Mechanical Era/C27 The Socalled Elite Group
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Mechanical Era/C27 The Socalled Elite Group
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C27 The Socalled Elite Group

Takashi Ohida remarked, "Brother Qing, your luck is something else; we just can't match it!"

Landos interjected, "Let's get back on track, shall we? Nearly two hours have passed, and it seems everyone who could make it has arrived. Do we wait for any stragglers, or do we dive in now?"

Takashi Ohida replied, "I say we start. We've got 44 people here already, out of a total of 100. Considering those who didn't opt for the Two-way Plane Teleportation Array, there's likely just a handful left outside—maybe a dozen or twenty at most."

"If there are no objections, then let's get down to business," Landos suggested.

He continued, "Folks, by joining this group chat, you've proven yourselves to be among the elite of Blue Planet's eight billion inhabitants. Whether through luck or skill, you stand at the pinnacle. We're here to discuss the exciting prospects of the brand-new Rank Two Plane."

"The initial plane, while richer in resources and opportunities, also carries with it a higher degree of uncertainty and danger. The Rank Two Plane, on the other hand, is an ideal setting for us to thrive."

"Although we are rivals, the vastness of the Rank Two Plane allows for early collaboration towards mutual success. Given that this plane may harbor Level 20 powerhouses—forces we currently cannot contend with—I propose we team up in the beginning. Later on, we can each play to our strengths. How does that sound?"

"I'm on board with Landos's proposal," Takashi Ohida agreed. "We're mostly Level Five or Six. Venturing into a plane guarded by Level 20 experts is a gamble with our lives. Cooperation seems the wiser choice."

"I'm for working together too," Bai Wei chimed in. "The question is, how? Our entry points into the Alien Plane are entirely random."

Landos had an answer ready. "I've anticipated this. Some of you may already be familiar with me, while others not so much. Allow me to reintroduce myself. I'm an American, with a family legacy of several companies back in the States. But that's history. Let's focus on the present. I've acquired a remarkable creature from other lords called the Sensing Insect, capable of detecting one another across vast distances."

Landos explained, "Each of us will carry one. Upon reaching the Rank Two Plane, if our teleportation portals are within a certain proximity, we'll use the Sensing Insect to guide us to each other. That way, we can combine our portals..."

Wang Changqing had an epiphany; Landos was strategizing to unite everyone for an assault on the alien world.

The idea that Landos had traded for these? Wang Changqing wasn't buying it. He was convinced Landos was a bug-type Lord, whose greatest strength lay in their rapid self-replication. With sufficient energy, their reproduction rate would soar.

On this eighth day, the typical number of Arm soldiers at one's command would be around 160. But with several cycles of breeding, Landos's bug-type forces had multiplied geometrically. To him, the other Lords were as inconsequential as Takashi Ohida from Nihon had suggested—altogether, they wouldn't stand a chance against him.

Grouping the teleportation portals on the Rank Two Plane might seem like a safety measure, but in truth, it allowed the mightiest among them to hold sway over the rest.

If Landos gained control over the two-way portal, wouldn't that effectively place one's fate in his hands?

Still, Wang Changqing wasn't about to openly confront him. He needed to sift through the group and identify his major clients—those he would certainly need to caution.

As Wang Changqing was considering who his major clients were, a friend request popped up. It was from Bai Wei. Without a moment's hesitation, he accepted. She had already inquired in the group chat about purchasing more high-grade Magic Beast Meat—a clear sign of a major client.

Bai Wei: "From Huaxia?"

Wang Changqing: "Yes! Are you as well?"

Bai Wei: "Yes, I am. I'm looking for 20,000 units of Level Five Magic Beast Meat. Do you have any?"

Wang Changqing: "Absolutely! Only 20,000 units? The more you buy, the better the deal!"

Bai Wei: "You're not actually a beast meat distributor, are you?"

Wang Changqing replied confidently, "Of course, I am. Is there any doubt?"

Bai Wei asked, "So, do you believe that the people of Huaxia don't deceive each other?"

Wang Changqing replied, "Here's the deal: purchase 50,000 units from me, and I'll throw in an extra 1,000 units for free."

Bai Wei warned, "Just a heads-up, Landos has ill intentions. Be on your guard."

Wang Changqing acknowledged, "Got it!"

Following Bai Wei's lead, a dozen more lords connected with Wang Changqing, all eager to place orders for premium beast meat. To each customer, Wang Changqing offered a helpful tip, "Did you know that insect breeds can reproduce autonomously? They can generate a new batch every three days." The usual responses were appreciative, ranging from "Thanks" to "Got it."

Ultimately, Wang Changqing did receive a Sensing Insect from Landos, as did many others. Yet, it remained a mystery whether these individuals would take the Sensing Insects to the Rank Two Plane. Or, perhaps it was Landos who should be hoping that these lords wouldn't end up feeding the Sensing Insects to their pets as mere treats.

It's rare for someone to rise above the rest among the eight billion inhabitants of Blue Planet, and those who do are typically quite intelligent. Still, one can't rule out the presence of a few less astute individuals among such a vast population—humanity is nothing if not diverse.

The purchasing power of the group's major clients was nothing short of astonishing. In no time at all, Wang Changqing had sold an impressive quantity of resources and, in return, amassed a substantial pile of gold coins. Money, however, shouldn't just sit idle on the panel—spending it was the name of the game.

Over the next three days, Wang Changqing had his Mechanical Butler, Rafe, construct defensive towers along the perimeter of his territory. Concurrently, he strategically sold off the significant gains from his recent skirmish with the Wild Beasts in the Lord's Trading Market, acquiring a wealth of resources in the process.

These resources, however, were fleeting guests on Wang Changqing's Resources Panel. Rafe, ever efficient, swiftly allocated them to the production lines, transforming them into ranks of Mechanical Warriors and erecting formidable defense towers at the borders of the Dawn Territory.

During this time, Bai Wei sought out Wang Changqing, looking to purchase Soul Crystals. She inquired if he had any in stock.

Soul Crystals? Wang Changqing certainly did!

Additionally, there was a substantial quantity available. Yet, this item was somewhat sensitive, and most lords would typically refrain from selling it, despite it being essential for recruiting soldiers.

After a lengthy back-and-forth with Bai Wei, Wang Changqing, considering their shared hometown connection, agreed to "painfully" part with a batch of Soul Crystals. Bai Wei's effusive gratitude left him with a tidy profit, albeit with "tears" in his eyes.

"Heh, Bai Wei turned out to be quite wealthy—who would've guessed? Now I'm curious about her appearance. If she's attractive, I might just offer her a discount next time. How much of a discount should it be?... Ah, let's make it a 9.99 percent discount!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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