Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C22 What's the difference?!
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Miraculous Skilled Doctor/C22 What's the difference?!
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C22 What's the difference?!

When Zhou Ting's hands lightly slid across the top of the two lumps of softness, an instant feeling of numbness spread to his entire body. Unable to hold it in any longer, Zhang Fang immediately groaned softly.

He took a quick and heavy breath at Zhou Ting, his cheeks slightly red as he opened his mouth and said: "This massage of yours, is more or less the same as flirting."

"This is a massage from traditional Chinese medicine, a combination of acupuncture points and strength. Although it feels very comfortable to touch, it is fundamentally different from flirting." Zhou Ting said, unfazed.

"What's the difference?" Zhang Fang asked with a smile.

"The difference is, I'm just playing around with you, and after flirting, I might be able to have a chat with you."

"Die!" Zhang Fang rolled her eyes at Zhou Ting and said.

Lowering his head to look at Zhang Fang, Zhang Fang's face was currently flushed red, it was a very flirtatious feeling, causing Zhou Ting's heart to become even more restless. Suppressing the urge forcefully, Zhou Ting continued.

"Err ?" Zhang Fang finally could not hold it in and moaned softly. Then, feeling that it was not appropriate, she bit her lips and panted.

"Aunt Fang, why don't you sit on my body and I will help you push it? The effect would be better that way." Zhou Ting suddenly said after thinking for a while.

"Fine." Hearing that, Zhang Fang sat up, and felt his chest which was gradually becoming more and more ample, it was unknown if it was due to psychological effects or was really that effective, but it seemed to have a bit of an effect.

Zhou Ting sat in the back of the carriage, with his butt facing the back, his legs spread out, leaving a small space in front of him.

Zhang Fang crawled over from the front and sat in front of Zhou Ting's legs, her buttocks touching Zhou Ting's crotch.

Zhou Ting's hand continued to rest on Aunt Fang's chest, his fingers nimbly moving around on top of it. As Zhou Ting's evil fire gradually increased, he also felt a little bloated.

The pants Zhou Ting was wearing was very thin, the skirt Zhang Fang was wearing was also not thick, and as she felt the heat coming from her buttocks, Zhang Fang's heart also rapidly throbbed twice.

"No way, is this kid really that strong?" Zhang Fang kept guessing and wanted to stop thinking about it. But the happiness coming from her chest and the feeling coming from Zhou Ting's crotch made her keep thinking about Zhou Ting's figure in her heart.

"Your skills are really amazing. Whoever marries you in the future will be lucky." Being touched comfortably by Zhou Ting, Zhang Fang also laughed.

"Whoever marries the Aunt Fang must be blessed, to be able to get so full and sexy." Zhou Ting pinched the softness in his hands, and suddenly leaned towards Aunt Fang's ear and asked: Aunt Fang, how many people grabbed your chest?

"Fuck you, why are you asking this!" Zhang Fang spat in dissatisfaction.

"I'm curious, Aunt Fang is so charming, many people must want to have a taste." Zhou Ting flattered her again and the defense line in Zhang Fang's heart was immediately reduced.

"Not much, just a few people." Zhang Fang said with a red face.

He cursed in his heart. How much had he been touched by these people?

"How many people are there?" Zhou Ting asked again, the hot air was blowing on his ears, causing his body to gradually soften.

"Including you, there are only six of you." Zhang Fang was lost at the moment, and quickly replied.

"How many men have you slept with?" The natural human mentality, was now clearly displayed on Zhou Ting's body.


"Other than your husband, who else is there?" Zhou Ting asked curiously.

"You talk too much nonsense, let's see if I take care of you or not." Hearing this, Zhang Fang's buttocks fiercely twisted twice, instantly feeling comfortable, causing Zhou Ting's demonic flames to become even stronger.

"Aunt Fang, don't move recklessly. Are you not afraid that I would really assault you?"

"Hmph, now do you know how powerful the Aunt Fang is?"

"You're a goblin." Zhou Ting's hands did not stop moving, how could Zhang Fang bear such a provocation?

The skirt was lifted completely. Zhou Ting looked down, and saw that the black dress was not covered. Without the protection of the dress, Zhou Ting could feel the softness of Aunt Fang's butt even more.

Under the pushing from both of Zhou Ting's hands, Zhang Fang had already collapsed onto Zhou Ting's body. With his delicate body laying on Zhou Ting's body, even Zhang Fang could feel his rapid heartbeat.

"Zhou Ting, is there any swelling over there?" After around ten minutes, Zhang Fang suddenly asked.

"Hugging a beautiful woman, what do you think?" As Zhou Ting said this, his hand also instantly entered Zhang Fang's chest to touch it.

"Then let it come out for air." Zhang Fang said, her small hands moved behind her, putting on Zhou Ting's belt, and then skillfully undoing it, she began searching for Zhou Ting.

Zhang Fang's mouth formed an O shape, her hand also stopped moving for a moment.

"Aunt Fang, what's wrong?" Zhou Ting asked curiously.

Quickly taking a breath, Zhang Fang also cried out in alarm: "That's what humans can grow into, how can it be so..." With that, Zhang Fang made a very long gesture with both hands.

"I did it for you, otherwise how could I have swelled up like this?" Zhou Ting said in dissatisfaction.

"The zipper of your pants is across from me. Take it off." Zhang Fang said, and started to pull at Zhou Ting's pants.

"I'll do it myself." After Zhou Ting finished speaking, he helped Zhang Fang up a little, and after stepping off his shoes, he slightly raised his butt and took off his denim shorts.

Turning his head to look at Zhou Ting's inner part, the image that made his heart beat faster, immediately made Zhang Fang's heart skip a beat.

In all these years, of the men he had been on friendly terms with, none had ever been able to reach this length.

"Do you want me to take off my skirt? You push and hold it, I don't feel comfortable in a dress. " Zhang Fang said with a trembling voice.

"If it's convenient for you, you can take it off." Zhou Ting swallowed his saliva. Only a fool would refuse such a beautiful thing.

He put his hand on his waist and untied the belt. Then he raised his butt and was about to take it off.

Zhou Ting was wearing a small dress, while Zhang Fang's dress was being pulled downwards, her round and well-developed butt was being pressed directly on Zhou Ting's hot spot, slightly clamping on, that moment of stimulation made Zhou Ting shiver.

At the moment, the two of them were only left with one child, Zhang Fang, who was sitting in front of Zhou Ting's legs, did not have much strength left in his body.

And Zhou Ting continued. Under Zhou Ting's moving stimulation, Zhang Fang also collapsed on top of Zhou Ting's body. The two of them who had almost no clothes were being considerate toward each other, causing the inside of the carriage to be filled with an enchanting atmosphere.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Zhou Ting had also done one round of massage.

"Aunt Fang, take a look. Is it any better than before?" Zhou Ting gently rubbed his soft hands and said with a smile.

Zhang Fang stroked a bit of her hair and looked down at his two pairs of soft jades. Compared to before, they were drooping towards both sides, but now they seemed to be slightly restrained.

"The way of health care in traditional Chinese medicine can only slowly lead the way in a good direction, so it won't become extremely firm and unyielding all of a sudden." Zhou Ting explained from the side.

However, this tiny change still made Zhang Fang a little happy. She looked at Zhou Ting in anticipation and asked: "If I do this for a long time, will it improve?"

"Every day for half an hour, the effect will be obvious. However, after half a month, I have to stop for a period of time to do it. Otherwise, it would be too late."

"Which number do you want to return to?" Which number do you want to return to? Zhang Fang looked at Zhou Ting with great anticipation.

Seemingly not paying attention to the anticipation in Zhang Fang's eyes, Zhou Ting replied: "In a week, when all the depression in Bai Xiangcao's body completely disappeared, I will return to the village. I will be harvesting the corn, and there will be a lot of female guards in the village.

"Yoh, I still can't tell how kind you are." Hearing Zhou Ting say that he needed to stay for a week, Zhang Fang was satisfied. A week of time, if Zhou Ting gave him a massage every day, the effect should be even greater.

"Of course. Back in the village, I was taken care of by my fellow villagers as well." Zhou Ting said indifferently.

"In the future, can you give me a massage every time you treat xiaojie?" Zhang Fang took off his shoes immediately and sat on Zhou Ting's thigh to face Zhou Ting.

Feeling the mature and spicy body, Zhou Ting swallowed his saliva, then spoke with difficulty: "If it's convenient for you, I will make it for you once, but someday, I will do something out of bounds, don't blame me when the time comes."

Seeing Zhang Fang's firm and soft body swaying in front of his eyes, Zhou Ting's eyes instantly widened, and her hands unconsciously stroked them.

"Hmm ?" Suddenly being attacked by Zhou Ting, Zhang Fang could not help but cry out in ecstasy.

Reaching out his hand to hold Zhou Ting's hands, Zhang Fang raised his eyebrows and stared at Zhou Ting: "Why, didn't you take advantage of me just now?"

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