Murder Headlines/C2 The Lie in the Children's Songs(2)
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Murder Headlines/C2 The Lie in the Children's Songs(2)
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C2 The Lie in the Children's Songs(2)

"Yes, the news from the 15th," Lu Wangshu said, his gaze fixed on the ground, seemingly lost in thought.

Lin Xiangyi looked at him in surprise. "Hey? Young Master Lu, didn't you once tell me that you never watch my show and never would?"

Qiao Liang couldn't help but laugh. "Really? But Wangshu hasn't missed a single episode of your program."

Lu Wangshu's face flushed with embarrassment, and Lin Xiangyi struggled to stifle her laughter.

"Alright, I'll take the case. Go on, I want to know how the little girl is doing now," Lu Wangshu quickly steered the conversation away.

"The little girl has been sent to an orphanage. She's had a hard life, having witnessed her father kill her mother. Now, she's deeply traumatized and increasingly isolates herself, preferring to squat in a corner and whisper to herself," Qiao Liang explained.

Lin Xiangyi added, "I remember she was adopted by a couple, and now she's been sent back." Her face showed a mix of compassion and sorrow.

Clearly intrigued by the case, Lu Wangshu got up and headed upstairs, pausing to say to Qiao Liang, "Wait for me to get ready. I'll hitch a ride with you to the crime scene."

Qiao Liang breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't expected Lu Wangshu to specialize in such unusual cases. The case had been delayed for too long, and the pressure from above was mounting. He had reluctantly sought out Wangshu's expertise.

Qiao Liang and Lu Wangshu were alumni of the police academy in Yongzhou City. Wangshu had always been a standout student, excelling in all his detective courses.

Qiao Liang was Wangshu's senior and had lost to him in a competition. Since then, they had become close friends. After graduation, Wangshu chose to work at his father's Detective Agency, while Qiao Liang pursued his dream of becoming a police officer.

Leaning in, Lin Xiangyi whispered to Qiao Liang, "Mr. Qiao, has Wangshu really been watching my show all along?"

Qiao Liang chuckled and remarked, "I sometimes drop by to see him, and each time, he's engrossed in your news broadcast. I can't tell if he's more interested in the news or in you."

Lin Xiangyi bowed her head, feeling a twinge of disappointment. Indeed, was his focus on the news, or was it on her?

Shortly thereafter, Lu Wangshu descended the stairs, donning a thin, camel-colored trench coat that seemed to be plucked straight from a detective film. A devoted fan of Sherlock Holmes, Wangshu had always aspired to emulate his hero.

"Mr. Qiao, let's get going," Wangshu urged, clearly eager about the case.

Xiangyi rose to join him, but Wangshu halted her, "No need to see me out."

Frustrated, Xiangyi nearly stamped her foot. "I'm coming to the scene with you."

"That's not happening," Wangshu stated decisively. The crime scene was bound to be gruesome, and he thought it no place for a lady. He meant well for Xiangyi but found himself at a loss for words to explain.

"I'm the legal news anchor," Xiangyi retorted, aware of Wangshu's concerns.

He shook his head resolutely. "You've already quit."

Xiangyi pouted in vexation. "Well, now I'm a secretary at the Lu Guang Detective Agency! I'm going, no matter what!"

With that, she brushed past Wangshu and Qiao Liang, swiftly making her way to the police car's backseat.

"Come on, let's just go," Qiao Liang interjected, urging Wangshu to move on.

Wangshu sighed, resigned to the situation, and nodded in agreement.

En route to the crime scene, Xiangyi addressed Wangshu, "I know what's bothering you. Don't worry, I'm not scared."

"It's not fear I'm worried about; it's the potential for you to hinder our investigation," Wangshu replied coolly.

Stung by his words, Xiangyi turned away, gazing out the window in silence.

Qiao Liang couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the pair spar with words. Despite Lu Wangshu's brilliance in cracking cases, he was still quite naive when it came to matters of the heart. At this rate, it was anyone's guess when he might finally get together with Lin Xiangyi.

It took a while, but they eventually reached the crime scene—an ordinary two-bedroom apartment. The living room appeared normal. Donning gloves, masks, and shoe covers, the trio proceeded toward the bedroom.

Approaching the door, the scent of blood was still discernible through their masks, even though it had long since dried.

Lin Xiangyi instinctively furrowed her brow but mustered the courage to look inside.

The room's setup was simple: a double bed, a row of wardrobes, a vanity, two nightstands, and a bay window. The bedroom was in disarray, with various items strewn about, suggesting a violent struggle had taken place.

The bodies had been removed, leaving behind only the chalk outline of a human figure. The three stood at the doorway, surveying the chaos within. Lu Wangshu gazed thoughtfully at the wardrobe.

Since hearing about the case, Lu Wangshu had been plagued by nightmares. He dreamt he was a little girl in red, hidden in a closet, witnessing her father fatally stab her mother. Then, the dream would shift to him being discovered by his father, who would slowly approach his hiding spot.

The news had featured an interview with the little girl, who sat on a small stool in the corner, her head bowed and eyes vacant as she softly repeated a nursery rhyme.

That same rhyme had become both the police's key evidence and the source of Lu Wangshu's nightmares.

"This is where the first incident took place," Qiao Liang informed Lu Wangshu.

Pointing to the disheveled vanity, Qiao Liang remarked, "It seems the victim had a fierce struggle with the assailant before their death."

Lu Wangshu stepped closer to the vanity, observing the numerous scratches on the wall from repeated impacts with the furniture. He then asked, "Where were the little girl and the suspect when you arrived?"

Qiao Liang pointed to the white circle next to where the body lay and said, "Right here."

"So, you're saying the killer intended to murder the child as well but didn't get the chance?" Lu Wangshu murmured.

Lu Wangshu quickly shook his head, "No, that's not right."

"Have you checked the wardrobe?" Lu Wangshu inquired as he swung open the wardrobe door.

Qiao Liang nodded, "We only gave it a cursory look. Is there something unusual about the wardrobe?"

"It's difficult to explain." Lu Wangshu thought to himself that he surely couldn't share the details of his dream with Qiao Liang; he would never believe it.

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