Milky Way Overlord/C27 Universe Ship
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Milky Way Overlord/C27 Universe Ship
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C27 Universe Ship

After his initial examination, Chu Xing dedicated the following two days to cultivation within the confines of his hotel room. Currently, his primary self had reached the Qi Training Second Layer, while his clone had advanced to the Qi Training Third Layer. The clone's practice within the black sphere meant that the absorption of Spiritual Qi was effectively doubled. Moreover, the accelerated environment of the sphere funneled the Spiritual Qi directly into Chu Xing's physical form.

In the early stages of Qi Training, the presence of Spiritual Qi was subtle. However, as one ascended to higher levels, the Qi would manifest more distinctly, potentially giving rise to unknown phenomena.

Over the last few days, Chu Hao and their two companions ventured out daily, returning with tales of emerging prodigies to share with Chu Xing. On this final afternoon, Chu Xing joined Chu Hao in the square.

"The examinations are pretty much wrapped up, Chu Xing. It's unlikely we'll see any new Spiritual Root practitioners now," remarked Chu Hao.

"Another person with a Mental Energy gift surfaced these past two days, though it was merely a lower-tier talent," added Gao Wei.

The plaza remained bustling with activity. Glancing at the large screen, Chu Xing noted the appearance of a Highest Grade talent with a Wind Spiritual Root in the last two days.

"Lee Zifeng, Wind Spiritual Root, Highest Grade talent, Qi Training First Layer."

The screen displayed roughly 985 individuals with a single Spiritual Root and 2,140 with mixed Spiritual Roots, totaling 3,125 Spiritual Root holders.

Among them, four possessed Highest Grade talent, ranking at the very top, followed by those with Higher Mental Energy talent. Over 300 individuals had other high-level attribute talents.

Even those with mixed Spiritual Roots could possess Highest Grade talent, placing Chu Xing within the top three hundred ranks.

"I wonder how many with Spiritual Roots have perished," Chu Xing mused.

"Many, they say. Such a waste," lamented Wang Youfeng.

"Check out the notice—it's telling us to reach Mount Kunlun in ten days to embark for an extraterrestrial planet," Chu Hao pointed out, gesturing toward the big screen.

"At last, we're setting out," Chu Xing said, his eyes alight with anticipation as he watched the screen.

Ten days later, in the grand hall of Mount Kunlun.

"Mei Fa, Yan Jin, and Wei Quan, make sure the students board the ship promptly. Don't delay, and be cautious on your journey," Chilian directed the three individuals seated before him.

This time, the Earth's students were divided among three spacecraft to attend 100 primary schools, with the sect dispatching three Earth Immortals to escort each vessel.

"We obey, Elder Chilian!" they responded in chorus.

"We're using three ships for added safety. As Earth Immortals, you're equipped to handle various situations. Should danger arise, seek help immediately—no rash actions," Immortal Qingqiu cautioned once more.


"Alright, Qingqiu, they're well aware. Let them depart," Immortal Chilian addressed Qingqiu, then turned to the trio. "Proceed with your preparations. Depart as soon as you're ready."

"By your command, Elder," they affirmed, then exited.

"Chilian, isn't sending the Earth Immortals off in such haste likely to upset them?" Immortal Qingqiu inquired, joining Chilian in the plaza to watch the departing figures.

"No worries. The worst they might do is grumble. What are they going to do, pick a fight with us? They're eager to start recruiting students themselves," Chilian replied nonchalantly.

"Let's hope that's the case," Qingqiu remarked.

"There's still much to attend to on Earth. Next on our agenda is to delve into the planet's developmental history," Chilian stated, gazing into the distance.

"Indeed. Pursuing this knowledge aligns with the Dao Seeking Sect's founding purpose," Qingqiu added.

"Qingqiu, congratulations on finding an excellent disciple," Chilian said with a smile.

"It was unexpected to find someone so well-matched to my own attributes," Qingqiu replied joyfully, glancing at the female disciple by her side.

Chu Xing and his companions reached Mount Kunlun on the fifth day, only to discover that Earth's delegates were escorted by three separate spacecraft. Gao Wei and his group were not aboard the same ship as Chu Xing's party.

Chu Xing and the other two were then escorted to one of the flying ships.

"Flying ship!" Chu Hao exclaimed.

Ahead, nestled in a valley, was a circular flying saucer measuring a hundred meters in diameter and standing nine meters tall. Its grey exterior lent it an air of mystery, exactly like the flying saucers of their imaginations.

Chu Xing had longed to see a flying ship, though he had never laid eyes on one before.

"I wonder when I'll get to have my own flying ship," Chu Xing mused, his yearning palpable.

"Welcome aboard," greeted a young man descending from the ship. He appeared to be in his twenties, clad in a blue tunic with a mole on his face, smiling warmly at Chu Xing and his companions. "I'm Wei Mi, at the Ninth Layer of Qi Training. I'll be taking care of your daily needs on the ship. If you need anything, just come to me," he explained as they walked.

"Senior Brother, where are we headed?" inquired Chu Hao.

"You'll be attending different schools. The Dao Seeking Sect runs a hundred elementary schools, and the 3000-plus Earthlings will be distributed among them. The ship's main hall screen will display your assigned schools," Wei Mi explained, still smiling.

"Why do we have to split up into a hundred schools? That sounds incredibly complicated," Chu Hao remarked, taken aback.

Chu Xing and Wang Youfeng exchanged surprised glances with Wei Mi.

"It's to prevent any trouble you might band together to cause. Fights are common in schools, and you'll see what I mean soon enough. Typically, each school recruits students from neighboring planets, but Earth has sent an unusually large number all at once," Wei Mi explained matter-of-factly.

"It's quite extraordinary how many Earthlings possess spiritual roots, including four of the Highest Grade and three with exceptional mental strength talents. Putting all of you in one school would be pure chaos," Wei Mi added.

Once on board, Chu Xing and his friends explored the ship with curiosity, running their hands along the surfaces. They walked through brightly lit white corridors, flanked by robots at intervals.

Noticing their enchantment with the ship, Wei Mi, remembering that Earthlings were new to such vessels, shared with a smile, "Let me give you a rundown of the ship. It's categorized into five levels, with each level capable of reaching a maximum speed of ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, forty thousand, and fifty thousand times the speed of light, respectively."

"We utilize antimatter energy and super-speed engines. Typically, both Level Four and Level Five spacecraft travel at 30,000 times the speed of light. To achieve their top speeds, we need the highest grade spirit stones."

Chu Xing and his companions were astounded to learn that they were traveling at such an incredible velocity—tens of thousands of times faster than light.

On Earth, the pinnacle of technology fell far short of even twice the speed of light. Even if there were no seals in place, it would be impossible for humans to leave the solar system anytime soon.

Wei Mi observed their astonishment with a satisfied grin.

Puzzled, Chu Xing inquired, "Why don't we use other spirit stones?"

"Antimatter is cost-effective! It would be foolish to squander ordinary spirit stones for regular flight. But for Level Four and Five spacecraft to reach their ultimate speeds, it requires an excessive amount of ordinary spirit stones. The largest energy core we can use is just one meter in diameter; anything bigger simply isn't economical. You'll come to understand this eventually," Wei Mi explained with enthusiasm.

"Is the attack power of all spacecraft the same? What level was the spacecraft that attacked Earth?" Wang Youfeng posed the question to Wei Mi.

"The spacecraft are constructed from alloy, with each one corresponding to a different level—One through Five Alloy. Level One can withstand attacks from the Qi Training Stage, Level Two from the Foundation Stage, Level Three from the Golden Core Stage, Level Four from the Nascent Infant Stage, and Level Five from the Deification Stage. As such, spacecraft are primarily used for travel and are virtually ineffective against immortals," Wei Mi elaborated.

He paused briefly before adding, "Naturally, the weapons are also alloy-based. High-level alloy cannons can pierce through lower-level alloy spacecraft. Conversely, a low-level alloy cannon can penetrate higher-level alloy spacecraft after multiple hits, but never by more than two grades. For instance, a Level One alloy cannon stands no chance against a Level Five spacecraft. So, it's all about the alloy; if the energy is too intense, the alloy won't hold up."

"The spacecraft that targeted Earth was a Level One civilian model, equipped with weapons to counter cosmic threats. The Alliance mandates that spacecraft must not attack human-inhabited planets—this is crucial for you to remember. There's much more to learn about spacecraft, like how a Level Two ship armed with a Level Three alloy cannon is considered a hybrid of the two levels. You'll gradually get to grips with all this in time," Wei Mi concluded.

"The vessel we're aboard is a Level-5 spaceship, equipped with a medium-sized Level-5 alloy cannon," he said, his enthusiasm undiminished.

Chu Xing and his companions spent about ten minutes navigating the spaceship's corridors, which were riddled with numerous junctions.

Eventually, Wei Mi led them to a door marked "A 203" and paused.

"Since you're friends, I've set you up with a triple room. If you need anything, you can reach out to a robot or anyone else, myself included. There's a call device in the room for your convenience. Later, when you head to the hall, make sure to check which school you've been assigned to. I'm with School 32, but I must be off now," he explained. Just then, a call came through on Wei Mi's communicator. After directing a robot to assist them, he hurried away.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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