
Ai, damn it, he was the landlord today, and she was the serf. Why was it Saturday today? The holiday she longed for the most, because Old man was at home, he became very concerned about the day of lessons.

Her favorite dish was instant noodles, with eggs hanging from the bottom.

He ate in the morning, then in the afternoon and then again in the evening.

Gu Mojing couldn't bear it anymore. If she wasn't still studying, he would have immediately asked her to learn how to cook and find a few test questions for her. Wei Minmin was angry, so she purposely made such a mess.

However, she still had to put on a pitiful expression as she looked at him. It was as if she had suffered a huge grievance by making him do her test papers.

Gu Mojing's eyes twitched. He pinched the paper with his fingers and pursed his lips.

Sigh, Old man was not young and he was still cold. He looked more and more like those cold and old-fashioned people in the books.

Gu Mojing looked at her coldly and caught the expression of "a dead pig should not be afraid of boiling water" in her eyes. In just a moment, it changed to that pitiful and delicate expression again.

Yes, at such a young age, he has quite a bit of foresight.

If he couldn't deal with her, then he, Gu Mojing, would just turn around and write.

Sometimes, forcing a person to improve, forcing a person to learn, would instead anger himself. A little girl of eighteen, exactly the age of rebellion, how many soldiers did he have under him, yet they were all hot-blooded and did not allow him to cure them.

"Alright." That was all he said.

Wei Minmin looked at him in surprise. Could it be that Old man was hungry again, so he woke her up in the morning and started learning from Upwards Ho! to make her papers, and after saying that, he told her to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now, there was one more, Chief Gu, your stomach was just a bottomless pit, and you were hungry again after only two hours of eating.

"Chief, then I …" I'll make you some instant noodles. There's no noodles, no bowls of noodles, and there's also a bag of instant noodles. "

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, placing the paper on the table: "According to the score of this test, you will never be able to get into university. As for my wife, if she didn't go to university, she wouldn't even be able to say a word."

He changed his tone and smiled lightly. "However, didn't studying in university also rely on one's grades to speak?"

Old man looked really nice when he smiled.

And according to Old man's meaning, he wanted to use their relationship to get her into university. He was a privileged person, and now he felt a little happy.

"When Ming-er goes in the morning, you should go out and run with me." When Ming-er goes in the morning, you should go out with me to run.

"Step? Sports specialties? "

Old man must be crazy. With just her little arms and legs, he made her jump. Pfft, to make such a joke at such an old age, it was really too improper.

I don't need to doubt you. Wei Minmin, rest early, get up at five in the morning and dance with me. There's still half a year until the college entrance exam. I can make you run faster than a rabbit for three months. "

Gah … Wei Minmin is going to turn into a fossil.

"Gu Mojing, I can't do it." She was worried that Old man wouldn't sneer when he spoke. If she didn't express her attitude, she would have started the conversation immediately.

"There is another plan, every night I will pick out the test papers for you. If you pass, you will be exempted from running and if you fail, there will be nothing for you to say the next day. Don't say that I don't have any favors to show you, I gave you a choice, and every step you take is something you willingly do."

She would rather have him do OOXX. Dead man, Old man, look at her getting older, don't dump him.

She still could not do it yet. She did not have the ability to do it alone and could not escape the control of the Wei family.

Last night, she did the questions and got 749 points. Old man threw the papers into the trash can with a smile.

Her butt hurt and she felt wronged. Borrowing the light from outside the window, she saw Old man sleeping like a corpse with the blanket covering his lower abdomen. She pulled the blanket out and slept on the sofa in the living room alone.

Why did she feel so wronged? Tian Tian was shocked and scared that Old man would eat her up.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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