Mechanical Era/C26 The Alien World Meat Merchant
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Mechanical Era/C26 The Alien World Meat Merchant
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C26 The Alien World Meat Merchant

After exchanging brief greetings with the bustling citizens, Wang Changqing made his way back to the Lord Hall. His next stop was the Lord's Trading Market, where he planned to handle the spoils of the recent battle.

But as he was about to access the Lord's Trading Market, Wang Changqing, as if possessed by a whim, clicked on the adjacent World Chat Channel instead.

The moment the World Chat Channel sprang to life, a notification appeared:

"The 7-day newbie protection period has expired. The World Chat Channel has shifted from free to paid mode."

There were two payment options:

Per message: 100 gold coins, regardless of length.

Monthly subscription: 100,000 gold coins.

Additionally, a free regional chat channel was now available.

"Charging a fee? It costs money just to speak?" Internally cursing every female ancestor in the system's lineage for eighteen generations, Wang Changqing opened the World Chat Channel with a heavy heart.

As expected, the channel had grown quiet with the introduction of fees. The idle banter, humorous exchanges, and colorful anecdotes from the Initial Continent had all but vanished.

"My joy! My source of joy is gone!" he lamented.

Though Wang Changqing seldom engaged in the World Chat Channel, he was a frequent lurker, and it had become his greatest pastime.

An orphan by birth, Wang Changqing's early life in the orphanage was straightforward: disputes were settled with fists, and alliances were formed out of necessity. It was only after leaving the orphanage that he realized how uncomplicated those direct confrontations had been.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I had no idea you were an orphan!"

"Hey, Qing, I've heard about the brawls you got into back at the orphanage. Is that true?"

People meant well with their concern, but their words stung, pricking at the fragile self-esteem he tried so hard to protect. He constantly reminded himself to accept his past and look forward to the future, but while the mantra was easy to recite, living by it was another story.

Over time, he grew more reclusive, his feelings of inferiority and isolation casting long shadows over his life.

But then came a moment of triumph: "Hahaha, I've broken into the top 10,000 in the overall strength rankings, and the system has rewarded me with a Balrog Summoning Pool! Hahahaha, my first barracks will house the golden lions. Initial Continent, here I come!"

Hey everyone, I've set up a group chat for those in the top 100 who've chosen the teleportation gate. Add me, and let's have a discussion.

I'm looking to buy a Level-6 Magic Beast heart, and I guarantee you'll be happy with the price!

Seeking someone in China, South Mountain Province, Safety County, Changning Street, Diligence Community, Building 10, Unit 1, Apartment 1401. Use my phone number for friend verification.

For sale: a cheat that reduces the resources needed to recruit troops by 80%. Limited stock, first come, first served.

Wang Changqing looked down on the invite to join the top 100's group. With everyone as competitors and no legal constraints, how could cooperation be possible?

Laws exist because of law enforcement. On the Initial Continent, those who trust in such cooperation end up sold and counting the money for their betrayer.

Still, joining the group to gather intel on others isn't a bad move.

Even though the information from these top 100 Lords might not be entirely reliable, it's worth something.

He accepted the friend request, where the verification turned out to be the name of the teleportation gate. He typed in "Two-way teleportation gate of the Rank Two Plane" and instantly became friends with the other person.

The private chat interface gave a slight tremor.

Landos: "Hi, brother, hello. I'm Landos, and I'm thrilled to make your acquaintance."

Wang Changqing: "Hello, I'm Qing."

Landos: "Qing, what's your level? Being in the top 100, your troops must be quite formidable, right?"

Wang Changqing: "I'm not at a very high level, but my troops are decent, though they're a bit demanding."

Landos: "Brother Qing, you're Asian, aren't you?"

Wang Changqing: "Yes, I'm from Huaxia. And about that group chat you mentioned, Landos?"

Landos: "Ahaha, Qing, I felt an instant connection with you and got carried away chatting. I'll add you to the group right now."

Damn, an instant connection, huh!

Shortly after, Wang Changqing received a group chat invite from Landos. He scrutinized it, confirmed it was legitimate, and then accepted.

This was a small cadre of just forty-three individuals, yet it encompassed a select few who were the luckiest on Blue Planet.

Landos announced, "Folks, I'm excited to introduce a mysterious figure to you all. You know the big shot who's been selling premium meat at the market? He's joined our group!"

Luoli chimed in, "A warm welcome to Master Changqing!"

Bai Wei inquired, "Master Changqing, do you have any stock left? Could you possibly cut me a deal?"

Takashi Ohida speculated, "Master Changqing's forces must be formidable. I bet all of us combined wouldn't stand a chance against him."

Marcellus asked, "Master Changqing, we're all dying to know, what exactly is your Arm?"

Wang Changqing was unaware that his continuous sales of high-grade magic beast meat in the Lord's Trading Market had caught the eye of many of Blue Planet's elite lords.

Upon reflection, Wang Changqing realized the obvious: those who could afford such luxury were none other than the members of this group.

His entry into the group caused quite the stir among the previously silent lords. Questions flew from every direction—some were driven by simple curiosity, others sought partnerships, a few harbored more sinister intentions, and then there were those who just loved a good spectacle.

This turn of events caught Wang Changqing by surprise. Before, he'd simply listed his goods on the Lord's Trading Market without a second thought about the buyers.

To his astonishment, many in the group turned out to be his major customers!

His demeanor shifted instantly from detached curiosity to engaged enthusiasm—a complete 180-degree transformation.

Wang Changqing expressed his gratitude, "Thanks for the warm welcome. Those interested in ordering premium beast meat, feel free to add me as a friend."

He clarified, "My Arm isn't as mighty as you might think. The origin of my premium beast meat is quite straightforward. Ever heard of the term 'distributor'? My land is adjacent to a Viscount Level lord's territory. Initially, I was terrified, but the next day, they invited me over as a guest."

Wang Changqing continued, "Upon visiting, I discovered that this formidable Viscount was actually a breeder of magic beasts. He warmly offered me the role of his meat distributor."

Wang Changqing remarked, "I peddle magic beast meat on his behalf, and in return, he cuts me in on a commission. Don't tell me there aren't any lords offering similar deals near your lands?"

The crowd fell silent.

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