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Right now, the most expensive battleship should be the "Recruitment Army". The fleet should be powerful, and the soldiers should be extremely imposing.

Giving a promise to get rid of those hostages who were free to leave after the pirates were gone, being grateful to Zhuo Gui and enthusiastically joining the system of recruiting for business; making the recruiting army full of talents, unconditionally fighting the pirates with high enthusiasm.

Realizing the importance of battleships' strength, they made a painful heart and took advantage of the time to improve their battleships. Because they had to display flexible and variable tactics, the recruitment team used white shark-class battleships as the mainstream battleships and copper grade battleships as the logistics ships. Currently in the hands of the Merchant Army: 3 top class prehistoric battleships, 1 million white whale battleships, and 15 million white shark battleships. Countless copper class warships were sent to the warship production base, and when they returned to the furnace they became even higher class warships.

Three fleets, directly attacked pirates from all parts of the Dot System. Before departing, all the fleets were warned of the true meaning of guerrilla tactics: "If the enemy advances, we retreat; if the enemy is too tired, we attack; if the enemy is strong, we avoid; if the enemy is weak, we attack."

9 days, just 9 days, the name of the recruiting army already spread throughout the western star field, the pirates of Dot were intimidated by the news, and countless of pirates that passed by were robbed, and countless of original pirate supplies were sent into the Misty Meteorite Forest.

The three small countries were oppressed by the big pirate forces that became angry and embarrassed, and were in a constant state of panic. The three small countries were oppressed by the big pirate forces that were in a constant state of fury and were in a constant state of fear.

The various major pirate organizations were also preparing to mobilize their armies to sweep away the recruitment army. What a joke, how could they allow others to snore in front of their beds? The three great pirate groups, whose face had been severely injured, had a tacit understanding of each other. The three great armies did not interfere with each other and advanced together.

Hundreds of millions of star pirate army, the three nation alliance army, covering the sky and aggressively attacking the initial base set up by the recruitment army in the Dot system. The fleet's main brains were all set on not killing these arrogant people. They swore to drive them into the Misty Meteorite Forest before they could give up.

The first to encounter the Merchants' Fleet were the United Battleships of the Federation, the Air Island Empire, and the Mimosa Republic.

How could the alliance of three nations give up such an opportunity? Seeing the dilapidated battleships and the scattered discipline, as well as the scattered fleet of battleships, the alliance commander laughed loudly and allowed the subordinate fleet to pounce on these prey like hungry wolves, hoping to gain some victory so as to curry favor with his master.

This time, the three countries dispatched a total of 3 million copper class warships, 3 million white shark class warships, and 300 thousand white whale class warships to serve as outposts for the pirates. Originally, the strength of the three countries weren't strong enough in this chaotic galaxy, but this time, after being pressured by the pirates, every country sent 1 million copper class warships, 1 million white shark class warships, and 100 thousand white whale class warships.

30 million copper level battleships were not worthy of any attention. However, he still carefully adopted the strategy of inviting the king into the urn and arranged a feast at the Gourd star sector. He was prepared to fiercely entertain the vanguard of the pirates.

The reason why the Gourd star sector was called the Gourd star region was because the terrain here was like a gourd. There were space storms on both sides of a wide route, with numerous stars shining inside. As long as the warships sealed the gap on both sides, the enemy ships inside could only wait to be slaughtered.

He saw the copper level battleships filled with materials entering the Gourd star sector in a chaotic formation, just like the natives in the countryside. The allied army of the 3 countries that were in pursuit only paused for a moment, without any doubt, they entered the Gourd star sector where the 2 countries had set up an ambush.

By the time the allied army's commander arrived at the junction of the Gourd star sector, more than half of the three countries' allied army had already caught up to the Gourd star sector. When the allied army's commander arrived at the junction of the Gourd star sector, more than half of the three countries' allied army had already caught up to the Gourd star sector.

After contacting the star pirate commander, they were afraid that their team would get into trouble before they even get to the lamb. They hurriedly formed a formation, quickly gave out the warning orders, and also rushed into the Gourd planet sector.

Afraid that the allied army of the three countries would suffer damage, they also increased the speed of the battleships, bringing 100 thousand White Whale, 1 million White Shark, and 500 million Copper grade battleships with them as they flew straight towards the space of the gourd.

Seeing that there were no ambushes, the commander couldn't help but to let out a breath of relief. Just as he was about to regroup the gourds and chase the chaotic allied fleet, a white light flashed in front of his eyes. A White Whale battleship was also blown into pieces by the energy cannons when the battleship beside him disintegrated. A large number of merchant battleships, forming a strange formation, attacked from all sides of the allied forces of the three countries.

Seeing how their warships were so vulnerable to the enemy's energy cannon, the panicking commander of the three allied countries immediately connected their communication network with the Bandits. However, the blind sound made the commander feel a chill on his back.

Realizing that the allied army of the three countries was over, the commander in chief gave the order to move forward and break out of the encirclement.

This was a very wise order. Being able to achieve the position of the commander in chief of the allied armies of the three kingdoms was not without ability; it was just that he was too crafty in meeting Zhuo Gui.

The allied army commander who was lamenting about his bad luck gathered the remaining warships beside him and charged straight forward. When the pressure was greatly reduced, the chief commander of the 10 thousand white whale warships that he thought he could burst out of with just a little more effort, saw the three prehistoric level warships leading 20 thousand white whale warships through the command cabin's lens, his heart was filled with complete despair.

They urgently rushed to the entrance of Gourd star sector and saw the battleship of the Tyrant Star pirate group. They didn't see the allied army at the entrance of the star sector, so they urgently contacted the allied army of three countries. The commander of the allied army of three countries directly reported that they were on the other side of Gourd star sector, near the Misty Meteorite Forest, exterminating the merchant army.

Without a doubt, his Hegemon star pirate group also fell into the Gourd star sector after the communication.

When the space pirate group entered the 200 million warships, they suddenly landed on the starship in front of them. The position of the gourd was suddenly blocked by the 20 thousand densely packed white whale warships.

The 200 million star pirate battleships that just entered were attacked by a round of energy cannons. After losing thousands of copper level battleships, the fleet that didn't get an effective command completely went into disarray.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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