‘She didn’t flinch nor blink, those invidious blue eyes were glaring into
mine’ thought Aderna to herself as she felt the warmth of the ocean- she
was seeing a Languorin, but a sense of this being ordained to cross paths
was overrun by the utmost disgust Aderna had for her in that moment.
“It might burn if you look me in the eye sleeveen” Aderna tittered with
A Ryzecian was a vision that baffled Melusine too. She was glazed by how
Aderna wore those mighty wings which still made her grimace with anger,
“Melusine Waller is the name, I’m no sleeveen to a winged brute” Melusine
Aderna’s eyes dilate with alarm. Her clapping of wings stopped as she got
up from the beneath carrying herself with supreme finesse.
“A Languorin with grit is a rookie blunder to begin with” Aderna spoke.
“Grit along with vigour runs through our veins, do not test it” Melusine said
as she thumped her two scorpion claws.
“those claws scare no living-” scoffs off Aderna.
“they will when they snap those bewitching wings” interrupts Melusine.
Both glare into each other- selves combative as Melusine says
“the silence after the bootless pride for keeping Minaufa captive says
crowd about Ryzek”
Aderna raises her eye brows as she stuns by what her ears just heard.
“Mind those words, Ryzec is a place of virtue and loyalty you benighted
claw” Aderna argued.Both confused and on face having millions of questions wrapping them
similar to that of an anaconda’s fight.
“is this usual in languor to push ones owned crime onto others, Melusine
waller?” Aderna spoke.
“You are one to speak, Languor along with the others have been in search
of Minaufa for decades, this is pig-headed of you-” Melusine waited
“Aderna Tabarth” Aderna completed.
“I happen to hear Languor as a place of honesty and candor, how do I
credit this?” Aderna questioned.
“As much as you credit your word” Mel finished.
Both of them now knew that they were on the same carpet of muddle.
“To a total stranger from the other realm, I could still say, we don’t have
Minaufa” Mel spoke with pride.
“Neither do we” Aderna stuttered.
“then who?” they asked themselves together.
you might wonder ‘who is Minaufa?’
Now, that is quite the story