Mechanical Era/C30 The Goblin Who Was Determined to Become a Troubadour
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Mechanical Era/C30 The Goblin Who Was Determined to Become a Troubadour
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C30 The Goblin Who Was Determined to Become a Troubadour

"Sir, we choose life..."

"Please, don't eat us! Sir! Release us!"

"We beg you, have mercy on us!"

"Sir, I offer you my deepest submission..."

Wang Changqing's declaration was delivered with an air of undeniable authority, albeit with an odd inflection. Nonetheless, the Goblins understood him. These little creatures were naturally skittish, and Wang's words sent a few of them fainting outright, while the rest were left babbling incoherently.

The scene quickly descended into chaos, but it was swiftly quelled when Wang Changqing gestured to a mechanical soldier beside him, who fired a warning shot into the sky.

"Listen up, you lot. Don't try my patience. You just need to choose life or death. Speak out of turn again, and I'll consign you to eternal oblivion."



"Excellent, you've made the wise choice. Now, who is your chief?"

At Wang Changqing's inquiry, all the Goblins instinctively turned their gaze to one among them, a Goblin who appeared somewhat more robust than his peers.

Realizing his identity was obvious, the Goblin strode to the forefront and bowed respectfully to Wang Changqing before saying, "Honored sir, my name is Alston Ransten Chibman Richardson. I am the chieftain of this Goblin tribe. How may I serve you?"

"Alston, I'll call you that from now on. Keep up the good work, and you can remain chieftain."

Alston's red eyes sparkled at the prospect of retaining his title. He prostrated himself, eager to show allegiance, "My lord, henceforth I am your most devoted servant..."

Wang Changqing cut off Alston's effusive pledge with a wave of his hand, "Alston, I have a question for you. How long has your tribe been established, and have you ever ventured beyond this forest?"

"Lord, our tribe has been around for ages. I'm not sure exactly how long. I've been chieftain for seven years. The one before me served for six years, and the one before that, eight years..."

"Milord, though I've never ventured beyond the forest, I've heard plenty about the outside world from the elder of the neighboring large tribe. In his youth, that old fellow encountered an Elf Troubadour and became resolute in his desire to become one himself. He only returned a few years back, with a crippled leg. Had he not retained the strength of a Level 3, he'd have been cooked and devoured by the other Goblins. He claims he's from the outside world. His name is Salisberg, and you could verify his story with a simple inquiry."

A Goblin set on becoming a Troubadour? What a peculiar ambition! The world is indeed full of wonders. Today, Wang Changqing's eyes had been truly opened. Thanks to Alston, he had pinpointed the location of the Big Brother Goblin Tribe and confirmed it with the data gathered by the Nano Reconnaissance Robots.

Rafe was tasked with the capture, allowing Changqing to simply await the outcome. As a Lord, it was impractical to attend to every matter personally, especially since he had ascended to Level 9 without having slain even a Level 1 creature.

He felt his Level 9 power was somewhat squandered on him, yet relinquishing it was out of the question. His current might, capable of felling a Level 5 creature with a mere punch, and the prospect of a 500-year lifespan at Level 9, left him more than content.

With each level gained before Level 10, he would receive an additional 50 years of life. Beyond Level 10, each level would add a century to his lifespan, with the increments becoming increasingly staggering. On the Initial Continent, eternity was not mere myth but tangible reality, although Wang Changqing had yet to engage with such exalted echelons.

He had no desire to encounter such formidable beings prematurely; a mere inadvertent breath from them could obliterate him. As for the tales of the outside world spun by Alston, Changqing took them with a grain of salt, doubting the authenticity of their embellished details.

What kind of giant towers above the tallest tree in the forest? Imagine a human king who consumes eight hundred kilograms of meat and drinks three hundred barrels of wine each day. Consider a Dwarf caravan with over a hundred thousand beasts of burden. Picture a Dragon soaring through the skies, capable of toppling mountains with a single roar...

The more he listened, the more far-fetched it all seemed. With a dismissive wave, he cut off Alston mid-sentence, who was enthusiastically sharing his tale, silencing him abruptly. Alston was visibly upset—how could his excitement be so casually disregarded? Were his feelings of no account?

Yet, Wang Changqing's following words quickly lifted his spirits.

"You will continue to lead your tribe. Go and reassure your people. From now on, you'll oversee the mining operations. I'll supply the tools, and you'll supervise the work. I'll buy all the ore with gold coins, and you'll earn a ten percent commission from what your tribesmen extract as your payment."

Wang Changqing didn't have to wait long. Rafe's voice transmitted from his wrist, "Master, the capture operation was a success. We've apprehended a total of 1356 Goblins, including one Level-4 Goblin and five Level-3 Goblins. The Goblin you instructed us to watch for is also in custody. The team is en route back and is expected to arrive at the Forward Base in 53 minutes."

After finishing his dinner, the Mechanical Legion Wang Changqing had dispatched to apprehend the Goblins had also returned to the Forward Base. Wang Changqing paid no mind to the other Goblins, instead singling out the one who aspired to be a Troubadour, Salisberg.

Their meeting took place in the newly established restaurant at the Forward Base.

Wang Changqing could confidently assert that Salisberg was the tidiest and most dignified Goblin he had ever encountered.

Compared to the two hundred Goblins previously captured or the recent haul of over a thousand, including Alston, who were all grimy and unkempt, clad in crude animal hides or leaf-made garments, Salisberg stood out. He donned a hemp robe, bleached white from washing, with his hair and beard meticulously groomed. Despite his limp, his stride was firm and assured, resembling a gentleman poised to attend a gala.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Mr. Salisberg, it's a pleasure to meet you. You've completely changed my perception of Goblins. Please, have a seat!"

Witnessing such an extraordinary Goblin, Wang Changqing felt compelled to applaud and showed him the utmost respect.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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