Miserable at Best/C3 Can't you tell I haven't slept
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Miserable at Best/C3 Can't you tell I haven't slept
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C3 Can't you tell I haven't slept


Can't you tell I haven't slept very well since the last time that we spoke?

"Woah, wait!" Zack's baritone voice echoed inside the room. He looked baffled as he turned to his silver watch. He ran from the field which made his breathing unstable as he spoke, "Wow, you're early, Zeekie!"

Zack made a sour face as sweat cooled on his thick brows down to his full lips. I could smell the scent of fields and grass when he positioned himself below the air conditioner. His wet look made him more manly than ever. I was busy staring at the veins that form in his arms when I heard him chuckle.

"Quit staring, Zeekie. I might fall."

Zack thick eyebrows met above his pointed nose, and a devilish smile formed his lips.

"Stop calling me Zeekie!" I rolled my eyes. "My name is Zee Katie Liu Zamora. Stop mixing Zee and Kie from Katie, Zacky!" I emphasized the last word.

"I'm Zack Jersey Mendoza Zendaya. Stop calling me Zacky!" He imitated my voice before laughing his ass out. He's my best friend since seventh grade, and sometimes I don't know why.

After cooling, he placed his bag in the seat beside me. "What makes you early today?"

"Why, can I not be early?"

"Why? Can I not be early?" he mimicked my voice. He loved to do that every day. I eyed him as he laughed.

"Are you going to start your training?" he asked.

"Yeah, though, I still need to go to the hospital for my check-up," I replied.

"Great then. I'm so excited to see you in your swimsuit again."

"Pervert!" I stuck my tongue out.

"What?" He widened his eyes. "I'm really happy you'd be back after a year and what happened," he said seriously. "Your brother would love to see you get that gold medal again."

The memories of the car accident started to flash in my mind again. My heart ached knowing I would live each day without my brother telling how proud he is of me. I would trade anything just to have him again.

"You can do it!" Zack cheered. "Wait, did you already find a house to rent?"

"Yeah, I'll be moving later to my Aunt's house," I said. "It's a five-minute walk to school."

"Nice. Is it free?"

"Yes, but I have to do chores and pay for the bills."

"That's good. You don't need to travel two to three hours."

I agreed.

I spent my entire childhood in this town, growing up with Gab and some of my classmates now. There's a lot of memories I couldn't let go of in this town, especially in the house where I grew up. But, we have to move on. Life moves on.

When my brother died, my parents decided to sell the house and move into another town to forget. They just can't bear the pain of still living in our old house filled with happy memories of my brother. It was a loss we never expected to happen, and the death we will forever mourn.

That's the reason why I had to travel for hours to reach our school. It was the consequence my parents gave me because I don't want to transfer to another school. I was surviving until my math teacher made me realize she will drop me from the subject the next time I miss it. Also, I'm back to the swimming team so I really have to stay for morning and evening practice.

"By the way, you owe me," Zack said after a while. He opened his backpack and handed me the paper with his name. "That's the 10th activity in math."

"Uh!" I scratched my head. "Right, I missed all nine activities. Help me with that, please?" I pouted. "Why do we even have to study math?" I whined.

"C'mon, math is fun if you try to love it," he replied. It's a lie. I have been finding the word fun in math since seventh grade but got no luck.

"Just copy the answer and not my name," he added.

"Are you sure this is right - ouch!" He knocked on my head. I was about to hit him back when he ran towards the door.

"You jerk!" I yelled.

"Baka!" he yelled back. It means idiot in Japanese. We both liked watching anime, so we used it as our expression.

"You know how awesome I am with numbers!" Zack shouted from behind the door.

"I know, idiot," I told myself. "You won't be our Math Wizard for nothing."

"Get the rest of the activity to Aae. He has all the copies." He waved mid-air before running outside to change into his uniform. He needs a shower.

Aae stared at me and it was awkward. Sometimes, he gave me creeps and I don't know why. I always sensed he wanted to say something to me, yet couldn't find the words. I wondered what's inside his mind as he stared. His eyes felt nostalgic.

"Hey!" I stopped when my classmates started to enter. They raised their eyebrows while checking their watch. It was a miracle to see me listening to math lectures.

"Finally, you're early!" Chad reacted. He's also a childhood friend of mine, same with Geralt who seconded the motion.

"By the way, we have recitation in Math!" Charish announced.

I cursed in my mind. "Uh. I hate it. I still have to take all the quizzes!" I reacted and continued copying Zack's answer.

"You're early?" Gab wondered as she entered the room five minutes before the bell. She dropped her bag to get her comb. Gab's long silky coal-black hair wasn't tousled, yet she has a habit of combing it to set her mood.

"We said that a while ago," Charish uttered and the rest of my classmates agreed.

"Whatever!" I frowned. I focused my attention on the activity sheets. Why is there so much solution for one question? Ugh!

"Is that Zack's activity sheet?" Gab sat beside me and started copying it. My classmates also started gathering in front of us to check if they had the same answer as Zack.

"Damn!" I heard Chad reacted upon looking at his activity sheets. "Zack is so damn amazing!"

"How was he able to solve the last number?" Charish added. "I need his brain."

"We all need his brain," Gab agreed. So did I.

I missed math lectures for a month, so it was my first time listening to lessons. I thought I was going to get bored like all the math classes I attended in my entire life.

I was wrong. Who would get bored if two Math Wizards - Zack and Aae, used the whole hour to compete for math problems? Of course, we were all happy because they took all the recitation problems and we just watched them. Bravo!

I know how genius Zack is when it comes to Math, so I was shocked to see someone who could actually compete with him. Honestly, nothing could beat him in numbers since seventh grade. It's not only inside our class, but in the entire high school department.

"Wow," I whispered to Gab in front of me. "Aae was also good in Math. Finally, someone can actually beat Zack."

"Yes, he is good," Gab nodded. "But no," She showed me her notebook which includes tallied scores of Zack and Aae from Day 1. "Zack's always one-point lead."

"Woah! That's my best friend! I'm proud of you!" I whispered to myself as I looked at Zack. He met my eyes and grinned.

"Amazed?" he asked as he sat beside me.

I told him I wasn't amazed, but my eyes couldn't lie.

THE whole cafeteria was filled with students roaming around to grab lunch. The smell of different dishes was making me full even though I haven't eaten yet. After the twelve o' clock prayer, we queued for the line. I had a hard time choosing my lunch because I wanted to taste them all, but afraid I wouldn't be able to finish it. Although our meal is free it would still be a waste.

"I'll skip the afternoon class," I told Gab as soon as we sat on our usual table. "Coach Chris told me to visit the university hospital before joining the training again."

Zack followed us and placed his meal beside mine.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"It's Tuesday," he replied as he smelled the curry. "I promise to eat with you during Tuesdays and Thursdays, so you won't miss me much."

Zack grabbed the spoon, smelled his curry again, and widely opened his mouth to savor the taste of his favorite dish.

"Who says we're gonna miss you?" I abruptly replied.

"You're the one who misses Zee," Gab added with a mischievous smile.

Her smile proved she had something going on in her mind again. Probably, thinking about how perfect Zack and I are together. She always teased us. She kept on insisting that we both like each other and were just afraid to lose the friendship.

I always shrugged the thought. I don't want to think about it. Zack is one of the few people I don't want to lose, so I'm okay with being his best friend if it means staying with him forever.

"Nah, she's the one who misses me," Zack muttered while chewing the meat inside his mouth. His white teeth were covered with green curry paste when he grinned at me. I almost vomited upon seeing how disgusting he is. But, I'll say he's still handsome.

"Baka!" I hissed. "No one's gonna miss you."

"You're gonna miss me when I'm gone," he cheerfully sang the line.

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes. "Just eat!"

Zack laughs pierced through his deep gray eyes.

I hate how he often laughs at me, yet it's a lullaby that always completes my day.

"You two look good together." Gab amusingly turned to us. She placed her elbow on the table and laid her chin on her knuckles as she continued surveying us.

"As if," Zack and I replied, which made Gab giggled an evil laugh. She completely stopped when I gave her a deadly stare.

After filling my stomach, I opened the can of coffee. It wasn't a pleasant idea to drink coffee, but I felt the need to energize.

"Anyway, did you find your earphones?" Gab asked.

I was about to answer when Zack grabbed the can from me. I took a deep breath when I saw him opening it.

"No," I answered after taking a sip. "But, Aae lent me his earphone. It looks the same as mine."

"Aae did?" A sudden shock registered in Gab's voice. She adjusted her eyeglass and tried to find Aae in the crowd before turning to us. "Why would Aae lend his earphone to you? Are you even close?"

"I wanted to give it back to him, but he told me to keep it," I almost shouted when Zack grabbed the can. "Jerk! If you want my coffee, you can ask!"

He pouted. "Here." He handed me the empty can.

"What is wrong with you, Zacky?" I asked in annoyance. "You don't even enjoy cold coffee."

"Ah, Zack. Why not just say you like her, huh?" Gab sternly looked at Zack.

The bell rang before Zack could even acknowledge the question. I doubt if he'd answer it thoughtfully. I knocked him in his head before running out of the cafeteria. I overheard him scream as Gab's laugh echoed. I waved mid-air before dashing out.

After a long walk from the cafeteria, I found Aae sitting on the bench. Coach Chris asked me to accompany him to the university hospital.

He was biting the straw of his chocolate drink while his left-hand was tossing the hardball in mid-air. He quickly sipped his chocolate drink before throwing it in the nearby can.

The baseball team's exclusive varsity hoodie jacket fitted him well enough that I would think he's always been part of the team if I hadn't known he's a transferee. I wondered how amazing he is in playing baseball because the team made an exception. Varsity players were chosen from seventh grade to eighth grade. Those were the only chances to join any sports team, so Aae must be an ace player for the baseball team to choose him even if he's already graduating.

"How long will it take us to go there?" he asked when we reached the main road.

I felt a bit awkward. I don't know how to manage a reserved person. I sucked at starting conversations and usually ran out of words.

"Hmm, it usually takes five to six songs when I walk, and just one song if I'm riding the tricycle," I casually replied.

There was a disturbing silence as his almond-eyes inched a little.

"Why? Aren't - oh!" I realized what I said. "Sorry, I mean fifteen to eighteen minutes if we walk, and just around three minutes if we ride the tricycle."

"Yeah. I didn't know you also count through songs." He slightly tilted his head.

It wasn't my idea. I learned it from a boy when I was in sixth grade. As I remembered, the boy was a baseball player in the rival school. I couldn't picture his face right, but I remembered his long hair. I asked him how long it would take me to reach the school, and he replied using songs. It was weird back then, though I realized it's unique, so I started doing it. I could no longer remember his face. I wonder where he is right now.

"C'mon, let's go to the tricycle station," I decided. I saw drops of crystal across his forehead due to the warm rays of the sun. His white complexion was slowly turning into pinkish the more we stayed in the scorching heat.

"No," he replied with a turn on his head. He brought out his phone, inserted the earphone, and started browsing. "We're walking."

"Are you sure?" I raised an eyebrow. I walked from school to the university hospital, but it's past one in the afternoon. I could already feel the taste of sweat in my nape down to my back. You gotta be kidding me!

"Yeah." He unzipped his backpack to offer his umbrella. "Let us see if it will take five to six songs." He flashed a smile. "Care to lead the way?" He gestured his hand in front before pulling his hoodie jacket.

When we reached the hospital, Aae checked his phone, "That's the sixth song."

My inner thoughts said, "Of course, why doubt? I've been doing that for the last few years."

I went to see my therapist on the fourth floor, so we parted on the third floor. I saw him entering the Ophthalmology Department.

Why is he going there?

I wanted to ask him after seeing our school doctor but chose not to. I don't want to be nosy knowing we're not close.

"Thanks," he uttered as we arrived at the school. I nodded and went our separate ways. There was no point in talking to someone who's not interested in knowing you. But still, a little effort since we're classmates.

Why does he seem to hate me when he likes everyone in our class?

After practice, I stayed at the pool since I missed it.

I liked the idea of not having to think about missing the bus or arriving late at home due to traffic. I only have to think about how to survive because I know nothing about cooking. I thought of eating at fast-food chains or buying a lot of instant foods today for my dinner when Zack arrived.

I was done with my shower and already brushing my hair while Zack is still wearing his jersey. He greeted me with a smile that never actually left his face. He's always fun and happy to be with and being with him made me forget that I'm sad.

"My mother brought a packed dinner because I'm staying late. I'm sharing this with you because," He pointed his index finger at me. "You look like you'll die of starvation," he joked.

"You're so thin." He stuck his tongue out. "I can lift you in one hand."

"If you want to share food, you can say it without insulting me."

He laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"You know, I was born to make you roll your eyes." He winked at me. I acted like I was about to vomit.

"Why are you staying late?" I asked as we shared the food. "Wow, Tita Zania's the best," I added.

Tita Zania is Zack's mother, who is a chef. His family owned restaurants and food establishments around the country. They're rich though he never bragged about it. I think they also owned five-star hotels and gasoline stations.

"Coach got mad at one of my teammates for being late," he replied. "How's the pool?"

"Well..." I started and just like every day, Zack listened to me. I am always grateful for his presence. He's my ride or die, though I would never tell him that.

Zack escorted me out of the main gate after we ate. "I'm so full," I reacted. "I missed your banana cupcakes. Please, bring me some," I requested. Their banana cupcakes were the best in town. My brother used to bring me those when he was still alive which made me miss him again.

"Sure," he nodded. "Oh, wait. Look above!" He pointed up at the sky. I stood in awe as the stars formed their lines around the moon.

"Wow!" I smiled.

"Good night, Zeekie!" He brushed my hair and a sudden bolt ran through my veins.

"Uh, you are ruining my hair," I whined.

His chuckle disturbed the calmness of the night.

IT took me two songs to reach the house by foot. My mother told me to look for a Victorian style house. It was easy finding it across the streets because it was the only house that featured the said style.

I was not sure if it was the Italianate or Queen Anne style. The house had a low-pitched roof contrary to our high ceiling at home. The walls made of bricks were painted blue. There were eaves, and tall windows highlighted the house. It's symmetrically balanced with a porch.

The unique features resembled the house in horror movies. But I was reminded of Baker Street in London.

It crept me out a bit.

I couldn't remove the thought of ghosts in my head. What will I do? Why is it so dark inside? Why are there no lights?

Aunt Annly, my mother's cousin who owned the place, worked as an anesthesiologist across town. She spent days at home and worked at night. Could it be because of a ghost roaming around her house?

The house looks abandoned. I don't know if my housemate was already inside. My mother informed me, and I was surprised to know I will be living with a guy. It's awkward, but my mother assured me she knows the guys' family background. I just hope he's not as creepy as this house.

I rang the doorbell twice and waited.

"Wow!" I initially reacted upon seeing the blue lights surrounding the house. There were lamps symmetrically arranged on the sides of the aisle going to the porch, which was adjacent to where I was standing.

It felt like London, though I've never been.

My thoughts were busy admiring the structures, finally ditching the idea of ghosts inside when the main door creaked.

The breeze rapidly brought the chocolate scent to my senses as he walked towards me.

I blinked twice upon seeing his puzzled look.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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