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Looking at Bai Xiangcao's blushing cheeks, Zhou Ting also smiled slightly. Using the strength in her hands, she pressed down on a few acupuncture points on those two soft waves.

Waves of comfortable feeling came out, Bai Xiangcao's face became even redder, and her breathing gradually became more urgent.

Biting his lips, forcefully not letting himself let out a groan. That expression which seemed to be in pain but also seemed to be filled with joy, made Zhou Ting's heart race.

"Call out if you want to." Zhou Ting laughed: "Anyway, it's a normal reaction."

She charmingly glanced at Zhou Ting, who said while panting heavily: "If not for the fact that I feel that it has an effect, I would even suspect that you are really taking advantage of me."

"The parent heart of a doctor, I will treat you with my pure heart, how can I take advantage of you?" Zhou Ting shamelessly said.

"Can you be any more shameless?" Being amused by Zhou Ting's words, Bai Xiangcao suddenly asked: "Oh yeah, what did you and Aunt Fang do last night?"

Hearing this, Zhou Ting's heart began to thump wildly, and his true energy almost became chaotic. After calming his emotions, he hurriedly said, "I didn't do anything, so what?"

"You really didn't do anything?" Bai Xiangcao asked.

"Nope." With the thought of not lying to women or not admitting it even if he died, Zhou Ting spoke with a strong tone.

"Is Aunt Fang's chest big?" Bai Xiangcao asked.

"Un, and... "How should I know?" Zhou Ting reacted and anxiously denied, secretly slandering Bai Xiangcao's cleverness in her heart.

"Did you say no?" Staring at Zhou Ting with her beautiful eyes, her limpid autumn eyes revealed a glimmer of wisdom.

Under Bai Xiangcao's attentive gaze, Zhou Ting gradually became unable to endure it, and said with a thick skin: "I really don't know, this thing that you have no proof or evidence, can be considered slandering, okay?"

"Defamation? Last night, when Aunt Fang came back, her face was flushed red. Furthermore, he must have suffered some sort of stimulation while solving her own physiological problems in her room last night, did you say? " Bai Xiangcao stared at Zhou Ting and asked without a trace of politeness.

Hearing Bai Xiangcao's words, Zhou Ting couldn't help but sweat profusely. It seemed that he really couldn't hide his strength anymore.

"How did you know that Aunt Fang would solve the problem on her own last night? Don't tell me you've put a monitor on your nanny's room? You are involved in infringing on the privacy of others. " Zhou Ting tried to change the topic.

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about that. I just woke up at night to drink some water, and coincidentally heard a strange sound coming from Aunt Fang's room. Don't tell me Aunt Fang is only training her throat, not her voice. "Tell me, what did you do?" As he said till here, Bai Xiangcao's face also turned slightly red.

With that thought in mind, Zhou Ting sighed. Helplessly, he said: "Nothing, I just gave Aunt Fang a tug that can improve the drooping of her chest due to the age relationship. "That's all I did. Nothing else mattered." Zhou Ting said honestly.

"How did you do it for Aunt Fang? Just like mine? " Bai Xiangcao looked down and saw Zhou Ting's large hand lingering on his fat chest.

"It's not the same. She's trying to increase the tension in her chest muscles, so she's going to be very flexible. You are removing the oppressive aura from your body. " Zhou Ting patiently explained.

"Since it's already like this, why don't you give me a massage along the way?" Bai Xiangcao suddenly said.

Giving Bai Xiangcao a blank glance, Zhou Ting continued with the movements in his hands and helplessly said: "This one is already full of bounce power, there's no way to improve it even if I do it. And when I give you a massage, it also has a certain amount of effect. "When you're forty, come back to me."

Hearing Zhou Ting's words, Bai Xiangcao's eyes lit up, and asked happily: "What you're saying is, my chest is already very big, so I don't need to massage?"

"Yeah, you have a great figure." Zhou Ting immediately agreed.

Hearing Zhou Ting's praise, Bai Xiangcao's heart flashed with a trace of joy.

Under Zhou Ting's unceasing suppression, Bai Xiangcao finally could not hold it in and began to snort softly. Very quickly, that enchanting voice echoed throughout the room.

After approximately ten minutes, Zhou Ting finally stopped.

Seeing Bai Xiangcao lying on the bed, with eyes like autumn water, gasping for breath, her firm and fat chest quickly trembled with her breathing, Zhou Ting immediately felt her mouth going dry.

"Oh right, that beauty mud, do you still have more?" Seeing Zhou Ting staring at him intently, Bai Xiangcao also felt a little embarrassed, but he did not try to hide the scene in front of his chest.

"No, but I can still make the ingredients if they are all in stock." Zhou Ting said truthfully.

"How much can you configure?" What materials do I need? " Bai Xiangcao pursued and asked.

"Usually, it requires Herba Vermicularis, mountain ginseng, Lingzhi, medlar, white peony root, pearl powder, swallow's nest, aconite ?" Regardless of whether or not he was in need of it, Zhou Ting listed dozens of different medicinal ingredients in a row, causing Bai Xiangcao to be stunned for a moment.

"Will it be troublesome to gather these medicinal herbs?" Bai Xiangcao asked.

As long as I can find mountain ginseng, intelligence, pearl powder, swallow nest, aconite and Herba Vermicularis, it will be a lot more convenient. But Herba Vermicularis are rarely seen, so I also got some by chance. "

"Can Herba Vermicularis be bought?" Bai Xiangcao asked.

"Under normal circumstances, if you can't buy it, very few people know the medicinal value of Herba Vermicularis, and it's not very common either." Zhou Ting laughed.

"If I gather all the medicinal ingredients that you need, how many beauty mud would you have enough to concoct?"

Of course, if I can still find Herba Vermicularis, there will be more. You still want to buy more? Zhou Ting asked curiously. The bottle of beauty mud that he had sold to Bai Xiangcao was twenty thousand, and if he could get twenty to thirty of them out, it would be a hundred thousand worth of income.

"That's right, if you can even concoct a beauty mud with the same effects as what you gave me, I will buy them all." Bai Xiangcao nodded.

"When are you going to have it? How much do you want to buy it for? " Zhou Ting also asked the question that he was most concerned about.

"Hehe, I'm not giving too much. Fifty thousand yuan per bottle, I want twenty bottles first. How about it?" Glancing at Zhou Ting, Bai Xiangcao said with a smile.

Hearing that, Zhou Ting felt his heart spasming violently! Twenty bottles, fifty thousand bottles, that was an entire million! At most, it would cost ten thousand yuan, but the profit between them was huge.

Thinking back to what Zhang Fang had told her before, that her young mistress was a business prodigy, she believed that if Bai Xiangcao did not use it for her own purposes, she would definitely use it for business purposes.

Maybe Bai Xiangcao would sell it for a very high price, but if she wanted to sell it herself, it would definitely not be easy. Even if she sold it, it wouldn't be easy for him to sell it for fifty thousand yuan per bottle.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou Ting nodded his head: "I can make this deal, but I don't know when you will ask for it?"

"Didn't you say that it would take about ten days for my face to return to its original color? "Then wait for my face to heal. Any day is fine. The sooner the better." Bai Xiangcao laughed.

"Alright, then I'll call you when I'm ready." Zhou Ting nodded.

"Sure, then let's cooperate happily!" Bai Xiangcao sat up and clapped her hands with Zhou Ting as an oath.

This Bai Xiangcao, could be said to be the most beautiful girl in the world.

Zhou Ting had no doubt that as long as Bai Xiangcao's scars were to heal and remove the veil on her face, she would definitely become a devastatingly beautiful woman.

"Aunt Fang." After discussing this business with Zhou Ting, Bai Xiangcao also called Zhang Fang who was outside.

Zhang Fang quickly pushed the door and entered. She glanced at the Bai Xiangcao lying on the bed, her upper body was still undressed, and those enticing twin peaks, without fear of a man present, were completely exposed in front of Zhou Ting.

"Miss, what's the matter?" Zhang Fang asked.

"You can drive Dr. Zhou home." Bai Xiangcao gave Zhang Fang an ambiguous look.

"Okay, Dr. Zhou, let's go." After Zhang Fang brought Zhou Ting out of the room, Bai Xiangcao took off her underpants, and headed towards the bathroom.

"I, Bai Xiangcao, have been hiding for more than a year. Now that I have come out, would many people be unhappy?" Standing under the shower, Bai Xiangcao took off her veil and looked at the bathroom's mirror that was newly installed. The human face inside and the scars on her face had become much paler.

"Zhou Ting, do you have more of that beauty mud? I want to buy another bottle." After starting up the car, Zhang Fang left the villa.

"Not at the moment, but Miss Bai has already reserved twenty bottles for me. If there are more, I'll contact you." Zhou Ting laughed.

"Miss, how much did you purchase for a bottle?" Zhang Fang asked.

"Fifty thousand." Zhou Ting did not hide from him.

"Then you're really amazing, now another million entered your account. "Sure, I'll make an extra bottle when the time comes. I'll buy it." Zhang Fang laughed.

Hearing that, Zhou Ting nodded his head and said, "I should be able to make a few more bottles."

Towards Zhang Fang, Zhou Ting was not courteous at all. Although she was only Bai Xiangcao's nanny, taking care of the Miss of the Clan while they ate and drank, the treatment would definitely not be bad. Fifty thousand dollars is just a mosquito leg.

Zhang Fang drove the car to the small forest she was in last night. She stopped the car, turned off all the lights, took out her phone and turned on the flashlight.

The two of them sat in the back seat, Zhang Fang glanced at Zhou Ting and asked: "It's still the same as yesterday, should I sit in front of you?"

"Yes." Zhou Ting spread his legs, allowing Zhang Fang to sit in front of him.

The Zhang Fang of today was wearing a relatively fashionable, deep-V-collared shirt, silk stockings and skirt, revealing a mature and enticing aura.

The fine clothes on his face gave off a breathtaking feeling.

"Aunt Fang, you look so beautiful." Looking at Zhang Fang's face, Zhou Ting also praised.

As if it contained autumn water, Zhang Fang looked at Zhou Ting charmingly, and asked with his mouth close to Zhou Ting: "How beautiful is it?"

The warm and gentle breath on Zhou Ting's face was like a blossoming rose, blazing and unrestrained.

Smelling the fragrance in the air, Zhou Ting said: "An eighteen year old face, a mature temperament."

"Hehe, you're the one who's talking. Let's begin." After Zhang Fang took off the protective layer on his body, the V-neck shaped bra was exposed.

Seeing the towering softness hidden between the two pieces of concealment, Zhou Ting swallowed his saliva, and his hand reached out to his bra's buttons.

He skillfully took off his bra, secretly activated his Inner Dragon and Phoenix Art, and a big hand filled with weak martial energy reached out towards Zhang Fang.

After being touched by Zhou Ting's large hand, Zhang Fang let out a light "oh". He thought that he would be immune to Zhou Ting's caresses, but in just a moment, that bizarre feeling spread throughout his body.

The full twin peaks were constantly changing shape in Zhou Ting's hands, and under Zhou Ting's proficient pushing and pressing, his breathing quickly started to quicken.

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