Murder Headlines/C5 The Lie in the Children's Songs!(5)
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Murder Headlines/C5 The Lie in the Children's Songs!(5)
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C5 The Lie in the Children's Songs!(5)

Lu Wangshu pressed on, "I see what you're trying to do. Are you trying to starve yourself to death to join Chen Rou? Is that it?"

Zhou Yang's gaze locked onto Lu Wangshu, and he suddenly felt as though the man before him was akin to a confidant. Tears welled up in his eyes as he confessed, "I wouldn't have survived without her. After university, she supported me for a long time. I vowed then to take care of her for life. I've even had fierce arguments with my family for her sake, and I've always tried to fulfill all her wishes."

"Why did you adopt Yun?"

Zhou Yang went on, "Chen Rou was unable to have children, yet she adored them. That's why we adopted Yun. This decision led to more than one argument with my family."

With a grave look, Lu Wangshu emerged from the interrogation room, his brow furrowed until he reached the Major Crime Division office.

"The killer isn't Zhou Yang," Lu Wangshu stated calmly.

Lin Xiangyi countered, "If it's not Zhou Yang, are you suggesting it was a random act of violence by an intruder? But there's no evidence of a break-in. What makes you so certain Zhou Yang isn't the culprit?"

Qiao Liang spoke up, "I've had doubts about Zhou Yang being the murderer since the first time I interrogated him."

Lin Xiangyi was puzzled by the certainty of the two men before her, "On what grounds are you both so sure?"

Lu Wangshu reasoned, "If Zhou Yang were pretending to be this love-struck after committing murder, then his psychological strength and ability to deceive are far too great."

"But Yun witnessed it with her own eyes..." Lin Xiangyi began.

Before she could finish, Qiao Liang interjected, addressing Lu Wangshu, "We won't have the full results of the investigation until tomorrow afternoon. You should both head home and rest for now. I'll see you out."

Lu Wangshu nodded, his gaze drifting back to the clues on the blackboard as he became lost in thought. The case was riddled with doubts. If an intruder had committed the murder, Yun's account would point directly to Zhou Yang as the killer. Could Zhou Yang truly be a master of disguise and a murderer?

Back at home, Lu Wangshu sprawled out on his bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. He couldn't reconcile Zhou Yang's heartfelt display with Yun's account of the events. Clearly, one of them was lying.

Lu Wangshu was pondering when his phone screen lit up with a message from Lin Xiangyi: "Shall we visit Yun at the orphanage tomorrow?" It seemed like a stroke of serendipity; he had just resolved to go there the next day when Xiangyi's text arrived.

Wangshu responded with a simple "Okay."

Xiangyi, on the receiving end, was irked by such a curt reply. She knew Wangshu well enough to recognize his blunt manner, often oblivious to a woman's feelings. Yet, her fondness for him was such that she'd willingly forsake all to be by his side, embracing whatever adventures lay ahead.

The following morning, Wangshu was roused by persistent knocking. Grudgingly, he rose and hoisted the office's rolling door. His annoyance dissipated at the sight of Xiangyi.

"You're up late again; were you working through the night?" Xiangyi chided as she stepped inside.

Wangshu stifled a yawn. "You have no idea, I've been haunted by this bizarre dream lately."

Curious, Xiangyi inquired, "What dream?"

"I dreamt I became Yun, hiding in a closet, peering through the door's slit, yet seeing nothing clearly," Wangshu recounted. "Yun's nursery rhyme kept reverberating in my ears, like some sinister chant. Then suddenly, a shadow loomed, and an eyeball peered through the crack, staring at me."

Xiangyi's brow furrowed, a chill running down her spine from his tale. "How long has this been happening?"

Wangshu paused to think. "Ever since I watched that news segment you aired."

Understanding, Xiangyi nodded, a secret smile playing on her lips. Wangshu had always claimed he'd never watch her broadcasts, yet here he was, inadvertently admitting he hadn't missed a single one. Despite his nonchalant claims, his actions spoke otherwise.

While they were deep in conversation, the blare of a car horn from outside captured their attention. Lu Wangshu glanced out to see a high-end car parked at the doorstep. Having taken on numerous cases for wealthy women as a private detective, Lu Wangshu had become accustomed to the finer things in life. He recognized that the car's value was likely more than he could earn in a lifetime of detective work.

Soon, a man emerged from the car, dressed in a sharp black suit with his hair neatly combed, resembling a popular male celebrity. His striking appearance, complemented by the car, was bound to draw a crowd.

Could he be some rich woman's toy boy?

As Lu Wangshu pondered this, the man confidently strode into the office.

"Sir, can I help you with something?" Lu Wangshu inquired.

From the moment he exited the car, the man had been eyeing Lin Xiangyi behind Lu Wangshu. Upon noticing Lu Wangshu, he scrunched his nose with a look of disdain and exclaimed, "Good lord, did this guy eat a dead rat? Why does his breath smell so foul?"

Lu Wangshu's opinion of the newcomer plummeted instantly. He was slightly taller than the man and, thanks to his police academy training, quite robust. Without hesitation, Lu Wangshu grabbed the man's shoulder, intending to eject him from the premises.

"Wait! Lu Wangshu, he's my senior!" Lin Xiangyi intervened swiftly, halting Lu Wangshu's rough handling.

Acknowledging Lin Xiangyi's intervention, Lu Wangshu released his grip and stepped back to her side with a look of aversion.

Lin Xiangyi quickly introduced them, "This is Zhou Henglv, my senior from university and a former colleague. Senior, this is my good friend and current boss, Lu Wangshu."

Zhou Henglv straightened his disheveled attire, seemingly indifferent to Lu Wangshu, and turned to Lin Xiangyi, "I had to ask around a lot to find you. Did you really quit your job to end up in this dump?"

Hearing this, Lu Wangshu bristled with irritation and retorted sharply to Zhou Henglv, "What do you mean by 'dump'?"

Zhou Henglv let out a scornful laugh and gave Lu Wangshu a disdainful look. "So, you're Lu Wangshu?"

Lin Xiangyi, noticing the tension escalating between the two, quickly interjected, "Senior, whatever it is, can it wait for another day? We've got plans today and need to head out soon."

Zhou Henglv quirked an eyebrow and responded, "Perfect, I'm headed that way too!"

Despite his aversion to Zhou Henglv, Lu Wangshu didn't want to cause a scene in front of Lin Xiangyi. Clenching his teeth, he retorted, "Sorry, but the place we're going to today isn't on your way!"

Zhou Henglv, equally stubborn, shot back, "As long as it's a place Lin Xiangyi is going to, it's on my way!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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