Multiverse Unrivaled System/C26 Instant Kill Deification Early Period!!
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Multiverse Unrivaled System/C26 Instant Kill Deification Early Period!!
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C26 Instant Kill Deification Early Period!!

Qin Buyi quickly regained his composure and turned to Lan Tianhe with a question, "Why are you helping me?"

Lan Tianhe, impressed by how swiftly Qin Buyi had shaken off his rage, held him in even higher regard. "The Lan family has run into some trouble recently, and we're in dire need of allies. Besides, I've long been disgusted by those so-called paragons of justice who are nothing but hypocrites in disguise."

Qin Buyi fixed his gaze on Lan Tianhe and challenged, "It's spelled out right here in the documents. Are you telling me the Lan family has no interest in the extraordinary fate I've encountered?"

Without any evasion, Lan Tianhe candidly acknowledged, "To claim we have no designs would be dishonest, but making an enemy of someone like you would be unwise."

"The Lan family is prepared to support your quest for vengeance, with the hope that when the day comes that we need assistance, you'll lend a hand."

"Agreed," Qin Buyi responded without hesitation.

"The Kunlun Secret Realm is under the stewardship of three masters who have achieved Void Refining Perfection. Below them are the Kunlun Seven Sons, with the Martial Marquis among their ranks."

"The Wu family is likely responsible for your parents' deaths. The true power behind them is the father of the Martial Marquis, Woo Qiankun, who reached Void Refining Perfection some time ago."

"The cultivation world reveres three sacred lands: the Kunlun Secret Realm, the Fire Cloud Secret Realm, and the Water Moon Secret Realm. An ancestor of mine is a guardian of the Fire Cloud Secret Realm."

"The Water Moon Secret Realm takes in only female disciples and seldom engages in the cultivation world's conflicts."

With Lan Tianhe's explanation, Qin Buyi gained a general grasp of the cultivation landscape on Blue Star. The pinnacle of power in the three great secret realms is marked by Void Refining Perfection.

Furthermore, with Blue Star's spiritual energy long depleted, those at the Deification Stage are considered pillars of the cultivation community.

Advancing to the Void Refining Stage would elevate one to the status of a major player. For instance, the Martial Marquis ascended to the presidency of the Cultivator Association during his early period in Void Refining.


In S City, at the local branch of the Cultivator Association, Lan Tianhe persistently urged Qin Buyi to lay low and leave town to avoid further complications.

Observing Qin Buyi's unwavering and confident demeanor, Lan Tianhe refrained from further persuasion and instead instructed his people to procure the finest delicacies available.

Fifteen minutes later, Qin Buyi surveyed the feast laid out before him. The Azure Dragon, having caught the scent, had already wriggled out from Qin's embrace, its eyes gleaming and drool pooling as it ogled the spread.

"Go ahead, dig in," Qin Buyi encouraged the Azure Dragon.

With Qin's blessing, the Azure Dragon zipped over to a roast chicken. It snapped up the bird, bones and all, and within ten seconds, the chicken had vanished into its belly.

Qin Buyi picked up his chopsticks and nibbled at a few bites before setting them down. Since his breakthrough to the Deification Stage, mundane food had lost its savor, tasting bland as wax. It wasn't that delicacies held no allure for high-level cultivators; rather, as their cultivation rose, ordinary food's impurities and scant spiritual energy content made it unpalatable. Only items brimming with spiritual energy, true treasures of heaven and earth, could catch their interest.

Lan Tianhe similarly took a few bites, then set aside his chopsticks. He retrieved a jar of wine from his storage ring, cracked the clay seal, and the aroma instantly wafted through the air. He poured the translucent liquid into a bowl and offered it to Qin.

"Brother Qin, this is my homemade brew, far superior to any mundane wine. Please, enjoy!"

Qin Buyi accepted the bowl and downed the wine in one go. The potent liquor was fragrant with fruit, and as he swallowed, a warm heat spread from his throat, flaring like a fierce blaze in his stomach before settling into a soothing calm.

"Excellent wine!" Qin Buyi exclaimed.

Lan Tianhe chuckled heartily. "Brother, I've been aging this batch for over three hundred years. It's not something I'd share with just anyone."

He finished his own bowl and, laughing, pulled out another jar from his ring, passing it to Qin. "A bowl just doesn't do it justice. Try drinking from the jar!"

As the two savored their fine wine, the Azure Dragon had already made short work of the dishes on the table.

With a satisfied burp, the Azure Dragon settled back onto Qin Buyi's shoulder.

Lan Tianhe chuckled at the sight of the Azure Dragon's antics, especially as Qin Buyi's eyes lit up at the wine before him.

He produced another jar, broke the seal, and set it before Qin Buyi, into which the Azure Dragon zipped with a whoosh.

Gurgling sounds emanated from within the jar.

Soon after, the satiated Azure Dragon burst forth from the jar and snuggled into Qin Buyi's embrace, quickly succumbing to slumber.

Qin Buyi, slightly embarrassed by his companion's voracious appetite, remarked, "Sorry for the spectacle."

"No worries. It's my first time witnessing an Azure Dragon feast. Truly a sight to behold," Lan Tianhe replied with a smile.

The banquet concluded with all guests in high spirits.

"Brother, make yourself at home here. I can handle any trouble the Woo family might bring your way," Lan Tianhe offered.

"Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't want to impose," Qin Buyi declined gracefully.

Before Lan Tianhe could respond, a thunderous noise erupted from outside.


A figure smashed through the window, landing with fury. Glaring at Qin Buyi and Lan Tianhe, he accused,

"Lan Tianhe, Xiuwen's death is certainly linked to the Lan family."

Lan Tianhe's eyes narrowed at the sight of the intruder. "Woo Zai, you're spouting baseless accusations. Since when is Xiuwen's death connected to my family?"

"Hmph, the youngster with the saber is Xiuwen's killer, yet I detect no enmity between you two."

"The evidence is irrefutable. I'd like to see the Lan family talk their way out of this one!" Woo Zai declared, his voice dripping with hostility.


Lan Tianhe began to retort, but Qin Buyi gestured for him to hold back.

With a metallic ring, Qin Buyi drew the Killing Saber and faced Woo Zai in midair, saying, "Does this answer your question?"

"A Nascent Infant Stage upstart challenging me? He's truly out of his depth."

"Today marks your end!" Woo Zai bellowed.

Qin Buyi gazed at Woo Zai with the indifference of one observing the already deceased, and with a low growl, he declared:

"Killing Swordsmanship: Death Domain!"

A sinister light emerged at the tip of the Killing Saber, swiftly coalescing into a thin, finger-sized beam of darkness.


At Qin Buyi's command, the beam shot towards Woo Zai with incredible speed.

Woo Zai's heart skipped a beat. "Such velocity," he thought.

Yet outwardly, he scoffed, "Such a trifling trick, and you dare flaunt it shamelessly."

He then summoned a dull yellow shield before him, enveloping himself in its protective embrace.

From below, Lan Tianhe caught sight of the shield and inwardly remarked, "The Woo family's arcane Mysterious Yellow Shield—I hadn't expected the Martial Marquis to have imparted that to him. This fight just got tougher."

The beam, born of eerie stillness, reached Woo Zai's shield and pierced through effortlessly, as though the shield were mere paper.


The slender beam punctured Woo Zai's heart, leaving a gaping, bowl-sized wound.

Woo Zai had never anticipated such a turn of events; he hadn't withstood even a single blow.

In his final moments, he uttered in disbelief, "How... can this be!"

Lifeless, Woo Zai's body plummeted from the sky.


Staring at Woo Zai's lifeless form, Lan Tianhe slapped his own face, as if to confirm he wasn't dreaming. "To slay a Deification Early Period warrior in a single strike! Such fearsome power."

He recalled how, just a short while ago, Qin Buyi was merely at the Nascent Infant Stage. How had his power surged so drastically in less than a day?

Now, Lan Tianhe understood the wellspring of Qin Buyi's confidence. With the might to vanquish a Deification Early Period warrior in one fell swoop, he too would have no reason to dread the Woo family's vendetta.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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