Military Ye's Precious Babe/C377 I will Return to His Side
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Military Ye's Precious Babe/C377 I will Return to His Side
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C377 I will Return to His Side

By the time they got to the island, the sun had already set, and during that time, the doctor changed a cup of medicine, and looking at the horrible sight of his fingers, the doctor couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

This kind of finger that was obviously made of white bones was really too shocking.

Mu Jue inadvertently saw the wound on Yi Bai's hand, but he still couldn't help but say, "Sorry, I had no other choice at that time."

Yi Bai did not seem to care about the wound on his finger at all. He smiled coldly and said, "Ha... If I stab you twice and then apologize to you, would you accept it?"

Mu Jue was speechless by Yi Bai's question. Anyone who dared to hurt him in this world had already been sent to hell. Of course, besides this woman in front of him, there was also his only opponent in other countries...

"I will use the most efficient medical skills and the most advanced technology to restore your hand." Mu Jue spoke confidently.

"So, if you did not remove the ring, would you have chopped off my finger?" Yi Bai didn't listen to Mu Jue and asked.

Mu Jue was shocked when he heard what Yi Bai said. As Yi Bai said, if he hadn't taken off the ring, he would have chopped off the finger and taken Yi Bai away.

"I will still take you away." After a long time, when everyone thought that Mu Jue wouldn't answer, Mu Jue spoke again.

"If I had known that you would be like this, I would have brought you to Yan City. This way, we can eliminate all future troubles. " Yi Bai looked at Mu Jue and spoke in a calm voice. The hatred and coldness in his eyes made Mu Jue's heart ache.

"Everyone has a different way of life. I choose from the reality of society and from the life I have since I was a child. I only know that what I need must be plundered and fought for. I don't have an innate advantage, as long as I want it, I can get it. So I can only rely on myself to fight for it. You are the only thing I want to rob other than money. I never go against my own ideas." Mu Jue looked at Yi Bai with a faint smile, not caring about what Yi Bai just said.

This was his life, and he had always enjoyed such a life of plundering.

"Then let's try and see what you can rob." Yi Bai tilted his head to look at Mu Jue and said with a cold smile.

When the plane landed, Yi Bai found that this was a small island in this boundless sea. It could also be said that this was a uninhabited island. It was surrounded by shrubs and the sound of wild beasts could be faintly heard.

This was an island that had never been developed before. As for Mu Jue... he planned to imprison her on such a desolate and uninhabited island surrounded by boundless sea.

"No one knows about this place, there are at least thousands of islands like this in this sea. Even if Fu Zi Yan wanted to find them one by one, tell me how much time he needs. Perhaps you will forget about him by the time he finds you. This is really an unknown." Mu Jue took Yi Bai off the plane, but his hands and feet were still cuffed. Looking at the vast ocean, he said in a plain tone.

The confidence and confidence in his words were obvious.

"I won't forget him. You can rest assured about that. So what if you lock me up here? Even if I still have a breath left, I will return to his side. " Yi Bai looked at the ocean, but not only did he not make her lose her fighting spirit, on the contrary, it made her even more determined.

Mu Jue didn't care about what Yi Bai said. In this place, Yi Bai didn't have any communication tools. His hands and feet were trapped, and he didn't have any equipment to let her leave. As long as he wanted to, Yi Bai would never be able to leave this place.

Therefore, what Yi Bai said now was just a joke. He wouldn't be easily angered.

He took Yi Bai through the dense shrubs and finally arrived at the center of the island. There was an independent villa, and there were many black clothed people patrolling around it. When they saw Mu Jue and his group, they immediately gathered in two groups and stood still.

Jie Sen, whom they had never seen since boarding the helicopter, quickly walked out of the villa.

"Boss, it was a tough journey. We have brought Dr. Lauren here. Doctor Liu Ya is still on the way." Jie Sen looked at Mu Jue and spoke very respectfully.

Mu Jue led Yi Bai to the front, while Yi Bai walked with a straight face. He did not care about the probing look in his eyes at all.

"Why hasn't Liu Ya arrived yet?" Mu Jue frowned slightly.

"Doctor Liu Ya has a seminar, and this time it is more difficult and serious. Therefore, the security and security are also more strict. In order to not cause a disturbance, so she wasted some time." Jie Sen saw Mu Jue frown and immediately became cautious.

Mu Jue heard what Jie Sen said and said in a deep voice, "Did you bring the maid over?"

"Yes, I have. The five maids were picked out from the old mansion in Iceland. They are the most loyal ones." Jie Sen nodded and pushed the door open for Mu Jue.

As soon as the door was pushed open, there were five maids standing in the room. When they saw Mu Jue enter, they immediately bowed respectfully.

"Welcome home, Young Master Mu."

"Listen, from today onwards, the five of you will be in charge of Yi Bai's food, clothing, and accommodation. Take care of her carefully, and don't make any unconventional moves. And don't harm her maliciously. If I discover any unusual movements... I'll chop all of you into pieces and throw you into the sea as nourishment." Mu Jue looked at the five maids and examined them with a sharp gaze.

The five maids carefully looked up at Yi Bai and did not dare to have any emotions. They carefully nodded and said, "Young Master Mu, don't worry. We will do our best to take care of Miss Yi Bai."

"I don't need your people to take care of me." Yi Bai looked at Mu Jue and coldly refused.

Mu Jue heard what Yi Bai said and turned his head to look at Yi Bai. He said, "You are pregnant. No matter what, you need someone to take care of you. Do you think you can do it by yourself now?"

What Mu Jue said also made sense. The doctor quickly said, "Miss Yi, what our boss said makes sense. Your current condition is relatively fragile. If anything happens, someone beside you will report it immediately."

"Whatever, but I only hope that no one is allowed to enter and disturb me without my permission." Yi Bai thought for a while and decided to listen to the doctor's opinion.

Seeing Yi Bai let out a sigh of relief, the doctor finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, take Miss Yi to rest. You must take good care of Miss Yi." Jie Sen also immediately followed up.

A few maids respectfully came to Yi Bai's side. Yi Bai glanced at Mu Jue, then turned around and left.

After seeing Yi Bai leave and making sure that Yi Bai could no longer hear their conversation, the doctor carefully said, "Boss, what should we do with Miss Yi's child now?"

Mu Jue heard the doctor's words and cast a sidelong glance at the doctor. "What do you think is the best?"

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Gentium Book Basic
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