Mr.Charming's Exclusive Cute Wife/C118 I like to Let Nature Take Its Course
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Mr.Charming's Exclusive Cute Wife/C118 I like to Let Nature Take Its Course
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C118 I like to Let Nature Take Its Course

"You stayed up late last night?"


Ann Chen smiled and pointed at his eyes.

Luo Xue felt a little awkward. She woke up early and found that her dark circles were a little dark. Because she wanted to meet Ann Chen, she put on a light makeup out of courtesy and deliberately covered her eyes with eye cream. She did not expect Ann Chen to see through it.

"I slept a little late last night."

Luo Xue smiled unkindly and drank a mouthful of sour plum soup.

The sour and sweet taste was exclusive to summer heat relief.

"Did you think I didn't disturb you after you went to sleep after you replied to my message and stayed up all night to rush your script?"

After Ann Chen finished speaking, he didn't wait for Luo Xue to reply and continued speaking.

"If you feel that it is too urgent, you can delay the time. Anyway, I haven't sent out my invitation yet. The specific date of the exhibition is yet to be decided."

When Luo Xue heard this, she shook her head repeatedly. How could she delay others because of her own matter? Although she did not come from a painting major, she knew how important the exhibition was to a painter. That was the proof of strength!

Even if Ann Chen did not care about fame and fortune, she, Luo Xue, did not have the qualifications to delay others!

"Thank you for your concern. Staying up late is a personal matter, it has nothing to do with work."

Luo Xue said and hurriedly placed the first draft in front of Ann Chen.

Ann Chen just smiled and did not say anything else. He took the script and read it seriously.

Seeing that he did not speak for a long time, Luo Xue was a little flustered.

Not satisfied?

"This place is?"

Ann Chen suddenly asked, pointing at the question mark on the blueprint.

Luo Xue quickly got up and was about to explain when she saw Ann Chen wave his hand at her, indicating for her to sit down.

"Although we are talking about work, this is not the office. You don't have to be too cautious. Just talk normally."

After he said that, he paused.

"I look like I'm not scary, right?"

When Luo Xue heard this, the corner of her mouth unconsciously lifted up. She did not expect Ann Chen to have humor.

Although the joke was a little cold, she relaxed a lot.

She sat down and answered seriously.

"There's a painting there, but... I'm not sure if the shape of the painting is square or something else? That's why I marked it to ask for your opinion. "

After Ann Chen heard that, he thought for a few minutes and said faintly.

"Didn't you say that we are going to break the rules? Doesn't the exhibition hall look like an underwater world? Then we will use the sea stars, turtles, conches, and other shapes as the frame... I like to let nature take its course."

Luo Xue heard this and felt that it made sense and quickly nodded her head.

Ann Chen continued to look and shifted the problem to the few pillars at the top.

"Have you calculated the force of these pillars?"

"I have. Every corner of the exhibition is full of people. They can also support it."

Ann Chen nodded again.

"This first draft is alright. I just want to see if the pillars that are supported by the bottom can have one more use. They can be made into hollow pillars for straight stairs."

Luo Xue was a little confused when she heard that. She had never thought of such a bold idea.

"If we add a few more pillars, some of them can be used as straight stairs, and some of them can be used to bear the weight. If we change the previous elevator, will the space in the exhibition hall be bigger and more convenient?"

Luo Xue felt that it made sense when she heard what Ann Chen said.

"Then I will go back and take a look. I will calculate the data again. When there is a result, I will contact you."

Ann Chen smiled politely at Luo Xue and continued to look at the blueprint.

... ""

Luo Xue did not feel irritated when Ann Chen asked many questions. She was actually a little touched.

He was not a professional, but he could read so seriously. This was respect for the designers' work and was also responsible for his own work.

Such a careful man gave people a feeling that could not be described with one or two adjectives.

The two of them had been talking for more than two hours, and they had a very pleasant conversation.

After finalizing the first draft, Luo Xue's heart also relaxed. The hard work over the past few days had finally come to an end.

She was just about to say goodbye and leave when she heard Ann Chen say.

"It's been hard on you. Why don't you stay for lunch?"

Luo Xue hurriedly shook her head.

"Of course. No need to trouble me. I still have to return to the company and report the situation to the leader later."

Hearing this, Ann Chen did not force her to stay. He just looked at Luo Xue and asked very frankly.

"Do you mind if I call you by your name in the future?"

Luo Xue quickly nodded her head. A name was originally meant for people to call, so she naturally did not mind. Furthermore, Luo Xue sounded more comfortable than Miss Luo.

"I don't know if you are willing to make friends with me. They all say that I am eccentric and that I don't have many friends that I can make. I think I can talk to you for a bit."

If it was someone else, Luo Xue might think that he wanted to hit on her. But when these words came out of Ann Chen's mouth, she did not feel any discomfort at all. Instead, she very naturally nodded her head.

Ann Chen was calm, polite, and very gentlemanly.

He was not like Mu Shucheng who was elusive, nor was he like Qian Zixiao who was impatient. Sometimes it was windy, sometimes it was rainy. She was willing to make friends with him.

Seeing Luo Xue nod her head, Ann Chen smiled again.

His smile was beautiful. Even when the corners of his mouth did not raise, there was always a smile at the corner of his eyes. That smile seemed to be born... It looked comfortable.

"It's getting late, Young Master Ann. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Ann Chen stood up and helped Luo Xue put away the draft and handed it to her.

"They said they were friends. If you call me Young Master Ann again, would you be treating me as an outsider? How about calling me Ann Chen in the future?"

He sounded even more polite with a questioning tone.

Even though it was a little awkward, Luo Xue still stood up and took the first draft.

"Then, goodbye... Ann Chen."

Ann Chen originally wanted to send her out, but he was afraid that she would think too much, so he just stood there until Luo Xue's back disappeared.

There was no one in front of him, but he kept looking. It seemed that the woman wearing a white chiffon shirt and curry pants was still there.

The corner of his mouth curled into a smile, and he stayed in the pavilion for a while before returning to the studio.

For the past few days, Luo Xue had been busy with Ann Chen's design. The first draft was finalized, and behind it was the drawing and drawing. He needed to get rid of the blueprint as soon as possible so that he could report to the higher-ups.

From that day onwards, Mu Shucheng never returned to Scenery Villa. When Luo Xue heard about him, she also learned about him from those gossips, such as Jiang City's Ten Sun Journey, North City's Wealthy Class Feast, and so on.

During this period of time, there was a sky-high dinner. There was a good rumor circulating in North City.

Be a woman and treat her as Min Zi!

When there was news about Mu Shucheng, there would always be news about Min Zi. Many times, there would also be an additional "Mrs Mu."

There were two sides to the public opinion. One group of people scolded Min Zi for being a shameful Little Brother and ruined other people's families. The other group of people thought that Min Zi and Mu Shucheng were true love. They were free and had the right to pursue their own happiness.

Luo Xue felt that those gossips were ridiculous. Most of the public opinion was on Min Zi, and no one stood out to criticize Mu Shucheng.

Some did not dare? Some did not dare to do so.

It seemed that other than Mu Shucheng and Min Zi, nothing major had happened in North City these past few days!

It was also strange to think that Mu Shucheng was not the only one who disappeared together with Lee Kaimi. There was also Qian Zixiao and Lee Kaimi.

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