Multiverse Unrivaled System/C25 Destroying Kunlun Secret Realm!
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Multiverse Unrivaled System/C25 Destroying Kunlun Secret Realm!
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C25 Destroying Kunlun Secret Realm!

As dusk fell, the Azure Dragon lazily stirred to consciousness. Its first act upon awakening was to meticulously consume its eggshell, leaving not a trace behind.

Once it finished, the Azure Dragon gazed at Qin Buyi with a look that seemed to say it was still hungry.

Without hesitation, Qin Buyi scooped up the Azure Dragon and took flight from the house he had been residing in.

This house was a secondary property he had purchased, a necessary refuge to escape his pursuers and heal his wounds.

Now, with his cultivation greatly enhanced, it was time to depart and uncover who had betrayed him in the past.

And to unravel the mystery of why his parents vanished without a trace during his junior year of college.

As an assassin, Qin Buyi had exhaustively searched for clues about his parents' disappearance, yet every lead had come to a dead end, shrouded in an eerie enigma.

Stepping out with the Azure Dragon in his arms, Qin Buyi was immediately confronted by Lan Tianhe, who appeared to have sought him out deliberately.

"Young Master, you must leave at once. I've just learned that the old fiend Martial Marquis has dispatched a Deification Early Period master to assassinate you. He's likely to reach S City within the next couple of hours," Lan Tianhe warned with urgency in his voice.

Noticing Qin Buyi's confused look, Lan Tianhe slapped his forehead and elaborated, "The Martial Marquis is Xiuwen's father and the president of the Huaxia Cultivator Association. He's achieved the Void Refining stage in his cultivation."

Qin Buyi, still puzzled, asked, "We have no familial ties, so why go out of your way to warn me?"

With a sly grin, Lan Tianhe replied, "There's been bad blood between my Lan family and his Wu family for ages. As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Qin Buyi recalled Xiuwen's demise at his own hand, an incident Lan Tianhe had merely tried to prevent.

It had seemed odd at the time, but with Lan Tianhe's explanation, everything clicked into place for Qin Buyi.

"A mere Deification Early Period is hardly cause for alarm," Qin Buyi remarked coolly.

In that moment, he exuded the confidence of one who could not only face a Deification Early Period adversary but also assuredly vanquish a Deification Middle Period one.

"Young Master, you're certainly powerful, managing to unleash an attack on par with the Deification Stage while only at the Nascent Infant Stage. But remember, the opponent is a bona fide Deification Stage warrior from the Woo family. You mustn't lose your head in the heat of battle."

Lan Tianhe, noticing Qin Buyi's nonchalant demeanor, offered a word of caution.

"It's fine," Qin Buyi replied, without going into detail. Having advanced to the Deification Stage, he had concealed his aura, leading Lan Tianhe to mistakenly believe he was still at the Nascent Infant Stage.

Qin Buyi retrieved ten thousand Low Grade Spirit Stones from his Storage Space and handed them to Lan Tianhe, inquiring, "I'm in need of some cash. How much can I get for these Spirit Stones?"

Spirit Stones were the standard currency among cultivators, yet they meant little to the uninitiated; in the mundane world, cash was king.

Lan Tianhe, taken aback by Qin Buyi's request, asked blankly, "What are you planning?"

With not a penny to his name, Qin Buyi lifted the Azure Dragon from his embrace and explained, "He's quite famished; I'm taking him out for a meal."


No sooner had the little Azure Dragon emerged than it let out a hungry belch, eyeing Lan Tianhe and drooling unabashedly.

Gazing up at Qin Buyi with wide eyes, the Azure Dragon's voice, tender and youthful, rang out, "Master, is it dinner time? Is this human our meal for tonight?"

After speaking, the little Azure Dragon licked its lips in anticipation and nudged Qin Buyi with its paw, clearly suggesting: Master, you go first.

This was the first time Qin Buyi had heard the little Azure Dragon speak, and although surprised, he quickly regained his composure.

Typically, Demon Beasts gain the ability to speak upon reaching the Golden Core Stage, and the little Azure Dragon, with a bloodline far superior to that of ordinary beasts, was no exception.

Since the system had forcibly linked his cultivation level with that of the little Azure Dragon, they now shared the same stage: Deification Early Period.

Considering all the factors involved, it's hardly surprising that it could speak.

It was only then that Lan Tianhe took notice of the little Azure Dragon, and a jolt of surprise struck him. "It hatched that quickly?"

"This... is a dragon! Dragons have been extinct on Blue Star for ages. How did he come by this dragon egg?"

The little Azure Dragon paid no mind to Lan Tianhe's inner turmoil and issued a dragon's roar.

Its tiny, palm-sized body wobbled through the air toward Lan Tianhe, its adorable form almost comical.

But Lan Tianhe was far from amused. The dragon's roar had left him paralyzed, unable to move a muscle or even twitch a finger, helplessly watching as the Azure Dragon drew nearer.


The Azure Dragon opened its jaws wide, poised to strike.


In a swift motion, Qin Buyi seized the Azure Dragon by the scruff of its neck.

The Azure Dragon gazed at Qin Buyi, bewildered. Qin Buyi clarified, "He's not food."

Upon hearing Qin Buyi's words, the Azure Dragon uttered a sullen cry and snuggled into Qin Buyi's chest.

The moment the Azure Dragon nestled into Qin Buyi's arms, the invisible restraints on Lan Tianhe lifted.

He exhaled deeply, his breath a mix of relief and residual fear. For a split second, as the Azure Dragon's mouth gaped open, he had envisioned a colossal Azure Dragon, miles long, coiled in the heavens, its eyes like icy lanterns fixed upon him.

Qin Buyi had been curious about the Azure Dragon's fighting prowess, but upon witnessing Lan Tianhe's reaction, he nodded in understanding and apologized, "The Azure Dragon is newly hatched and doesn't know any better. I'm sorry for the fright."

Lan Tianhe, seeing Qin Buyi's regretful expression, dismissed the concern with a wave of his hand, "No harm done. I've certainly had my eyes opened this time, haha."

After a brief chuckle, Lan Tianhe's demeanor turned earnest as he addressed Qin Buyi, "Young Master Qin, dragons have been extinct on Blue Star for a long time. Even in the Kunlun Secret Realm, a revered site in the Cultivation World, there exists only a single Flood Dragon."

The existence of this Flood Dragon brings countless benefits to the Kunlun Secret Realm every year. Its blood is a key ingredient in pill refining, and its scales are sought after for weapon forging. If word got out that you possess a dragon, the consequences would be dire..."

Lan Tianhe didn't need to finish for Qin Buyi to grasp the gravity of the situation. "Thank you for the warning," he acknowledged gratefully.

"It's a mystery where you found this dragon egg, and to think it's an Azure Dragon, no less. The Azure Dragon is the foremost among the Four Saints, holding a unique significance within the Dragon Clan."

Qin Buyi remained silent, absorbing Lan Tianhe's explanation with keen interest, given his limited knowledge of the Dragon Clan.

"The Four Saints are the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird, and Black Tortoise. The Azure Dragon, also known as the Azure Dragon, is naturally adept at combat, ranking just below the Ancestral Dragon lineage within the clan."

"The most basic of the Dragon Clan start as fish dragons, with the flood dragons ranking above them. The one in the Kunlun Secret Realm has been cultivating for millennia and is said to be on the cusp of transforming into a true dragon."

"I'm not too familiar with the ranks above that. But make no mistake, until your cultivation is strong enough to command respect in the cultivation world, you must keep this Azure Dragon hidden from prying eyes."

Lan Tianhe returned the Spirit Stone to Qin Buyi and retrieved a black card from his storage ring, offering it to him. "There should be enough funds in here for your needs."

He then paused before presenting Qin Buyi with a sealed file bag, adding, "The contents of this should pique your interest."

Qin Buyi opened the file bag and rapidly scanned through it, absorbing the detailed account of his life from birth to the present...

Upon reaching the entry from his junior year of college, Qin Buyi froze, a fierce killing intent emanating from him uncontrollably.

Tears eventually traced down his cheeks as he murmured, "It's no wonder my search has been fruitless, without even the slightest lead to follow."

The file laid bare the truth behind his parents' disappearance: a secret realm had been discovered by the Cultivation World, but the cost to unlock its mysteries was a price no one was willing to pay.

Ultimately, they settled on the most barbaric yet cost-effective method: blood sacrifice.

Among those involved, practitioners from the Kunlun Secret Realm had nonchalantly seized a few ordinary humans as a token offering, which tragically included the parents of Qin Buyi.

Ding! An Epic Level mission has been activated: Secure the Penglai Secret Realm within one year or face annihilation!

Mission Reward: Intermediate Desolate Body, 50 attribute points, and a fragment of the Broken Blade.

Ding! A war mission has been triggered: Demolish the Kunlun Secret Realm within one year or be executed!

Mission Reward: The upper volume of the Eight Nine Profound Arts and 50 attribute points.

"The Kunlun Secret Realm, you're all marked for death!" Qin Buyi declared, his voice laced with lethal intent.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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