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C22 She Was Really a Fox!

Lin Chen gave her a quick glance:

"Do you believe me if I say it's not true?"

Jiang Lili's smile deepened, her attractive peach blossom eyes narrowing slightly:

"I don't believe you."

Lin Chen spread his hands in resignation. If she didn't believe him, there was nothing he could do.

He genuinely was clueless. The 30% shareholding was a reward from the system.

But if she chose to believe otherwise, he thought, so be it.

She went on:

"Mr. Lin, you're young and successful. I'm quite fond of you."

Jiang Lili's smile held a hint of mischief.

For some reason, she always enjoyed teasing Lin Chen.

Lin Chen cleared his throat awkwardly:

"You flatter me, Director Jiang."

Jiang Lili's smile lingered, but she shifted the conversation.

Lifting the teacup from the table, she took a leisurely sip before speaking:

"I've imported a large batch of skincare products from overseas, but ran into some issues. The investment's been made, but now the products are stuck in the warehouse, and our company's cash flow is tight."

"In essence, your 500 million has been a lifeline for Jiacheng. You're our benefactor."

Setting down her teacup, Jiang Lili fixed Lin Chen with a serious look.

Lin Chen felt a bit uneasy under her intense stare.

But shortly after, Jiang Lili giggled:

"So, how should I repay this huge favor I owe you?"

"Perhaps with my hand in marriage?"

Lin Chen, mid-sip, nearly spit out his tea.

Was she being serious?

"Please, Director Jiang, no jokes. I'm still a student," Lin Chen replied, a touch exasperated.

Jiang Lili was sly as a fox, and he was no match for her.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Lili's eyebrows arched:

"A student? At East Sea University?"

Lin Chen nodded:

"Just a freshman."

"Well, what a coincidence. East Sea University is my alma mater too, though I graduated a few years back. That means you should be calling me 'senior'."

Jiang Lili's voice was playful.

Lin Chen was taken aback.

'Senior' again?

Before Lin Chen could get a word in, Jiang Lili pressed on:

"I'm curious, after buying Water and Clouds outright, and now injecting another 500 million, where are you getting all this money?"

As she spoke, she brushed the bangs that had fallen across her cheek behind her ear and fixed her gaze on Lin Chen.

Such a sly fox!

That was the only thought running through Lin Chen's mind at that moment.

Her every gesture oozed allure.

Realizing her words had been inappropriate, Jiang Lili quickly added an apology:

"I'm sorry, that was impolite of me. Our relationship is purely professional, and it's not my place to inquire about Mr. Lin's finances."

Lin Chen paused, taking a few seconds to process her words before understanding that Jiang Lili thought she had upset him.

"It's okay," he assured her.

Distracted by the earlier exchange, Jiang Lili's grip on her teacup faltered, spilling tea onto her collar.


In a bit of a panic, she shrugged off her blazer and frantically dabbed at the water stains on her white shirt.

Lin Chen reached for a tissue from the table and offered it to her.

"Here, use this."

Her shirt and pencil skirt accentuated Jiang Lili's elegant figure.

She's bewitching!

Lin Chen couldn't help but think to himself.

"Thank you," Jiang Lili said, accepting the tissue and dabbing at her shirt, inwardly chiding herself.

How could she have made such a blunder in front of Lin Chen?

It was utterly mortifying!

Embarrassed, her ears tinged with red, a flush spread across her cheeks.

Realizing her clothes were beyond quick repair, Jiang Lili sighed in resignation:

"I need to change."

Lin Chen started to rise, offering:

"Should I step out for a bit?"

But Jiang Lili shook her head:

"No need, just wait here for me. I have a changing area in my office."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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