Mech Battle Surge/C23 This Is My Idol
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Mech Battle Surge/C23 This Is My Idol
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C23 This Is My Idol

Yeh Ranyi, as the initial eyewitness, was escorted to the Security Department of Aelley. Her identity was swiftly recognized, with both the coffee shop owner and the waiter vouching for her innocence in the incident.

The already anxious Aelley Security Department was sent reeling upon learning that the murder had unfolded right beside her, practically under their noses. They were instructed to keep her movements confidential, while George's premier investigative team was tasked with her protection due to her high-profile status.

The questioning regarding the murder case took place outside the usual confines of an interrogation room.

"Was it Gu Xian who acted first?"

"Yes. But by the time I saw Gu Xian charge, the other person was already lunging at him with a knife." Yeh Ranyi harbored a fondness for Gu Xian, especially since Old Chen had entrusted him with a delivery – a man Old Chen trusted was someone she felt naturally inclined to trust as well.

"And then that person ended up dead?"

"Correct. I didn't catch what Gu Xian did exactly, but the individual was dead."

"Afterwards, he bolted outside and got hit by a tranquilizer dart before being taken away?"

"That's right."

"Do you know who took him?"

"I'm not sure, I didn't get a good look. I was quite frightened at the time."

"Okay, that's all we need for now. You're free to go, Ms. Night."

"Mr. George, is there any way I can be of assistance?"

George stroked his chin, visibly troubled. The coffee shop's surveillance footage was unusable, but Yeh Ranyi's account made it clear that the assailants were targeting Gu Xian.

While others might be oblivious to Gu Xian's true identity, George was not. He considered the possibility that Gu Xian could be a vigilante or a bounty hunter. Given Yeh Ranyi's celebrity status and the need to preserve her public image, it was imperative she remain unentangled from the affair.

George saw potential in Gu Xian. The incident could be spun as self-defense, absolving Gu Xian of any wrongdoing, provided no further harm came to him.

George had long been interested in recruiting Gu Xian for the Security Department, and this incident presented the perfect opportunity. If he could save Gu Xian's life and offer exoneration as a pretext, he might just be able to sway him.

He was well aware of Yeh Ranyi's significant clout and was keen on leveraging her influence.

Yet, he needed to carefully consider if it was even possible to do so.

As he mulled this over, the leader of Team A burst in, his face grim. "Boss, we've identified the deceased."

"Oh?" George, preoccupied with the news, dashed out of his office.

Yeh Ranyi hurried after him, only to collide with Chen Zhuya, who had hurried over upon hearing the news.

Their eyes met, and for a moment, both their expressions stiffened.

Chen Zhuya recovered first, her sneer tinged with sarcasm. "Well, well, if it isn't the illustrious Miss Yeh, too refined for such places. Why don't you scurry back to Siron Planet and resume playing the heiress?"

Yeh Ranyi's complexion, usually as smooth as porcelain, blanched. "Sister..."

She was cut off mid-sentence by Chen Zhuya, "Don't you dare call me sister! I've never had—and never will have—a sister like you!"

Yeh Ranyi attempted to speak again, but Chen Zhuya dismissed her coldly, "I'm not here for you. Don't delay me. Step aside."

Accustomed to yielding since childhood, Yeh Ranyi silently stepped aside.

Chen Zhuya strode past her toward the conference room, where Tom, the captain of the second investigation team, was speaking emphatically.

"We found nothing on him to confirm his identity. His identity code is blank, the identity chip is counterfeit, and there's no log-in record for him on B-183 Planet. Clearly, he's a stowaway. After reaching out to Siron Planet, we uncovered his history. He's a member of the Bloodsaw Mercenary group, known by the codename 'Small Blade.'"

"Bloodsaw Mercenary?"

"Yes, their leader is none other than Devil Saw, ranked 173rd on the Federation's most-wanted list. A few years back, their second-in-command, known as 'Operation Knife,' vanished, prompting the Bloodsaw Mercenaries to adopt a much lower profile. Their presence on B-183 Planet now is certainly ominous."

George had been attentively listening when a thought struck him, his heart racing with a sudden insight, "Could the Bloodsaw Mercenaries be targeting Yeh Ranyi?"

"That seems unlikely. If their target was Yeh Ranyi, why abduct Gu Xian?"

"Exactly, they would have just eliminated Yeh Ranyi."

This logical suggestion was swiftly dismissed.

"There's definitely more to this situation than we're aware of."

"The Bloodsaw Mercenaries are notoriously brutal and cold-blooded, killing without a second thought. They're labeled as mercenaries, but many are actually fugitives with serious charges against them. With their extensive combat experience, locating their hideout will be challenging."

"It's likely that Gu Xian is in grave danger with them."

"I can't even begin to guess what their endgame is."

"Regardless, our priority is to locate Gu Xian and ensure his safety."

"But with the majority of our forces assigned to protect Yeh Ranyi, we're short-staffed."

"We can't just stand by and let Gu Xian meet his end at their hands, can we?"

Opinions were divided; some felt Gu Xian's fate was sealed and saw no point in a rescue, while others insisted on saving him.

Tension escalated in the meeting room, the air thick with the threat of an imminent argument.

Then, Yeh Ranyi appeared at the meeting room's entrance, "I'll be staying here for the coming days, so there's no need to divert extra resources for my protection. I'm counting on your support. Please, do everything you can to rescue Gu Xian. I'm begging you."

The room fell silent, but George's voice soon broke the stillness.

"What are we waiting for? We need to act fast! The Bloodsaw Mercenaries are lurking in Aelley, posing a massive threat to every citizen! We have to find them!"

Mobilized by his words, everyone sprang into action.

"We have to find Gu Xian!"

"His situation is dire, I repeat, extremely dire!"

Regardless of their personal views on Gu Xian's worth, there was unanimous agreement: he was in perilous danger, and any misstep could cost him his life.


After hearing Ceng Nian's story, the burly man's eyes settled on the unconscious Gu Xian. "So, Little Knife met his end at his hands?"

"Yes, he's got two brushes," Ceng Nian confirmed with a nod.

The burly man gave Gu Xian a light kick. "Hey, once I'm done with the energy transposition structure, I'll extract his heart as a tribute to Little Knife."

"We're on a tight schedule, and I'm worried he might not cooperate."

"Isn't coercion or bribery your forte?"

"Indeed it is," Ceng Nian acknowledged with another nod.

The burly man rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "But you know, the more I look at him, the more familiar he seems. I thought he looked familiar in the video, but seeing him in person, it's even more striking."

"You don't mean you've met him before, do you?"

"How could I? With that effeminate look of his, how could I have ever met him? He's as skinny as a runt." The burly man dismissed the idea outright.

"Well, if you don't recognize him, that makes things easier," Ceng Nian said. "Let's get Broomhead in here to wake him up. Can you back me up?"

"He's good at acting," the burly man confirmed with a nod.

Broomhead entered promptly, listening intently to Ceng Nian.

"You need to act uncooperative. I'll pretend to kill you and then drag you out. Let's team up to give him a good scare. You think you can handle that?"

"Don't worry, Brother Zeng. Acting is my strong suit. I was all about drama back in my school days," Broomhead boasted, confidently smoothing back his broom-like hair.

His eyes briefly scanned Gu Xian's face, then abruptly froze.

Ceng Nian, busy packing up, noticed the sudden stiffness and turned with a puzzled look. "What's the matter?"

Broomhead's face went ashen. He glanced around quickly, and upon seeing the burly man, he stuttered as if he'd found a lifeline, "Boss, are you trying to scare him?"

"What's the issue?" Ceng Nian saw no flaw in his plan.

The experience of killing and being killed are worlds apart. Though Little Knife died at Gu Xian's hands, Ceng Nian was convinced that someone as young as Gu Xian couldn't possibly endure the terror of death.

"Are you really sure you can scare him?" Broomhead's every fiber radiated incredulity.

"Brother Zeng, do you have any idea who he really is?" Broomhead turned to ask Ceng Nian.

His complexion was ghostly pale, so much so that the greenish veins pulsing beneath his skin were visible.

"What's the matter, you recognize him? Is he an acquaintance of yours?" Zeng Nian sensed something was off.

"If Brother Zeng doesn't know, that's one thing, but Boss, you don't recognize him either?" The broomhead had been out gathering intel on Gu Xian and hadn't seen him. Now he stared at the muscular man in astonishment.

The muscular man swore irritably, "Spit it out if you've got something to say. You know full well I can't recognize faces."

"That's Gu Xian!" Broomhead insisted, his voice betraying his certainty.

"Yes, that's Gu Xian," the muscular man blinked, "You know him?"

"Boss, you're kidding me, right?" Broomhead was on the verge of tears. "You don't recognize him? You're the one who took me to check the wanted list last time! You said a hero emerges from youth, that he was your idol!"

"The wanted list? Idol?" The muscular man might have face blindness, but his memory was sharp. Something was clicking into place.

"A hero emerges from youth, idol... I'm sure I've said that. Wait, who was I talking about?" The muscular man scratched his head vigorously, then froze, his eyes widening as he turned to Broomhead.

"Could it be!"

Broomhead nodded wildly, "Yes, it's him!"

"It's really him!" The muscular man gasped in shock.

"Absolutely him!" Broomhead's head bobbed as if it might come loose.

"So it's him! Little Dagger's death wasn't in vain!"

"Who the heck is it?" Zeng Nian couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Brother, you've put me in a tight spot!" The muscular man clutched his shoulder, his face wrinkled like a bitter melon, tinged with green, "Do you know who he is?"

"I'd like to know myself! Stop speaking in riddles, how would I know?" The normally composed Zeng Nian was nearing his breaking point.

"He's the fifth-ranked killer on the Federal wanted list, known as the God of Slaughter. He's my idol!" The muscular man's face flushed a deep shade of purple. "They say heroes are young, and I was hoping to get a chance to meet him, maybe even collaborate. And now, damn it, you've brought my idol here. What am I supposed to do now? Can we still work together after this?"

Zeng Nian's cheeks involuntarily twitched, a sudden urge to slap him rising within.

"Has the Bloodsaw Mercenary Group really fallen so far since I left?"

"Idols? Collaborating with them?"

He cast a sorrowful glance at Gu Xian, then turned to the muscular man and the broomhead, who were snapping pictures with the unconscious Gu Xian. His head was spinning.

"Could it be that I've actually made a mistake?"

"Since when did it become fashionable for fugitives to do such things?"

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