Mech Battle Surge/C21 Kidnapping Gu Xian
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Mech Battle Surge/C21 Kidnapping Gu Xian
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C21 Kidnapping Gu Xian

"We simply cannot allow him to go on like this!"

In the vast expanse of the Eon Training Camp, the little ghost's voice resonated with conviction.

"We cannot stand idly by as he squanders his gift. He has no idea the kind of genius he possesses!"

"In the Eon Era, he would be considered among the elite. Leader, you'd agree, right?"

Before him lay a sea of shattered mechas, silent and still, without even a whisper of wind.

"His passion lies with mechas. He's a born mechanist, and it's clear to see. You all see it, too," the little ghost asserted.

"Yet, he's reluctant to embrace Eon. We've known this from day one. My attempt yesterday was a trial, sadly a failed one. But one failure doesn't spell eternal defeat. Leader, it's time to revise our strategy!"

The little ghost gazed at the broken mechas as if listening to their silent plea.

"I've got it. We'll entice him with benefits, pique his interest, and most crucially, ensure he doesn't connect the dots back to Eon.

"People have an innate desire to rebel. We can't confine their freedom. They'll eventually shatter those confines, even if it means getting hurt.

"Excellent. I've got it. Now, let's proceed with Plan C!"


Zeng Nian raced his flying car non-stop to the deserted factory.

The team was already in position, as planned.

The hulking figure known as "Devil Saw" approached Zeng Nian with a look of eager anticipation.

Zeng Nian declared, "Mission accomplished!"

A wave of cheers erupted.

"Let's get to work!"

Devil Saw bellowed, "Bring everything out. Pair up and start with a refresher. You're all veterans at mech modification. Let's pick up the pace! The first team to finish gets a bonus—five extra points on this job!"

The group's cheers intensified.

In no time, heaps of silver-white machinery were hauled out, and an old transport flyer worked itself to the brink of collapse.

"Where's Broomhead?"

"He's out scouting for intel. Pick up the pace, brothers! Complete this mission, and we'll live it up in the Gamma Galaxy! Our ship is waiting, so let's move!"

The team was a flurry of activity, working with fiery enthusiasm.

In no time, the Mount Buzhou laser guns were disassembled, and a video of Gu Xian explaining the energy conversion system started playing before them.

Released three years prior, the Mount Buzhou model was a compact laser gun typically mounted on mechs. Yet, it was swiftly phased out due to its excessive power consumption and a critical flaw: the reload time was too long, rendering it impractical for use as a standard weapon in intense combat.

Owing to these drawbacks, it soon fell into obscurity, with its presence now relegated to the black market.

Zeng Nian had taken a liking to these laser guns at first sight during a black market visit.

Their mission was one of assassination. Lacking mechs, their sole strategy was a covert strike, followed by an immediate withdrawal.

Essentially, they had just one shot; even the fastest laser gun wouldn't get a second chance to fire.

The Mount Buzhou's firepower was more than sufficient, and due to its obsolescence, it was dirt cheap—virtually unwanted.

He had snapped them up for next to nothing, and now, under the guise of Phoenix Corporation, he had cunningly acquired the "Ouroboros" energy conversion structure from Gu Xian, making everything go off without a hitch.

Zeng Nian reveled in the success of the operation, pleased with his enduring sharpness.

"This kid seems familiar," remarked Devil Saw, ranked 173rd on the Federal Bounty List, standing next to Zeng Nian and eyeing Gu Xian's image with astonishment, though he couldn't place where he'd seen him before.

"Really?" Zeng Nian, ever observant, gave Gu Xian another scrutinizing look and offhandedly replied, "I don't recall seeing him."

Having long since retired from the mercenary life, he was out of touch with the Bounty List.

Gu Xian had made the list just six months ago, and it had been barely over a hundred days before Princess Eliza had his name stricken from it. Without any prior encounters, recognition between the two was unlikely.

"I'm not sure. I might have seen it wrong," the burly man said, shaking his head. "You know I'm a bit face-blind."

Zeng Nian chuckled, but his laughter soon faded.

"It won't work? How can that be?" The muscular man gripped someone's collar and flung him around like a piece of clothing.

"We're not on the same team. Everyone says it's impossible," the man grimaced. "The Molten Light C-2 and the internal structure of Mount Buzhou aren't identical. We can't duplicate this energy transposition structure. Maybe..."

"Maybe what?" the burly man demanded harshly.

"Maybe only he can modify the structure and adapt it for Mount Buzhou," he said, pointing at Gu Xian.

In the video feed, Gu Xian was still passionately explaining the "Ouroboros" structure.

"That's simple," the burly man said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Just bring him here!"

"Boss, no!" Zeng Nian interjected urgently. "We can't be rash."

"Why not?"

"Firstly, acting on impulse will reveal our location. And secondly, 33 Bay Road is no ordinary place."

"What's so special about it?"

"They're Aelley's elite engineering mecha pilots, many of whom are seasoned veterans. They've got engineering mechas, while we don't even have one. Stirring up trouble with them is just asking for a beating."

"So what do we do?" The burly man scratched his head, visibly agitated. "We're running out of time. Our insider says they'll reach B-183 in three days."

"Three days? So, Yeh Ranyi is sure to accomplish her goal within that time frame?"

"Exactly." The burly man wrung his hands. "We need to take action now."

"Here's what we'll do," Zeng Nian said thoughtfully. "I've got a plan. It's somewhat risky, but it might just work."


Gu Xian received a message from Zeng Nian, mentioning an issue with the bank account number he had provided. They were unable to deposit the money, and the bank requested his presence to sort it out.

Stepping off the newly modified Pioneer-12, Gu Xian felt reluctant to head over.

Vian had been invited by Gu Xian to check out the newly modified Bladedge, but upon seeing Gu Xian's demeanor, he was taken aback and approached him with concern, "Gu, what's going on with you?"

Gu Xian recounted the recent events.

"Was it the account number I helped you with last time?" Vian scratched his head, visibly nervous. "Could it be that there were issues because it wasn't processed by the account holder?"

He took the blame upon himself. "How about I accompany you to sort it out?"

"No need," Gu Xian quickly declined. "I'll handle it myself. It's okay if I take a few hours off, right?"

"Absolutely," Vian replied with a smile. "Take all the time you need, just don't spend the night outside." He winked playfully, adding, "It can be quite dangerous out there."

Gu Xian thought Vian was acting strangely.

Dangerous to stay outside overnight? Since leaving the Eon Training Camp, he had always stayed outdoors, often in the wilderness. The cramped indoor spaces and monotonous terrain didn't allow him to leverage his full capabilities. He much preferred the challenges of outdoor combat.

Vian, despite appearances, seemed to lack common sense.

Gu Xian concluded as much and returned to his dorm to shower before heading out. To his surprise, he found Chen there, cheeks flushed red, his gaunt frame hunched over as he struggled with a heavy box.

"Let me help," Gu Xian offered, taking the box from Chen. "Are you ill?"

Chen offered a feeble smile, and words flickered across his wrist: "Caught a bit of a chill, took some time off, and I've medicated."

"And this?" Gu Xian inquired, nodding toward the box.

"I need to deliver this to someone in the city."

Gu Xian gave the box a gentle shake. "A clay sculpture?"

"That's right," Chen confirmed with a weak smile.

"I can deliver it for you," Gu Xian offered offhandedly. "I'm actually headed to the city myself."

He examined the box, noting the absence of an address or name, unlike previous deliveries. It clearly wasn't meant for courier service.

"Headed into town?" Chen asked, clearly taken aback.

He had lived with Gu Xian for quite some time, yet this was the first occasion he'd witnessed him stepping out.

Gu Xian had devoted most of his time to his work with the pioneers, earning the nickname "mecha maniac" among the crew—a mix of jest and genuine respect from the seasoned hands.

"There's a bit of trouble at Phoenix Corporation; I need to swing by," Gu Xian explained succinctly, unsure of the details himself.

"Got it," Chen replied, the words flashing across his arm faster than speech as he pondered.

"Head to 77 Ceramic Road. There's a café there called 'Encounter.' Someone will be waiting for you at 10 o'clock."

"What's their name? Are they male or female?"

"Her name is Xiao Ye, and she's a girl."

"Alright." Gu Xian nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll get it there as soon as I can."

On their way out, Vian had already arranged for a flying car. Seeing Gu Xian with the cardboard box, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head, remarking, "Old Chen never does sit still, does he?"

The flying cars here were mostly for transport, and this one was no different.

But unlike the workhorses beneath the Iron Tower, this model was newer, fully equipped, and capable of navigating the busy city streets—assuming its bulky frame didn't draw too much attention.

That didn't bother Gu Xian in the slightest.

The flying car was a breeze to handle compared to a mech. Within five minutes, Gu Xian had it down pat.

Vian handed him a special permit, "This will serve as your driver's license. Got it from George, so don't lose it."

Gu Xian assured him he wouldn't. The massive vehicle kicked up a trail of dust, soaring off like a colossal stone into the distance.

Zeng Nian's call came through once more.

Gu Xian answered.

"Hello? Yes, I'm on my way. What time? Half-past ten sounds about right. Oh, I need to make a stop at 77 Ceramic Road first. Yes, I've got some business there. You'll wait for me? Great, we'll head to the bank together afterward to check things out. Yes, the 'Encounter' café. Alright, see you there."

On the other side, Zeng Nian ended the call. "It's set. Encounter Café, 77 Ceramic Road, 10:30," he said, checking the time. "Little Blade, you're with me. Everyone else stays put. Move out now!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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