Miss/C2 Smells like Honey, Cinnamon and Blue Rose
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Miss/C2 Smells like Honey, Cinnamon and Blue Rose
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C2 Smells like Honey, Cinnamon and Blue Rose

Chloe’s POV

I quickly snatched my hand from his grip while scurrying around to get his key. Gosh how clumsy did I get just from looking at him for a few seconds…. I hurriedly handed the key over to him while apologizing frantically for the damages his face might have incurred from my intense staring and lustful shamelessness with a bright red face. (He must have heard the hint of my sarcasm laced in my words) he just smirked and walked away.

I totally forgot to tell him, his girlfriend is waiting in his suite. A mistake I regretted within 12 hours.

Alex’s POV

Before the elevator opened up, I could perceive the sweetness of honey and cinnamon in the air. I love this feeling but I didn’tthink I deceive this goodness even though I don’tknow what it was before my wolf was sealed off alongside Emmett’s, with each step I took towards my suite the smell was stronger and sweeter which made me uncomfortable. A girl is lying at the entrance to my suite calling me oniisan then she crawled to my leg and grabbed it talking slowly she said “Aniki you’re finally here”.

In an icy toned voice, you got the wrong person let go but her pearly twinkly eyes wouldn’t let me brush her hands off brutally as I would have done before.

Something within me is trying to reach out to her but as a self acclaimed ice frosty face, I tucked it back where it came from. I looked at her drunk appearance in disdain I thought of the little girl Nina Morrison who was kidnapped under my watch over 11 years ago and I still blame myself for the horror that led to my exile. I recalled the the heart wrenching moment I heard my Alpha say “I, Alpha Keith Lancaster of Crimson moon pack hereby exile you Alex Hawkins”. It was my repeated nightmare to lose my 9 year old play Luna.

I’ll only allow you to pass the night after that get the hell of my suite first thing in the morning, my next words were more like I was talking to myself, making me look like an idiot anyways Emmett is not here to point that out so I dragged her inside only to hear her giggling stupidly within a few seconds I found her face red and I realized she’s being drugged. I panicked at first before I realized I have to call for Doctor Madison to come have a look at her on a second thought I knew I don’t want her to misunderstand me so I took it upon my proud self to care for her.

I dragged her across the door and dropped her in the bathtub filled the water with mint and some cooling agents making her shiver while I decided to relax abit before pulling her out cause I threw her in the tub with her clothes on but I was so tired coupled with my cravings of this soft succulent mattress that I slept off almost immediately without a care in the world.

I was awoken by a loud thud followed by an even louder screaming coming from the bathroom. I felt physical fear for the first time in awhile the last time was when Emmett was diagnosed with a killer virus about 2 years ago.

My eyes darted to the phone in the dark, it was 3:05 am then I used it to look for the lighting remote controller before walking hurriedly to the bathroom when I suddenly realized I dumped someone in the bathtub. I was shocked to see her squeeze herself in a corner, shivering from fear or cold then I saw blood trickling down her leg. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to wipe her tears, hug her and cuddle her but the words in my egoistic throat came out fierce like I was yelling at her to stop wimping like an injured dog and she stopped crying holding her lips to keep her sobs at bay except her body kept shivering.

I grabbed her hand to pull her up but she was like a jelly as she fell while I hugged her. She screamed…..

New chapter is coming soon
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