Miserable at Best/C6 For someone who leaves you breathless, and I know that you're scared
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Miserable at Best/C6 For someone who leaves you breathless, and I know that you're scared
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C6 For someone who leaves you breathless, and I know that you're scared


For someone who leaves you breathless, and I know that you're scared

"Why are you wearing your jersey jacket? Are you cold or sick?" Zack asked when I entered the room.

Zack was sitting beside Geralt, who was hugging the guitar. They formed a circle at the center aisle along with the other boys. Aae was puzzled before turning his gaze from me.

"There you go, the concerned boyfriend," Chad teased with a smirk. His cheeks showed dimples on both sides.

"Whatever, Chad!" I rolled my eyes.

"Do you want us to lower the AC's temp?" Geralt asked. He pinched his nose, and I found it cute. Gab would agree too. She had a crush on Geralt during fifth grade.

He was about to stand up when I said, "No, I'm fine. Just go sing."

Charish was playing board games with the girls while Gab was in her usual reading mood.

Halfway, I saw Zack standing up from my peripheral vision. I thought he would also go back to his seat, but he pulled me towards him and lifted the sleeve of my jersey jacket.

"You got red marks," he stated. I forcefully pulled my arms back.

"Did you eat chicken, Zee?" Gab instantly closed her book. "When did you eat chicken?"

"Woah, you know you can't Zee," Geralt added in a concerned tone.

I was about to reply when the bell rang. We hurriedly went back to our seats to continue the lecture. I couldn't hide my smile as we prayed. Sir Cerezo, my Literature teacher, is my crush since seventh grade. I was so happy when he became our teacher this year.

I brought out my notebook to jot notes when he opened his presentation. I usually paid attention to his class, but I couldn't because of Zack.

Zack kept on murmuring. He was acting like my brother, getting mad about what I'd done. I told him I was fine since I already drank my medicine. He still couldn't believe I ate. I couldn't believe it either. Let's not talk about it.

"Shut up! Okay!" I whispered. I lowered my voice. "I can handle myself."

I heard him hissed in annoyance. "Psh, you're not even listening." He rolled his eyes. From my peripheral vision, I saw him unzipped his bag.

"Apply that, Baka!" I was speechless when he placed the cream on my table. He was already staring at the board when I turned to him. He had his back leaned, crossed arms, and still pissed. He was worried and I appreciated it.

I could see his wrinkled forehead that made me laugh. I suddenly missed his long hair. Since we have a proper haircut in school, he could only grow his hair during summer break. I always loved his messy man bun.

Wait, why does he have something like this? He doesn't even have allergies.

Since I don't want to annoy him further, I decided to apply the cream. Finally, his annoyed face turned to normal.

"Guys!" I immediately turned to Charish, our Class President. She stood at the platform and waved a blank paper.

"Are you all up for our group study?" she questioned. "If yes, list your names here, so I can inform our adviser."

My classmates in front started gathering to list their names. Group study had been the norm for our class since. We shared our reviews, helped each other, and worked together as a family. We never considered cheating or copying during examinations, and it's not like you could copy too because the set-up is like Board Exams. So we decided to do a group study. We entered the room together, and we would all leave together.

"Chad's house is the venue," Charish added.

"Foods are free, but we have to cook," Chad said. "Or just list down the foods you want, so I can text our maids to cook it."

"Okay!" Marco reacted. "Geralt can cook."

"Yeah sure," Chad answered. He turned to his activity sheets. "No worries."

Chad's house had always been the venue for our group study. He's an only child, and his parents were both working abroad, so he usually stayed with the maids. Their huge house was favorable for us all.

"I'll pass." I raised my hand and waved mid-air. They glanced at me.

"What? You are supposed to tell us the story in Literature." Chad turned to me with pouting lips.

"Why? It's the first time." Charish was also confused about my decision.

"Sorry. Swimming is my priority right now. I need to be back in good shape." I left a peace sign, and they all started protesting. Well, they can't change my mind.

"I'll pass too," Aae stated after a while.

"Oh, Why? It's fun. It's a nice bonding for us." I heard Marco speaking to him.

"Sorry, I'm not used to studying with groups," he explained.

The boys tried to change his mind, but they failed.

"I'll pass too," Zack muttered. He ducked his lips. Maybe he's still not sure but nodded after seconds. "Yeah, I'll pass."

That's new!

"Woah, and why?" Charish raised an eyebrow. I did the same too.

"You gotta be kidding me, Zack!" Geralt hissed. "There is something fishy between you two," They started making noise. They all turned at the back to look at us. I innocently raised my hand to protest but realized there is no point.

"Sorry. I don't feel like studying." Zack reasoned out.

"You don't study Zack!" Gab rolled her eyes, and we all agreed. "You just eat, listen, and stare at us while we do all the work."

"How to be you?" I glared at him.

He chuckled. "You can't, but I'm all yours."

I sighed as they all started teasing us again. I acted like I was about to vomit but eventually smiled.

"Gab, I need an outline for History." She teased me about changing the topic before giving me the notebook. I ignored him and Zack went back to answering worksheets.

"I'm done reading that. You can give it tomorrow. May I have a summary of Greek Mythology stories?" She sighed. "There's a lot to memorize."

"Sure, I'll send a voice message later," I replied.

"Me too. Send one for me," Zack tried to act cute in his tone, but it wasn't working.

"Why did you skip the group study? Did you accept the invitation from Caroline?" I teased.

"Why are you jealous?" He playfully glanced at me.

"As if. Just curious. It's not you to skip group study." I reacted.

"As if. Just curious. It's not you to skip group study," he mimicked my voice.

"I don't want to miss the training," I explained, so he would stop teasing me. My swimming meet will be on Sunday. I couldn't just sit and wait for a miracle to happen.

"I don't want to miss the training," he imitated what I said using his voice. "Guess, we share the same pressure." He frowned.

"Yeah." We both sighed.

I arrived home at around nine in the evening. I paused when I saw Aae sitting on the couch. He was reading a book in Chemistry and seemed to be in his third bottle of chocolate drink. It was the same chocolate drink my brother loved. I miss my brother.

Why is he studying in the living room?

I felt his glance towards me. His presence bothered me, but I tried to shrug it away and went directly to the kitchen. Halfway through, he stopped me by asking, "Why did you eat the chicken?"

Oh, I forgot about it. "Good evening too," I decided to greet him when I couldn't find the words to say.

He seemed annoyed when he said, "I am asking a question."

"You told me you don't want it to go to waste," I answered back.

"You should have told me you're allergic to chicken instead of eating it. What if something happens to you? We have our examinations, and you have your competition!"

I blinked when I saw the redness of his cheeks out of irritation. But, his gaze softened after seconds, concerned was all I recognized.

"Nah, don't worry," I assured him. "I'm fine now, and I eat chicken once in a while. It's delicious." I complimented him. I never imagine his liking for cooking nor expected he knew.

I only ate a small portion of chicken, so the red mark isn't that bad. I already took my medicine.

"That is not the point, Zamora." He still sounds pissed. He's like my brother.

Why can I see my brother in him? I'm dying of curiosity.

"Okay fine. If you feel responsible or guilty, how about you cook my favourite dish?"

"I already did. Good night." He glanced at my arms. "Apply cream," he uttered before heading upstairs.

Now, I wonder how did he know what my favourite is?

He must be feeling responsible for what had happened because he left another thermal lunch box the next morning. There was no need for him to feel guilty, but I appreciated the effort, knowing it wasn't his fault. I hope he stopped feeling bad. He should forget about it.

However, he didn't.

He knocked on my room as I was studying for the examinations tomorrow. He was no longer there when I opened it, but he left another lunch box, with a chocolate drink, and a note.

Learn how to cook so you can repay me. - A

The next day, I didn't see Aae because we have different room numbers.

"Hey, Zeekie," Zack greeted me in his usual mood. He's the only one who isn't nervous in every ranking examination. "Good morning." He took a sip of his banana milk. "My mother got us a banana cupcake for recess."

"Woah, really? Send my regards," I said as we entered the room.

We're only ten inside. I'm always stuck with Zack during the examination. We're the only one in tenth grade who shared the same surname initials. As much as I want to copy his answer, I couldn't. We got a different set of booklets. I always commended my school for that, yet it sucked.

I immediately went home after the exam. Silence welcomed me, so I assumed Aae wasn't around. There were no signs of his black shoes on the shelf, so he must have gone somewhere.

I remembered giving back his thermal lunch boxes. Why does he even have a lot of these? I don't want to hand it empty, so I decided to put vegetable salad and chopped fruits inside the boxes. It's the only thing I could think of since I don't know how to cook.

I left it on the shelf beside his door with a note.

Thank you. Have a good night's sleep. - Z

I was sure it's the end. After that, he would stop sharing his food. Why did he even share his food?

I thought we would be back to our mundane life. Just a simple nod, and plain smile. No lunch boxes, no notes, no talking. Just passing by each other.

I got it wrong.

He left another lunch box the next morning, with a blue umbrella, and a note saying, It will rain. - A

I never thought he cared.

Or maybe I did.

I was just terrified to admit.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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