Sect Leader, it was time to leave the envelope behind and get out.

However, since both fireworks had been released, he might as well trust them once.

The more Jun Lin thought about it, the more his pace of attack quickened. If this time he succeeded in exterminating the Nether Sect, then perhaps the small Black Tortoise Mansion would not be able to accommodate him. Perhaps, he might even receive an important position from the Human Emperor in the Great Yang. When that happened, he would trample on all the people that the Black Tortoise dukedom had bullied him.

Thinking of this, he had already arrived at the foot of the third mountain. But there was no one around. There were no guards in front of the main mountain either.

This caused Jun Lin to become even more suspicious. He immediately ordered the extermination of all the torches and hid on the spot.

The leader of the Holy Scale Guards asked curiously, "Master Hou, why aren't you attacking?"

"I feel that something is amiss, it's better to be on guard. "You go up the mountain and ask around. Wait, if there's any news, both of you in the districts will report it immediately!"

"Yes sir!" The two of them immediately disappeared into the night.

This day's moonlight was sad and hazy, emitting a faint melancholy light, like a light veil, covering the earth. In the autumn night sky, the starlight was bleak. There were a few of the brightest stars that lit up the night sky. From time to time, clouds would drift across the sky, blotting out the moon. However, after the clouds had passed, the moon suddenly shone as bright as day, causing everyone to jump in fright.

Jun Lin Yue indicated for everyone to speak in a low voice, as he used his mystical Qi to sense the movements in the surroundings. This was truly out of the ordinary, they weren't even able to feel the movements of Zhao Lin and Sun Qi. With Jun Linyue's current cultivation level, he could see more than half of the entire mountain. This was too strange.

At that moment, the soldier on the hill was covered in blood and rolling down in fear. Everyone quickly pulled him up.

"What's wrong? What's going on over there? " After he finished speaking, this person had already died.

At this time, the leader of the Holy Scale Guards also miserably tumbled down, facing the night sky on the mountain road, his trembling voice saying, "Too, too terrifying …"

Following the direction of their fingers, a rumbling sound could be heard, as if something was rolling on the ground. Suddenly, two round objects crashed into each other, giving everyone a fright.

At this moment, Jun Lin Yue had a torch lit up by someone, and after it was lit up, his nerves tensed up as he took a step back and said furiously, "Zhao Lin! "Sun Qi!"

It was unknown when, but these two had already been killed. There was actually no sound at all. Jun Linyue sucked in a breath of cold air, certain that there was a peerless expert within this mountain. In the midst of all this confusion, he threw away the torch. The others were trembling in fear as they hid in the grass.

"Quick!" Spread out on both sides, slowly retreat! Those who want to live don't make a sound! " Jun Lanyue quietly instructed everyone to pass on the message. Just as everyone was saying this, the entire main peak of the Nether Sect lit up. The road to Mount Pan snaked up, and around every circle stood many people holding torches.

It looked like he had been ambushed.

Jun Lanyue signaled for everyone to stop moving and to conceal themselves.

But at this moment, a black shadow appeared in the air. The black shadow's body moved swiftly, as if it was a person, but also as if it was a ghost. Jun Lanyue subconsciously took a step back, and so did everyone else. The ghost-like figure in the sky laughed maniacally, "Hahahaha …" Little Yang, you actually sent such a child to challenge this old man? "Hahaha …"

"Yang, you have to live on the sly. Thousands of years ago, weren't you a slave of our Nether Sect? On one hand, you were sent as tribute by us, and on the other hand, you begged us not to attack. Now that our wings have hardened and our territory has expanded, you actually dare to come back and bully the Netherworld Sect? "

These words confused Jun Lanyue more and more. What slave? What slave? Thousands of years ago?

A Holy Scale Guard behind him said, "Master Hou, don't listen to his nonsense. The main branch was the Holy Land Empire that had been around for thousands of years. "I can tell that this person has gone crazy."

A sense of vigilance arose in Jun Lanyue's heart. Although they didn't know what he was still talking about, this person's cultivation was deep, so they were probably no match for him.

"Do you know who he is?" Jun Lanyue asked.

"Hahaha …" No need to ask! " The man started to laugh maniacally again, as if he could easily hear their conversation.

Jun Lanyue frowned.

"I am the head disciple of the Nether Cult's Sect Leader. I will not change my name, Lin Guangxuan!"

Then, another circle of torches came from the bushes in the distance and surrounded them. The three great disciples of the Ghost sect came out of their predicament after the Hierarch had done his best to save them. But Sect Leader Lan Yun was already exhausted. His Essence was exhausted as he laid in the main peak's Sect Leader's back hall. Beside him was Lin Che, who didn't move an inch away from him.

As for them, they had long since discovered the infiltration of the Great Yang Army, and were only waiting for the right moment to strangle them. Jun Lin Yue regretted his decision, he hadn't fully investigated this matter. The worst outcome of this battle was that he would be caught and killed.

But I am Jun Lanyue, and I cannot die. He told himself. If the three disciples of Jianghu were to come out in seclusion, he would have a deep cultivation base and would not be a match for any of them. However, it was hard to say what the current situation was for the Hierarch of the Nether Sect.

Although the Nether Sect had kept this a secret from the outside world for many years, there was a lot of gossip and most of it was private. Although it was the truth, once it was admitted, it would bring about a fatal disaster.

Although the Nether Sect never admitted the disappearance of the three disciples and only said that they were going into seclusion, the smart ones knew that seclusion was most likely an excuse. No one knew where the three of them had gone to. If it was a seclusion, where the three of them would go berserk, only the Pope could save them, then right now would be the best time to assassinate the Pope.

The more King's Landing was willing to give it a try.

He said to the person behind him, "Since you've come, don't think about going back alive. Our goal is to kill the sect leader. Everyone rushed up the mountain with me. Team one, two, hold off the enemy. Team three, follow me. Team four, five, come from behind. "Let's start."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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